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General Krulak (part 3) - Questions


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This one got lost in the change over of threads.

Can I ask what re-development is scheduled for this summer. It must have been booked by now.

I would presume there are no major changes (ie: North Stand) as this would affect Season Ticket sales and they go on sale in less than 3 months.

The General has stated more than once that plans aren't going to be released this season.

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OK cheers, must have missed it.

On another note - I must have been a mind reader !. After the above about Liverpool and Arsenal not being guarenteed CL places anymore and how I am sure they will look to change the rules - what happens, a day later the Premier League state they are looking at play offs !

Really is disgusting. (also shows I was correct when I said its up to the PL to say who they want in the CL)

Gen, I hope the Villa dont back it. It is a weird one, we may actually benefit from it, but they aren't doing it for the good of football, they are doing it to give the Sky 4 a back route if it goes wrong for them, which it is !

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Hi General,

First of all thanks for the great prices the club are charging for the cup game with Palace. It makes a great difference in a week building up to Wembley.

Now I know my next point will not go down welll with some fans who are only interested in home tickets at Villa Park, but how do we justify charging Wolves fans £43 for a saturday lunch time kick off live on TV.

I go away regularly but this year have not gone to any league away game where we have been charged £40 plus (including Man U and Blues) largely out of principle.

I was always under the impession that we were pretty reasonable with tickets prices but the introduction of the AA games is really hard particularly on away fans. i have to try and defend my club to a wolves supporting colleage.

I'm a Villa fan and a football fan in general and I feel the people who are prepared to invest time and money travelling away should be treated better.

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Hi General,

Just a quick one and I know you might not be able to comment.

I live about 10 minutes from Selhurst Park, and have a good few Palace mates. Now each one of them have heard a whisper that Villa will be donating the gate receipts of the return leg to Palace to help their finances.

Can you shed any light on this, or is it just a rumour?

Oh, and this club is getting more and more fans - charging the Palace fans £10 for a ticket for the return leg has had all of them going purring about the Villa even more! Its little things like this that make me so proud to be a Villa fan.

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Hi General,

I would like to thank the club for charging the dingles £43 they are disgusting vile animals from the black country and like sha should be ripped off at VP, they have both caused there fair share of trouble over the years!

Could I recommend not only charging the away supporters extornaite ticket prices, but how about charging them extra for food, drink and facilities? E.g. £5.00 a pint, £4.00 for pies, £3.00 for confectionaries crisps & chocolate bars, £6.50 for sausage and chips, 50p to use the toilets, this would help our club generate extra income! What do you reckon? It's a good marketing ploy as people will always pay!

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General just received an online order from the club shop and must applaud the improvement since my last attempt some 4 years ago at which point they were fairly clueless when it came to shipping overseas. Cost me about as much as buying from a vendor in the US (including the shipping) and it was dispatched in no time with the bonus of last seasons DVD review thrown in. Great stuff.

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2. GavLa80: Beating the small heath 5-1 was my most memorable game to date. I watched almost the entire game from the Holte End...I didn't have a seat so I had to stand at the very top (yes, I know, I did a bad thing!!) I was surrounded by rabid Villa Fans and we had a ball...a great day.


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First time posting here so first off I think it's great you do this for the fans so I'd like to thank you in advance.

Unfortunately I have a bit of a complaint relating to the official site. Logged onto it today and saw the competition to purchase tickets for Wembley. Great idea I thought. However when I clicked on it I noticed it was pretty underhand way to get personal details and sell them on to other companies.

i) the Club using my personal information to market and promote the products or services of the Club, any of the Club's group companies and any of the Club's selected partners and ii) carefully selected sponsors of the Club letting me know about products or services which might be of interest to me, whether by mail, telephone, electronic mail including by SMS and fax.

Now I realise no one is making me enter this competition or supply this information, but many people will be tempted to enter this anyway and people often do these things without reading the terms and conditions opening themselves up to cold calling and spam from companies they have no real knowledge of.

Does the club really want to be involved in this sort of thing?

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General Krulak here:

1. paulanddonya: We will be doing minor work around the Park...no big moves on the North Stand.

