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15 minutes ago, sidcow said:

What's with this Jay Slater then? 

Something isn't adding up for me. 

Dead or a con? The just giving funds must be adding up by now. 

Hard to believe they haven't found a body yet, he can't have travelled THAT far from where his last location was pinpointed needing water as he said. 

With all the volunteers, helicopters and drones you would think they'd have found a body by now, unless murdered and buried. 

Something isn't right about this though. 

My thought is that he’s been done in by the local mafia and they have done a good job of disposing of him. Maybe he made the call at gun point then they drove him somewhere far away or dumped him in the sea.

The amount of searchers, dogs, helicopters and drones and no sign of him is very odd.

They found that doctor fella in Greece in supposedly similar circumstances very quickly.

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4 minutes ago, Genie said:

My thought is that he’s been done in by the local mafia and they have done a good job of disposing of him. Maybe he made the call at gun point then they drove him somewhere far away or dumped him in the sea.

The amount of searchers, dogs, helicopters and drones and no sign of him is very odd.

They found that doctor fella in Greece in supposedly similar circumstances very quickly.

They never found Natalee Holloway in Aruba after she went missing in 2005

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Just now, Nor-Cal Villan said:

They never found Natalee Holloway in Aruba after she went missing in 2005

They aren’t finding this lad either. Sad for the family who will never get closure.

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He's dead. It's very hard to find people in rocky mountainous terrain, there have been many cases where searches miss bodies, even wearing bright colours, even when they have pretty good ideas of where to look. Julian Sands wasn't found for a year.

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There's so much about the Jay Slater thing that doesn't make sense.

I've been lucky enough to work over there in the last three years, the island is lovely, very welcoming, lots of cracking places to go and see, but some very expensive for a teenager.

A taxi from South to North takes about an hour. He was stopping in Los Cristianos, he was at a festival in the north. Why? Los Cristianos can be cheap, but it's not normally. There's better places around where he was stopping that was a lot less touristy. 

He went to a rave. Okay, all the kids are gonna be snorting cake and all that, and logical thinking might go out the window, but there's not a single person there that would let him walk home. Not a chance. If he was absolutely nailed, he'd have 10 people around him feeding him water. Not a single person would let him walk home, from there, in those conditions, whether they knew him or not.

My guess? And it's grim unfortunately - he ordered a big ball for him and his mates, and didn't square it off in time. I hope I'm wrong, but that scene over there is very very cut and shut. Unless you know who you're buying your bits from, you're in trouble if payment doesn't land in time.

I hope he's found safe, well and lives a fruitful life, but, unfortunately, I fear the worst.

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19 minutes ago, T-Dog said:

There's so much about the Jay Slater thing that doesn't make sense.

I've been lucky enough to work over there in the last three years, the island is lovely, very welcoming, lots of cracking places to go and see, but some very expensive for a teenager.

A taxi from South to North takes about an hour. He was stopping in Los Cristianos, he was at a festival in the north. Why? Los Cristianos can be cheap, but it's not normally. There's better places around where he was stopping that was a lot less touristy. 

He went to a rave. Okay, all the kids are gonna be snorting cake and all that, and logical thinking might go out the window, but there's not a single person there that would let him walk home. Not a chance. If he was absolutely nailed, he'd have 10 people around him feeding him water. Not a single person would let him walk home, from there, in those conditions, whether they knew him or not.

My guess? And it's grim unfortunately - he ordered a big ball for him and his mates, and didn't square it off in time. I hope I'm wrong, but that scene over there is very very cut and shut. Unless you know who you're buying your bits from, you're in trouble if payment doesn't land in time.

I hope he's found safe, well and lives a fruitful life, but, unfortunately, I fear the worst.

Lots and lots of story’s are that he was at the rave / festival dealing. It wasn’t a holiday, he was working. Somehow he has **** up and upset some people hence his trip to the other side of the island in the middle of the night before vanishing.

