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21 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

The Malteasers adverts make me feel sick.

The suggestive nature of that disabled woman who said she had a seizure but her boyfriend wasn't complaining? WTF?

Why does it make you feel sick? Is it what she says, or because of her disability? I'm genuinely interested in your reasons?

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14 minutes ago, dAVe80 said:

Why does it make you feel sick? Is it what she says, or because of her disability? I'm genuinely interested in your reasons?

as a sort of related issue , I'd be interested to see the results of this particular advertising campaign , it's a commendable concept but I do wonder if it will have a negative effect ... It's not on the same level as the McVities cute kittens if I'm honest

To some extent they don't measure adverts on increased revenue more on increased brand awareness so in that regard they've probably succeeded , the fact people are talking about the advertt means job done

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37 minutes ago, dAVe80 said:

Why does it make you feel sick? Is it what she says, or because of her disability? I'm genuinely interested in your reasons?

I know it's wrong or whatever.  Because disabled people are still people.. of course.

But I don't need adverts giving me mental images of a seizing lady giving her boyfriend (who may or may not be disabled, they don't tell you) a "great" handjob because of her disability.

Likewise that girl who is very disabled in the wheelchair leaving a wedding with the best mans phone number.  Although that's fine, just a bit weird really.

If they weren't disabled it wouldn't be on daytime TV.  It's only because they are that it's allowed.  Isn't that positive discrimination? 

Or maybe it's because I'm not well and even the thought of food is turning my stomach.

And on top of that, I don't like the way the adverts are "hot gossip" in the way they are produced.  That type of womens weekly type of horrible media.  "Ooooh I've been naughty", no you haven't you're boring like all the rest of us, **** off.

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35 minutes ago, Phumfeinz said:

I'm gagging for some maltesers. Hands down my favourite confectionery.

I love the Maltesers sweets you get in a box of Celebrations. Easily the best sweet in the box.

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47 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

I know it's wrong or whatever.  Because disabled people are still people.. of course.

But I don't need adverts giving me mental images of a seizing lady giving her boyfriend (who may or may not be disabled, they don't tell you) a "great" handjob because of her disability.

Likewise that girl who is very disabled in the wheelchair leaving a wedding with the best mans phone number.  Although that's fine, just a bit weird really.

If they weren't disabled it wouldn't be on daytime TV.  It's only because they are that it's allowed.  Isn't that positive discrimination? 

Or maybe it's because I'm not well and even the thought of food is turning my stomach.

And on top of that, I don't like the way the adverts are "hot gossip" in the way they are produced.  That type of womens weekly type of horrible media.  "Ooooh I've been naughty", no you haven't you're boring like all the rest of us, **** off.

I didn't realise it gets shown in the day. I assumed it would be a post watershed ad only. I didn't find it offensive though.

I've no issue with the woman in the advert being disabled though. I suppose you could argue that it's positive discrimination, but again that's not something that ever upsets me.

For the record I think the disabled woman in the ad is quite attractive too. 6.5/10 WB.

Edited by dAVe80
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7 minutes ago, Ingram85 said:

Bloody hell Dave, she looks like a frog that's being held.

Wait, you mean the seizure girl don't you.

I ain't picky mate, I've a very wide range. It'd be worth doing just to make lapal feel sick, when I tell him about her polishing my rocket.

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