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General Krulak (part 3) - Questions


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Thanks General for the reassuring words, I will possibly sleep a little easier now! It's funny reading all the rumours and gossip being printed in the papers, then compare it to someone who actually KNOWS what is happening in our club, it's laughable how they get away printing all this bullsh*t.

Randy, the board and yourself still completely have my trust as I believe you are all running the club the way it needs to be. It doesn't feel right not having MON as our manager but Aston Villa will continue onwards, and more to the point, upwards!


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Are you saying this is completely MON's thing and he's left us high and dry then? Surely even with the best Rose-tinted glasses on you can't see how we are possibly going to attract any players in this season now?

The fan reaction is extreme, and I too am guilty of that. I think a lot of us feel that we began to get a little hopeful; ok Milner was leaving but possibility of Ireland coming in and maybe Keane and we can see the benefits. But we're all checking the sites and this comes out of know where and makes Villa, and by extension us fans, a laughing stock.

Simply put, I want one question answered - nothing to do with today's events but tomorrow's: CAN WE BUY PLAYERS WITHOUT A MANAGER?!

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Hey General,

1st off thank you for taking the time out of your day, to address the board with a statement. With a level head.

It's refreshing to see someone come out when the S**t is flying and just state something so simple to calm a situation! 100% WELL DONE ON THAT! MORE RESPECT THAN EVER TO YOU!

Also I was a MON supporter but always an Aston Villa supporter 1st, Just like milner wanting to go if Martin wants to go so be it. No point keeping someone at the club who doesn't want to be there!

I also believe Randy has been more than generous with his money, I have no doubt in what he's doing with the club! I CAN SEE IT PROGRESSING! this hasn't changed!

It's not a setback its a stalling point.

It's also the opportunity to take stock and reassess the situation, reload and come out fighting!

Keep up the good work Gen!

Pass my support onto randy!

Up the Villa!

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would it perhaps be a good idea to get someone in to handle all contract negotiations, instead of allowing any new manager to do it in future? i think our wage bill suggests that thats not the best way to go?

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Bring in David Moyes.

That is all.

If it ends up being Bob Bradley, David Jones, Alan Curbishley - we're up shit creek and it will paint Randy et al as just new Doug Ellis'.

Let me just sign off with that. I trust you will make the right call - but the only one that will make the English football setup stand and take notice will be to march to Everton and take the best **** manager in the country and bring him here.

Whatever it takes, you have to get him.

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Gen / Mods

I understand this is not a discussion thread so will try and keep it to the Gen, but it is obviously hard.

I've just read 6 pages of people saying Randy has just "ruined our season" " lost the best thing that has happened to our club in years" etc...

General, I for one, can see that it is not Randy who has just ruined our season. I for one can see that Randy is still at the Villa, now trying to find a new manager. I can't work out why Randy is coming in for the stick to be honest. Martin O'Neill was an employee, who, presumably was told by his employer what was expected - when he didn't like it - he ran away. I for one, do not blame Randy.

As for best thing in years. I for one, who have been with the Villa since 1976 saw / and see Randy and the takeover as the best thing in ages - not Martin O'Neill. I have said many times, I trust the board, but not so the manager.

I therefore trust they will find a suitable replacement and we will continue to go upwards.

I wont be there on Saturday, only for the reason that I am currently in the US on holiday. I will be back after that though and giving AVFC my full support.

I have only ever been gutted to lose one manager - Ron Atkinson. I am not gutted about losing Martin O'Neill, I am kind of gutted it has happened at such a harming time (5 days to go, only 3 weeks of transfer window left) - but life goes on.

All I will say, is I trust Randy and yourself. You always say you will not settle for second best, so please don't go back on your word. A top class manager is required - not a "Curbishley" type - that is a Doug Ellis appointment, and I don't expect that of yourselves.

Also, if the rumours that this all came about over McGeedy - then I am 100% behind Randy. No matter what the manager says, he doesn't need another winger, never mind a second rate one - and I support it not being sanctioned. People say it should be the managers decision - so why have Spurs got Levy, why do Chelsea have Kenyon, etc... times have changed, unfortunately, MON hadn't !