2. I know of no offical club position on the European League...lots of water before that issue comes to a head.

3. tonyh29: I do not think that the Club will take any action in this case.

4. paulanddonya: 10 pounds for a ticket. I am not sure what more the Club can do in keeping prices within reason. Seriously, Randy and the Board go to great lengths to try and provide the lowest prices and still run a business. The Club is a business. Randy cannot be expected to continue to pour money into the Club and still get moans about a 10 pound ticket price. I think we all need to take a hard look at what this man has done for the Club and what he continues to do for the Club and realize that there is NO free lunch. If the prices went any lower, we would be losing money at our games! Remember, it costs a great deal of money just to "man the stadium"...ushers, stewards, food kiosks, etc. etc. NOT to mention the player salaries, etc. 10 pounds for a game??? If someone told me I could watch a American football game for the equivalent of 10 pounds, I would jump on it!!!

5. covcat: Same answer. At some point in time, people need to realize that we cannot always charge the lowest amount...at some point in time, we need to understand that no business can be effectively run when the margins are so small.

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General Krulak here:

4. paulanddonya: 10 pounds for a ticket. I am not sure what more the Club can do in keeping prices within reason. Seriously, Randy and the Board go to great lengths to try and provide the lowest prices and still run a business. The Club is a business. Randy cannot be expected to continue to pour money into the Club and still get moans about a 10 pound ticket price. I think we all need to take a hard look at what this man has done for the Club and what he continues to do for the Club and realize that there is NO free lunch. If the prices went any lower, we would be losing money at our games! Remember, it costs a great deal of money just to "man the stadium"...ushers, stewards, food kiosks, etc. etc. NOT to mention the player salaries, etc. 10 pounds for a game??? If someone told me I could watch a American football game for the equivalent of 10 pounds, I would jump on it!!!

5. covcat: Same answer. At some point in time, people need to realize that we cannot always charge the lowest amount...at some point in time, we need to understand that no business can be effectively run when the margins are so small.

Completely agree General I think Randy has given a lot to this club, much more than his bank balance, the very fact he was watching us at Crystal Palace on a miserable day says how much he wants success for AVFC.

I do think it's time we try to generate more income through already well known avenues (shirt sponsor) and perhaps some new ideas to try and get more fans like myself down to Villa Park. and not through offering £10 tickets either.

I think obtaining a shirt sponsor going forward should bring in enough each year to make a signing of a young hot prospect like we did with Delph.

We are a much bigger club now with a wider tv audience. I hope that going forward we can net a decent 3-5 year deal with a shirt sponsor who has the cash to have their name on our shirt.

I think the club has done a lot for Acorns and will continue to do so, but perhaps it is time to look at how we can increase our ability to offer slightly higher wages and have more funds available through club earnings and not just Randy's pocket.

One thing I was thinking last week was a customisable season ticket. Where you have bundles of games you can select and then the system will automatically calculate a discount based on the games you have selected and the number you have chosen.

Example being I cannot get a half or even full season ticket, my life and job wouldn't make it remotely value for money, however if at the beginning of the season I can select a 5 ,7, 10, match bundle for the home matches I can plan in advance and hopefully make a saving.

Choosing all AA category matches wouldn't save you very much, however mixing between low and high profile games would yield more of a saving.

It appears Villa already do this with the odd double fixture throughout the year, but I believe (through my work) that technology is certainly there to have an automated system like this, for fans like myself who cannot get to every home game, but certainly wouldn't mind paying up front for 4-5 matches and saving a bit of cash in the process. This would mean that rather than me going to 3-5 home matches a season, I might opt to purcahase 7 because I save a bit more money and can justify the expense, and plan in advance to ensure those weekends are free.

I am not sure whether it would benefit the club to do this but I think personally it would encourage more of the non regular supporters to go to maybe an extra 1 or 2 matches per season. Also it would mean AVFC get a huge influx of cash at the start of the season for matches in the future.

