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So we ordered a new sofa 3 weeks ago and we found out it comes today a few days ago.  So on Sunday I put all the pieces of our large L shaped sofa in the garage, and plastic wrapped it all so it's in good knick.  Then as we sat on our dining room seats in the living room (new house as of July), we decided it would be as good idea to paint the living room whilst it was largely empty for a couple of days.  so I shoot to B&Q at 2pm on Sunday, get 4 samples and put them on the wall.  We await for them to dry for 30 mins, choose and by 3, I'm back at B&Q to buy a few tubs. 

Sunday night 7 - 10 we paint.  Her the edges, me the walls with a roller. 

Monday night 7-10, second coat.

Tuesday, wife has operation on her longstanding knee problem. I drop her off at 7.30am, drop kid off at nursery, go back home to work for a few hours before I head back to hospital at 3pm to pick her up (she went under general).  Get back very slowly because knee surgery, put her in bed because groggy.  Work a few more hours. Nanny drops kid off at my house. 

Today, wake up, go down and move everything out of the living room so there can be no excuses of delivery men (inc putting the patio door key in for them), feed kid, dress kid, go out of way to take kid to nursery, drive to work, which takes ages because of traffic.  Get mail from another order of TV bracket that it's being delivered today, and order 2 floating cabinets to go around our TV.  At lunch I have to get petrol (ran out of time this morning), then pop to supermarket to pick up nice new clothes for kids photographs at nursery tomorrow.

I have a headache.  I'm tired and grumpy and I hate it! :(

Come on weekend, show your face so I can go to the pub with paddywhack for a few drinks :) 

At least, hopefully, by the end of the week I'll have a nice place to park my arse.  and the wife's leg should be well on the mend by Friday.

Boring as **** post, but nice to get it off your chest.  Thanks VT :) 

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3 hours ago, lapal_fan said:

I can go to the pub with paddywhack for a few drinks :) 

At least, hopefully, by the end of the week I'll have a nice place to park my arse.


just my mind then  ..oh ok

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2 hours ago, DK82 said:

Has anybody ever had any luck in buying and wearing really tight spandex and dancing in front of old people at a busy bus stop?

I'm looking for a hobby.

I did that, man and boy, thirty years. Hardest game in the world. 

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3 hours ago, Rodders said:

or when the first person goes off sick citing hallucinations. 


time waster of the day i've found is https://quickdraw.withgoogle.com/# it tries to guess what you're drawing. I failed art at a very young age as evidenced by the following:



you've made my day ....  after the football scenes in MS Paint thread  I was convinced I was the worst artist on the planet  , thank you for promoting me to second worst

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6 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

you've made my day ....  after the football scenes in MS Paint thread  I was convinced I was the worst artist on the planet  , thank you for promoting me to second worst

That was a great thread. 

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Here's my go


alas I erased my elephant masterpiece by mistake , I'd made his trunk look wide and wanted to erase it and deleted the whole thing

me .jpgin case you're wondering , the anvil I was trying to write Road runner and then draw him but 20 secs isn't a lot of time , unless you've got Taylor Swift naked in your bed room

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