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PL: Spurs h Ratings and Reactions


Who was your man of the match?  

176 members have voted

  1. 1. Who was your man of the match?

    • Friedel
    • L Young
    • Dunne
    • Beye
    • Cuellar
    • A Young
    • Milner
    • Petrov
    • Reo-Coker
    • Carew
    • Agbonlahor
    • Sidwell
    • Heskey

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A point to throw in here. Bar a goal that should have not stood, we would have had 3 points.

Nah, I think Dawson did chest/stomach it, but it was quite near to his right-arm so I can understand why you say that. But I can't complain, it always looked they were going to score at some point and I was just waiting for it to happen.

I imagine Spurs fans are happy with a point though, we've only lost once at home this season and we've got the 2nd best defence in the league. Spurs fans may argue they should of sneaked the win, but before the match I think the majority of Spurs fans would take a draw if it was offered to them. It's a point gained for Spurs but 2 points dropped by us.

That's how I see it anyway.

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Spurs are a good side and we scraped a point in the end. But, they didn't win did they? So they're not miles ahead as some say.

does that mean that hull are on a par with man city then?

Rubbish, you can only beat what's put out in front of you if you don't than you deserve to lose or draw it's in no indicative of the quality of either side. Every game is different even the worst team in the league can have a blinder against big opposition.

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I thought we were good in the first 30mins, but Spurs then took over. The defensive performance was such that the game could easily have gone either way at 1-1, but their goal came because somehow dawson managed to get it under control when he never should have and so we didn't get the three points. I'm not pleased with the performance, but Spurs were high on confidence. To keep them under control at this stage and get a point and nearly 3 isn't bad by any means.

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That's as unambitious a second half display as I can remember. We matched them in the first half and looked the more likely scorers, but we got more defensive the moment we scored, and in the second half we strung 10 men across the front of our box and played for a draw from 1-0 up at home.

I'm a little bit ashamed of that performance.

It's clear that we don't have a group of players or a manager that believed we were there better side and we played the second half like Grimsby away at Old Trafford.

It's almost amazing that it still took the blind eye of Phil O'Dowd to get Spurs their equaliser. I would genuinely be happier knowing that he'd taken a bung and was deliberately refereeing the game the way he did than believe that he is a professional referee doing his best. It would be better for the game if he'd been bribed than if he really is that shit.

That's no slight on Tottenham who deserved at least a draw for their efforts and it's possible we might look back on this result as a draw against one of the top four. Our problem is that we set out with that attitude.

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MOTM goes to Phil Dowd - easily Spurs' best player.

Yep. On that showing I think Carew has shagged his wife. He may not even have a wife actually, given that fact he was up Lennons arse all day.

We didn't deserve to win, but their goal shouldn't have stood. Awesome defensive display against one of the leagues best attacks.

Perfectly good refereeing performance, made a marginal call for their goal, why does it always have to be the ref's fault? We played a pressing game, looking to break when we could, against a team who, once they got their acts together, were always going to be equipped to outpass us. Our midfield is simply not creative enough which means this is always a risk, nothing at all to do with the ref - stop listening to Alan S#dding Green

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MOTM goes to Phil Dowd - easily Spurs' best player.

Yep. On that showing I think Carew has shagged his wife. He may not even have a wife actually, given that fact he was up Lennons arse all day.

We didn't deserve to win, but their goal shouldn't have stood. Awesome defensive display against one of the leagues best attacks.

Perfectly good refereeing performance, made a marginal call for their goal, why does it always have to be the ref's fault? We played a pressing game, looking to break when we could, against a team who, once they got their acts together, were always going to be equipped to outpass us. Our midfield is simply not creative enough which means this is always a risk, nothing at all to do with the ref - stop listening to Alan S#dding Green

Come on mate. he was **** awful today. Spurs deserved the point, more in fact, without Dowd. But that doesn't change the fact he was a shit all game.

That moment carew took it round someone and was hauled to the ground miles from the ball, and he waaved play on, I was livid.

Shit referee at the best of times but today he was at his worst.

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Just finished watching the game and for the life of me can't see what game plan we had in the second half. If it was to switch to a 451 and pull Carew into midfield then maybe I have it. It was like MON's team talk was "sit back and absorb all the pressure and leave Gabby isolated up top."