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13 hours ago, sidcow said:

What's with this Jay Slater then?

Dead or a con? The just giving funds must be adding up by now. 

Hard to believe they haven't found a body yet, he can't have travelled THAT far from where his last location was pinpointed needing water as he said. 

13 hours ago, Genie said:

My thought is that he’s been done in by the local mafia and they have done a good job of disposing of him. 

12 hours ago, T-Dog said:

There's so much about the Jay Slater thing that doesn't make sense.

He went to a rave. Okay, all the kids are gonna be snorting cake and all that, and logical thinking might go out the window, but there's not a single person there 

I hope he's found safe, well and lives a fruitful life, but, unfortunately, I fear the worst.

Ermmm, you guys know he was a drug dealer as part of a gang in the UK. He was part of the gang attack that tried to murder another guy on the streets in the UK - that victims skull was split open with machetes.  

He should have been put in prison for life and the key thrown away, however the judge went soft.  Him and his gang mates laughed at the judge in court when they were sentenced. 

This ‘missing’ thing is a drug deal gone wrong, not buying for consumption but for dealing. He’s got in over his head with serious European gangsters, and we can assume he’s been killed and chopped up into bits. Making the world a better place one death at a time. 

Some links to the articles about him at the time:



In the vicious attack, Tom Hilton, 17, had his head split open so deep that his skull was exposed, and the perpetrators won’t see a jail cell - instead all being handed community service. 

Preston Crown Court heard Mr Hilton had gone to the mill, which was a popular meeting place for local teens, to look for a teenage girl - But when he arrived he was chased by a group of boys he later described as "like a pack of gorillas." He ran through the woods and onto the road, where the gang caught up with him, the court heard.



Six men and two boys have been found guilty for their roles in a savage attack on a lone teenager that included using machetes, an axe and knives.

Lancashire Police were called to Hermitage Road, Rishton, at 9pm on August 6, 2021, following reports the victim – who was 17 at the time – had been chased and attacked by a large group of youths close to the old Rishton Paper Mill.



A group of “unrepentant”, smiling, baby-faced teens have appeared to be sentenced for “behaving like a bunch of gorillas” when they attacked a teenager with golf clubs, machetes and an axe.

Police were called to Hermitage Road, Rishton, near the old paper mill, at 9pm on August 6, 2021, after Thomas Hilton – who was 17 at the time – had been chased and attacked by a large group of youths.

Following a trial in April and May, a jury came back and found the eight teenagers, two of whom cannot be named for legal reasons, all guilty of violent disorder.


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3 minutes ago, ender4 said:

Ermmm, you guys know he was a major drug dealer in the UK

Yep, see the post above yours 😉 

Definitely a deal gone bad. There doesn’t seem to be much talk in the media about the authorities tracking down who he was with and why. Why was he left to supposedly make his own way back down the island etc. 

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I'll reiterate my point - Island drug economics is a very very dangerous world. And, I'd argue the point above that it was Eastern Europeans, I might be wrong.

One thing I will say, the Police out there, if they want you, they'll absolutely smash you. I've seen one drunk fella, pissed but not a massive nuisance, stumble into a private party, 10 mins the police were there, and I mean 20 of em. Nice as pie, escorted him out.

He come back an hour later, 40 of them turned up, he lasted about 2 minutes before being bundled into the van like a cheap roll of carpet.

This was all on the South of the island granted. But point still stands. The island is stunning, the people are amazing, but there's some filthy money being made out there. Don't do drugs kids. But if you do, I know a nice bar we can catch a beer.

Edited by T-Dog
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8 hours ago, T-Dog said:

I'll reiterate my point - Island drug economics is a very very dangerous world. And, I'd argue the point above that it was Eastern Europeans, I might be wrong.

One thing I will say, the Police out there, if they want you, they'll absolutely smash you. I've seen one drunk fella, pissed but not a massive nuisance, stumble into a private party, 10 mins the police were there, and I mean 20 of em. Nice as pie, escorted him out.

