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I have received nothing for my birthday...yet. No doubt I'll have asome random DVDs waiting for me when I get home. Think the rents are getting me a retro villa shirt so that'll be cool.

Someone in my office has now remembered, cue lots of embarassing "o yeh I've just remembered too, happy birthday"

Oh well, I only have to work with them for one more day then I'm moving :D

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I wonder how many of us compare ourselves to our parents?

Some people come from humble backgrounds and use it as a spur to ambition and success. Personally, my parents' modest lifestyle has probably made me somewhat complacent. Once I'd passed the 11-plus and got into grammar school, I had already exceeded their wildest expectations. University was positively the stratosphere.

The simple things that most middle-class people take for granted - own house, office job, car, bank account, foreign holidays - were things that they never had; so I tended to see them as a form of success in themselves - and consequently I've had little ambition for anything more (bigger house, bigger car, career promotion, etc.)

Not sure whether this is a good thing or not, TBH.

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That's a bit harsh... :shock:

It's just realistic life goals on mine, none of the 'bungee jump off the London eye' type stuff.

Don't listen to him. He's bitter and old. His life revolves around reading Readers Digest with a cup of coco.


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