Obviously dates for matches change based on other competitions and congestion around Christmas, but terms and conditions outline this and I think a non-refundable scheme would be fair providing fans understood the situation (which most fans do).

The difficulty would come when you want to sit next to your friend(s) who you go to the match with. I think this would be slightly more of an issue, but am sure if it was done over the phone or a more advance booking system online where you can book your seat would get around the issue.

Do AVFC have any plans going forward to try and bring in more cash so that Randy isn't always investing such big volumes of cash into the club?

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As I said, I know the Villa have done all they can on the fixture, I was just pointing out that the likes of Network rail, Esso etc.. haven't, so even at £10 a game, the cheapest it would cost me (and many others) to go a game is 40-50 quid.

Thus, I think it will be a poor attendance (although, I think it will be bumped up with a hell of a lot of Palace fans, like Brighton).

I do agree with above that we could be a lot more pro-active in marketing and sales. The americans know nothing better than marketing so I wonder why it hasn't happened yet.

Personally, I wouldn't like it coming up on the scoreboard "Today Ashley Young is coming to you on behalf of American Airlines, Fly down the wing Ashley" etc... - but if it brings in millions, and that pays for players, keeping my ticket price down - I'll take it.

I watched the Superbowl the other week, and it happened every 5 seconds. Now, I think it will be a sad day when we get to that, but once in a while - I'd be OK with.

I do think it is time we sold the shirt sponsorship - we could always tie it in with the new sponsors that some has got to go to Acorns. I don't know, but I would have thought Acorns would be much happier with 1 million a year from, lets say, Singapore Airlnes / Villa, than nothing , with their name on the shirt.

We will all think of you next week, you'll see me on the telly, I'll be the one in a Villa shirt !

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this has been posted in the main thread and on various other sites, so i take no credit for it but i feel it may be of interest to you.

if you havnt already seen it, its well worth watching.


Please take a look and tell us what you think.

Maybe we could get it played at VP before a game or at half time.

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Hi general, sorry to here you cant be there for the final, hopefully you'll be fighting fit on FA CUP day :D

Anyway can you please pass a big thank you on the MoN and the boys for the 6-4 semi-final from my 7 year old lad, he has been to VP twice now and yet to taste defeat(i cherry pick his games :winkold: )

and thank everyone at VP for the flags as my 7 year old has 4 up on his wall.

Anyway, i am bring my 5 year old daugther to the everton game and she is expecting nothing less than another 6-4 win, so if you could advise MoN and the players in advance :lol::lol:

Also when i came to the blackburn game i took my little boy into the club shop and spent a tidy packet(all worth it) but he got a autograph book and pen, so we went and stood round the back to get autograph's before the game, sadly my little boy got upset as he only got reo-cokers as the rest of the players came straight of the coach and into VP.

Is this normal or was it just because it was a big game, anyway is there anywhere/anyone i could send his book to for the players to sign as i live in cardiff and work 6 days a week so cant get back home that often, i'll happily pay for the return post, plus it will put the biggest smile on his face. even though he only wanted gabby's and big john's autograph.

Cheers for all the good work and enjoy your 1st villa at wembley :D

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Hi General,

I would like to say that I think the ticket prices for the Palace game are as good as we could have wished for, with everything taken into account. Do you know if Randy will be at the game? I hope he is enjoying his time at the Villa and the resurgence that his efforts have brought to the cub!

I am going to be tempting fate a little with the next question General. I can't help but ask this question as I am sure that a lot of other's will have thought the same!

Have Villa made any plans for a trophy parade just in case we win the Cup next week? I have the Monday off work you see and I am guessing that nearly everyone on here will not be working that day too! Surely we wouldn't want to miss a chance to celebrate beating Man Utd in a cup final IF we should win?

Keep up the good work General - Up The Villa!

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General Krulak here:

1. We expect around 40K for the Burnley Game and around 29K for Crystal Palace....sure like to see more folks at that one. Yes, Randy will be at the Burnley Game and it looks like he might also be there for the CP game.

3. Kidlewas and others: Some very good thoughts and well worth us looking into them. I appreciate the effort in putting those ideas on paper...thanks.

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