We had no conviction going forward in the second half; it was like we were scared to pass the halfway line. The defense was suberb and from one angle it did look like handball but I believe Spurs (even though this hurts) deserved at point at least.

They used their strengthens as we sat back and used Young and Milner as defenders. I thought MON said he was going to give everything for 4th place? Well what about giving an attacking display we can be proud of and not just a defensive one!

On a positive note, Petrov had one his better games in a while until NRC went off injuried.

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Last time I heard football is all about how many goals you score, doesn't matter how you score them as long as it's within the rules.

Feel absolutely cheated out of 3 points tonight because of a goal that shouldn't have stood. It was quite an obvious handball.

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A really poor second half performance, I don't think the other 'top 4 chasers' will be concerned.

Carew had a quiet game but wasn't helped by the ref.

We can't seem to pass the ball where as Spurs taught us a lesson in moving the ball around.

A.Young is still not on top of his game and the central midfield are devoid of ideas and can't keep a foot on the ball.

Cuellar, Friedel and Beye were briliant

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MOTM goes to Phil Dowd - easily Spurs' best player.

Yep. On that showing I think Carew has shagged his wife. He may not even have a wife actually, given that fact he was up Lennons arse all day.

We didn't deserve to win, but their goal shouldn't have stood. Awesome defensive display against one of the leagues best attacks.

Perfectly good refereeing performance, made a marginal call for their goal, why does it always have to be the ref's fault? We played a pressing game, looking to break when we could, against a team who, once they got their acts together, were always going to be equipped to outpass us. Our midfield is simply not creative enough which means this is always a risk, nothing at all to do with the ref - stop listening to Alan S#dding Green

I don't even know who Alan Green is.

I also don't need to listen to anyone, I use my own eyes to judge the performance. If the referee costs us a goal, then he costs us a goal, simple as. They scored a goal which struck the arm of a player, therefore should not have stood. So yes, this goal is the result of a poor refereeing decision.

I also felt some of the other calls were terrible. Twice Carew was dragged down while trying to make a pass. Once nothing was given, the 2nd time Spurs were given a free kick!? How on Earth does that work. Another one was Milner closing Crouch down by the corner flag, Milner nipped in to get in front of Crouch, who then put a headlock on Milner and threw him to the ground. Result? Spurs free kick.

Spurs deserved a point on performance, I don't deny that. But it was the direct result of a poor refereeing decision that gave them the point.

(Ref also gave many, many very incorrect corner and throw-in decisions to both sides. I'm not saying he was biased, just poor.)

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Started well on top of a poor Spurs side that couldn't settle or get ino the game. Slowly but surely it all went downhill, Spurs improved in all but their finishing and despite Heskey's very good header near the end I was praying for the final whistle.

Carew started well, and Gabby looked very lively indeed.

Luke Young was OK. Picking Beye and moving Young to the left was spot on and Beye was very good indeed. Dunne was generally solid. As for Cuéllar, what to say? I really think Del Bosque should think about taking him to South Africa. But apart from anything else he has a tremendous attitude. A real 90-minute worker with great concentration. A good performance by Friedel too.

And finally the midfield. Milner was more than acceptable but as for Ashley Young, Reo-Coker and Petrov, the least said the better.

We really cannot string passes together can we?

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... They scored a goal which struck the arm of a player, therefore should not have stood. ...

Except it didn't strike his arm, as the replays show clearly.

But does that make up for all the times Dowd (Spurs player) was constantly giving you free-kicks for such petty things but yet he gave us **** all despite all the fouling from Spurs players on our players - they weren't just petty incidents either, a couple were bookable offences easily. Dowd was giving every decision your way and I think you know that too.

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I was impressed with the first half, we looked the better side to my mind by a fair way, defending well and looking dangerous on the attack. Second half it went tits up though, backs to the wall stuff. Spurs raised their game and we had no answer other than defend. Didn't help that we were defending with 11 men at times and Spurs were camped in our half,we didn't seem to trust ourselves to get the ball down and play it away, which we needed to do.

O'Neill actually seemed furious with the defence at one point and I think it was him saying just get it down and play out. Part of the reason he brought on Sidwell I think was to bring in a less defensive minded mid who would look to do something with the ball while keeping a bit of bite. Didn't work.

