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Mass Effect 2


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I absolutely love the piss out of this game. Still waiting for the **** PSN so I can get the downloadable mission.

I have also heard that Mass Effect 3 has been slightly delayed from Christmas 2011, to first quarter 2012.

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  • 1 month later...

I rented ME1 back when i had the Lovefilm 90 day free trial (hat tip The_Rev), and got about as far as leaving the Citadel but it didnt appeal to me really so i gave up on it.

Have recently gone back to play through it and once i got into it a bit more i really really enjoyed the game so have instantly moved onto ME2 and just finished playing through now. What a superb game, i now understand why it has won so many awards and would have to say its definitely in my top 10 most favourite games ever, probably even top 5.

Just under 45 hours i took to finish it, but i did pretty much everything before going through the mass relay to take on the collectors.

Across both games i lost Wrex, Thane and Legion which im not too disappointed with, maybe Rex a bit but Grunt is a good alternate.

Ploughed Ashley in the first game, disappointed she wasn't in this one.

Cant wait for the third, will get the rest of the DLC that i dont have to tide me over until then. Might be tempted to play through on hardest difficulty too so i can 100% it. Love the game, hope the movie isn't utter shite.

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  • 2 months later...

Multiplayer has been all but confirmed for ME3, it's been leaked by an Aus PC mag with the 'world exclusive' on the cover of their next edition.

Don't think I'll so much as touch it

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As long as they don't **** the single player up I'm okay with it, but that said, it is EA...... :(

Yeh, it's also been leaked that there's an EA online pass thing for it, where you get it free when new, but have to buy if it's 2nd hand. Not very surprising though, as that sort of thing is becoming common...

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After endless leaks BioWare has finally confirmed the presence of a multiplayer mode in Mass Effect 3, revealing it to be a standalone co-op mode and part of something called Mass Effect 3: Galaxy At War.

The new multiplayer mode won’t allow you to play as Commander Shepard or any of your regular crew, but will instead see you taking control of soldiers from a new Special Forces squad and allowing you to play as a variety of different classes and races.

Some sort of multiplayer mode in the game has been an open secret for months, and was most recently confirmed by an Australian games mag. Which is presumably why BioWare has now finally decided to break their silence.

They did so via a forum post on their website, in which they emphasised that success in multiplayer has a direct impact on the single-player campaign, by raising your level of ‘galactic readiness’. This is part of the new Mass Effect 3: Galaxy At War system, which pools together all of Shepard’s resources including armies, fleets, people, and weapons.

There are other, currently unspecified, ways to influence the galactic readiness level though, so playing multiplayer is purely optional. Indeed BioWare are at pains to point out you can still get the optimal ending for your character without ever going online.

They’re also keen to emphasise that there is no competitive or versus mode, so you won’t playing any deathmatches in Mass Effect 3. The new mode also won’t affect the amount of time spent making the single-player, as it’s being developed by a completely different team in Montreal.

When playing co-op you’ll be creating custom characters to use in the multiplayer alone, from races including Turians, Krogans, Asari and others (oddly humans aren’t mentioned). Although there won’t be any versus mode you will be able to upgrade weapons and level up your character in the normal manner.


Interesting! I am very pleased that it's pure co-op, and it's also interesting that it'll have an affect on the main game. Bit concerned that it's being done by a different team, as we know how that sort of thing can turn out...but to me it sounds like a multiplayer actually worth doing for reasons other than competitive online play, which is a good thing :D

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At least you don't HAVE to play the multiplayer and it won't really affect a single player run through. It's an addition that can assist your main game, but if you don't use it then you won't miss out on anything.

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As long as they don't **** the single player up I'm okay with it, but that said, it is EA...... :(

Yeh, it's also been leaked that there's an EA online pass thing for it, where you get it free when new, but have to buy if it's 2nd hand. Not very surprising though, as that sort of thing is becoming common...

I was actually thinking of DA2, how everything great in the original got scrapped away in favour of hackandslash mechanics, and the only plausible reason for it I could come up with was soulless mechanised corporate greed. Admittedly, a little biased because I'm not a big fan of the hack-slash genre.

I know they did a similar thing with ME2 (i.e. more action, less dice-rolling) but the first ME had broken gameplay anyway so the streamlined combat in ME2 was a change that was more than welcome. My fear now is that EA and Bioware might change it even further when there is absolutely no need to from a gameplay perspective, just like they did with DA2.

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I played the demo of ME3 at gamefest, and it played and looked absolutely no different from ME2. Except you could melee stab people instead of hit them.

I think the PS3 version of ME2 used the mass effect 3 engine so basically it'll look like ME2 on PS3 but new environments, which to me is no bad thing.

On another note I finally managed to finish my first play-through of ME2 (including Arrival) and it now sits firmly on top of my all time greatest games list (until the release of Skyrim). Absolutely amazing game. So emotionally involving and some of the set pieces were unbelievable. Pre-orderd 3 last night.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I played thorough ME1 again recently, as I'd never done a proper renegade playthrough. So I did one with FemShep, and it was wooooonderful. I'm playing FFXIII-2 now, but look forward to taking the character through ME2 and then into ME3 to save the galaxy ALL ON MY OWN. I killed the Rachni Queen, killed Wrex, let Ash die (who I much prefer to Kaiden, so that was a big deal for me), let the Salarian's, told Conrad Verner to piss off :D

I am a little concerned that the ME3 ending, if you play as a full on renegade will be shitty in comparison to the paragon ending. It's been heavily hinted at (and doesnt really take a genius to work out) that if you keep everyone on good terms then they all come together to kick Reaper ass to save the galaxy in a blaze of glory...I'm hoping for a really anti-alien pro-human ending, where humanity takes total control of the Citadel and the Council races mwhahahahaaaa

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Playing my first ever play through of ME2 at the moment. About 3-4 hours and loving it! Just recruited Jack after previously recruiting Garrus and Mordin. The combat and the RPG elements are both brilliant.

Is there a particular order in which you have to travel around and do missions? Or can you do it in whichever order you please?

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Playing my first ever play through of ME2 at the moment. About 3-4 hours and loving it! Just recruited Jack after previously recruiting Garrus and Mordin. The combat and the RPG elements are both brilliant.

Is there a particular order in which you have to travel around and do missions? Or can you do it in whichever order you please?

No order, but you might want to complete all your side missions before embarking on the final one ;) *hint hint*

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Playing my first ever play through of ME2 at the moment. About 3-4 hours and loving it! Just recruited Jack after previously recruiting Garrus and Mordin. The combat and the RPG elements are both brilliant.

Is there a particular order in which you have to travel around and do missions? Or can you do it in whichever order you please?

No order, but you might want to complete all your side missions before embarking on the final one ;) *hint hint*

When you say "side missions" are these all loyalty based missions? Or are there other sorts of side missions? Oh and how do I poke Miranda?

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Playing my first ever play through of ME2 at the moment. About 3-4 hours and loving it! Just recruited Jack after previously recruiting Garrus and Mordin. The combat and the RPG elements are both brilliant.

Is there a particular order in which you have to travel around and do missions? Or can you do it in whichever order you please?

No order, but you might want to complete all your side missions before embarking on the final one ;) *hint hint*

When you say "side missions" are these all loyalty based missions? Or are there other sorts of side missions? Oh and how do I poke Miranda?

The loyalty ones, yep.

If you want to hit on Miranda you'll have to complete her loyalty mission first, then pick the right conversation choices.

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