He come back an hour later, 40 of them turned up, he lasted about 2 minutes before being bundled into the van like a cheap roll of carpet.

This was all on the South of the island granted. But point still stands. The island is stunning, the people are amazing, but there's some filthy money being made out there. Don't do drugs kids. But if you do, I know a nice bar we can catch a beer.

Back when I was 18 I went to Tenerife with 2 mates. Usual stuff (no drugs). In our hotel there was another group of 3 lads from Ireland I think. One night something happened, I don’t know what but they decided they’d trash their room. The police arrived and beat the shit out all 3 of them. Didn’t arrest them though. 

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11 hours ago, sidcow said:

What's with this Jay Slater then? 

Something isn't adding up for me. 

Dead or a con? The just giving funds must be adding up by now. 

Hard to believe they haven't found a body yet, he can't have travelled THAT far from where his last location was pinpointed needing water as he said. 

With all the volunteers, helicopters and drones you would think they'd have found a body by now, unless murdered and buried. 

Something isn't right about this though. 

The facebook group is an absolute goldmine.

I don't want to make light of an awful situation, but some of the suggestions people are coming up with are insane. People are idiots

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7 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

The facebook group is an absolute goldmine.

I don't want to make light of an awful situation, but some of the suggestions people are coming up with are insane. People are idiots

One of those things in life you can ALWAYS count on, money in the bank 

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19 hours ago, Genie said:

Yep, see the post above yours 😉 

Definitely a deal gone bad. There doesn’t seem to be much talk in the media about the authorities tracking down who he was with and why. Why was he left to supposedly make his own way back down the island etc. 

His female friend is a well known dealer allegedly, and has sold sniff to half the island.

Its likely he's in a grave, or dumped at sea. Would have better if he was sent to jail for the machete attack. 

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8 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

The facebook group is an absolute goldmine.

I don't want to make light of an awful situation, but some of the suggestions people are coming up with are insane. People are idiots

It’s genuinely stunning. I’m hoping that it’s just a few thick people making daft suggestions and then a whole bunch of others playing along. 
In any other situation, it would feel cruel but a tiny bit of reading on the subject tells you that something is more than a little whiffy about the whole story. 

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9 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

some of the suggestions people are coming up with are insane. People are idiots

If I ever feel like I'm starting to forget this, I just pop over to On Topic for a bit and it very quickly comes flooding back.


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21 hours ago, sidcow said:

What's with this Jay Slater then? 

Something isn't adding up for me. 

Dead or a con? The just giving funds must be adding up by now. 

Hard to believe they haven't found a body yet, he can't have travelled THAT far from where his last location was pinpointed needing water as he said. 

With all the volunteers, helicopters and drones you would think they'd have found a body by now, unless murdered and buried. 

Something isn't right about this though. 

Just send Phillip Schofield out there he’d find a vulnerable teenager in no time 

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23 hours ago, ender4 said:

Ermmm, you guys know he was a drug dealer as part of a gang in the UK. He was part of the gang attack that tried to murder another guy on the streets in the UK - that victims skull was split open with machetes.  

He should have been put in prison for life and the key thrown away, however the judge went soft.  Him and his gang mates laughed at the judge in court when they were sentenced. 

This ‘missing’ thing is a drug deal gone wrong, not buying for consumption but for dealing. He’s got in over his head with serious European gangsters, and we can assume he’s been killed and chopped up into bits. Making the world a better place one death at a time. 

Some links to the articles about him at the time:





had no idea about this - but i did find this story very strange.  Why would you walk 10 hours or some nonsense like this?

I didnt want to speculate that it was drugs but i suspect the theories above about him getting in some trouble with some local gangsters wouldnt shock me.

You dont just disappear like that unless you have done something to piss a dangerous someone or some dangerous people off. Highly unlikely he will be found if the above is true

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