Still, theres positives to take. That defence is incredible, truly brilliant, and Cuellar was an inspiration today. His only fault was playing Defoe onside first half which he immediately made up for with one of the best goal line blocks I've ever seen.

And indeed there are negatives. Second half remained a good defensive display and it took a bit of dodgy play for Dawson to score, but we played into Spurs hands. We relied on the defence and got deeper and deeper, clearances were coming straight back at us and Gabby was starved. Carew... is starting to piss me off. this was by no means his worst performance but he just didn't get into the game, he's got great talent and great physical attributes but he doesn't use them. He's a big dangerous striker but he's forever on the edge of the box or the wing sauntering around. CM needs sorting as well, I actually felt that Petrov did quite well again and NRC did what NRC does, but it seems no partnership we make quite has the oomph we want from midfield. We've a talented player in Petrov, he has good technique, will put himself about and can pass like few other players in this team, he needs to play. But then he needs another player next to him who has both bite to the game (this player can't not have bite given our playing of 2 wingers) but also have an eye for going forwards and creating. That's the player we need to find, it isn't Sidwell and it certainly isn't NRC. If 442 is what we want to do, then this player must be found. If it's not, and we're waiting on Downing to change formation then that will also help us.

But all in all, it's a point I expected today, and I was gutted to see Spurs score no matter how much their display second half might have warrented it. I'm not as bemoaning as others might be, despite the second half display. I don't think I'll see us play in such a defensive manner again.

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Of all the sides that have come to Villa Park this season, as much as it pains me to say it, Spurs have looked the most impressive, and were well worthy of a point.

I personally thought the team selection was reasonable, and NRC's inclusion was a more than pleasant surprise, whilst Warnock's injury disappointed. There was lots of energy in the play, particularly for the first 20 mins, although you got the impression that Villa couldn't keep that sort of level up, and we tired (or became shit, or were outclassed, whatever the reason), much faster than we did against say Manchester City, which was a similar game.

The defence again had a superb game, but even with NRC in there, Spurs dominated that area and we sat too deep.

Some ratings;

Friedel 8- crucial saves

Beye 7- solid enough.

Dunne 8- solid

Cuellar 9*- a super defensive display, comfortable moving forwards, and an excellent goal saving clearance in the first half.

Young 7.5- thought he was neat in possession consdering he was on the left, and made some good bursts forward.

Milner 6.5- effort again was unbelievable, but was again let down by the system in an attacking sense. Too much defending to do, but he did excel in that area.

Petrov 6.5- I thought he did one or two things today which showed what talent this guy has. However he again tired, didn't have as much of the ball as he should have in his role, and sat far too deep defensively, considering he was alongside NRC.

NRC 7- well it seems when he is in the side we win, and as soon as he was removed we effectively could have conceded two in 5 minutes. In terms of breaking up the play, he was very good, without having any effect on the overall performance.

Young 5.5- Not brilliant, but produced a good cross for Heskey at the end.

Carew 6- showed a few glimpses of strong play, but didn't have enough of the ball or the support needed.

Gabby 6.5- tried very hard.


Heskey 7- good stuff when he came on and was unlucky not to score

Sidwell 5- Mr Invisible, but had a wayward shot.

As for MON, he gets personal praise from me for his team selection. However, he should have changed things much sooner. An extra midfield player should have been brought on when it was clear we were being dominated. Our play became hoofball again and there were no ideas.

Was NRC injured? If he was then I will let it go, but if the substitution was tactical then it was undeniably bad management from a defensive point of view. I think we will continue to drop points in this sense.

Overall it was a good effort, but the management and style of play became all too predictable.

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... They scored a goal which struck the arm of a player, therefore should not have stood. ...

Except it didn't strike his arm, as the replays show clearly.

The one from beind the goal towards the corner flag showed otherwise. Was very high on the chest with combination with arm. He got the benefit of the doubt and hit a sweet shot.

If he had not of needed his arm to control it his right arm would have been out to his side like his left. That is the natural position when controlling a ball on the chest. His arm was locked by his side to give his chest extra width.

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We looked good for 10 minutes, scored, then we just started retreating. We weathered a storm after half time, they scored, more storm weathering and then the final whistle blew. That was the second worst home performance of the season IMO. Hopefully we give Hull the mother of all stuffings next week or we could really start to stutter.

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