Up the Villa.

Paul -

by the way, on a different note, (back to the shirt thing). I went to Vegas this week. Vegas Nke store had shirts from 100's of clubs, including ones I have never heard of. I asked the guy about the Villa one and he hadn't even heard of us, never mind, had an idea of when it was available.

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Thank you for your response. Yet again, you provide access above and beyond what the fans of most clubs would reasonably expect.

Regardless of how things pan out over the coming months - a unilateral decision coming out of left field of this magnitude represents a sad day for the club and communications between two key stakeholders.

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General , I have to be honest I was not expecting you to pop up on here anytime soon , so huge respect to you for doing so ,

Thanks also for your answers but can can I please ask if a new manager is in place before deadline day will there be money to spend ?

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Thanks General for responding, I still have the scarf of "proud history bright future" and today is a dark day, however it is essential Randy comes out and addresses the press, the rumours are making us a laughing stock! If we appoint Bradley or Curbishley then we will continue to be a laughing stock! The bright future for AVFC does not include any of those two and if they do then my ST will be returned!

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when will the new man get the job if there is to be one,with the tansfer window ending in a few weeks and all,this couldnt have come at a worse time.bright future i dont think so,maybe if Randy had shed loads of oil money..

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General K wrote 'My only hope is that the media will allow all the facts to emerge vice playing one side or the other.'

For the FACTS to emerge General the Chairman has to change his habits of ignoring the press and come out and tell us face to face what exactly the FACTS are. Until that happens the press will make their own stories up as will fans on sites such as this.

It defies logic to think that the club do not know exactly what are the FACTS that led to this nonsense.

You want the fans to follow and understand and pay out money so on that basis alone we are OWED and explanation, no matter how uncomfortable that is for Randy/MON/Paul or yourself.

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Thanks for the reply General, much appreciated!

Up the Villa and roll on saturday! Tell Young A's agent he is not for sale!

It will be liberating for the players who thought they had no chance I expect so let's be optimistc and push on!

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Hi General,

I have tried to avoid posting anything on here since the news broke. Having thought things through, I am now ready to break my silence.

Firstly, I would like to thank you for constantly being so open with us. The speed at which you replied to the questions about MON on here was admirable. Most people would have ducked away from those questions and waited for things to blow over. It is refreshing to have someone such as yourself on these boards, and involved in our club.

When it comes to this whole situation, I am devastated in a way. However, I realise that we are a much bigger club than one manager and we will move on. We were here long before MON and we will be here long after.

I for one will not be blaming Lerner. I think he gave MON plenty of money to spend over the years and tried to back him as often as possible. We have been one of the highest spender in the PL, which is all thanks to Lerner. It isn't his fault that MON went and wasted some of that money on fringe players that he never used.

My main concern right now is the timing of this. It is a few days before the new season starts and I am now rather worried. If MON had left earlier in the summer then we would have been in a much better position. However, I am now worried that this may have a negative impact on our season.

Would it be at all possible for you to tell us when the deadline is for finding a new manager? This is a big issue and is something that needs to be sorted right away. I am hoping that the deadline will be within the next two weeks, so that the new manager has a chance to shape the squad a little before the close of the transfer window.

With regards to what manager is picked, I have faith in the likes of yourself and Lerner to make sure that we get the best manager possible. Right now we could really do with a proven manager that has a big name to go with it. The likes of Curbishley and Bradley would not cut it in my opinion. This is a big decision and will have an impact on the future of our club. Please look for the best we can find and make us proud.

Anyway, despite this shock from yesterday I am still confident that we will move on as a club. We are Aston Villa and we are going places. Now is the time for us to soldier on and get things done!

Thanks for your time and for always keeping us updated General. I look forward to your reply.


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General, I'd rather be disemboweled than see 'Bob Bradley' take the reins at Villa Park!

Randy's next appointment is going to say a lot about our ambition for our club.

I hope he can keep the fans on side.


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