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Just now, Xann said:

You knew before you started that cuttlefish isn't fish, right? :)

Yes, but you get me.  Seafood.  I love octopus and squid for example.  This one, not so much.

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1 minute ago, Xann said:


Had you had them from the restaurant before?

When they're bad, they're really bad.


No that was my first time.  Hence it's my one example of trying something new that didn't work out.  I'm adventurous when ordering, so it comes with the territory and had to happen eventually :)

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1 hour ago, Paddywhack said:

Could you see a chicken killed, being prepared and cooked and then eat it?

I think I'd struggle.

Yes, I've seen it before. Spending time in Asia helps with this. Brutal reality is however you kill them on your farm is no more bleak than their end in a slaughterhouse. 

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1 hour ago, Paddywhack said:

Could you see a chicken killed, being prepared and cooked and then eat it?

I think I'd struggle.

Sure. Have done. As a primary school kid I used to go for country walks with my cousin, and he'd shoot rabbits for the pot. I learned how to skin and eviscerate them. This despite being a sensitive animal lover. That ol' cognitive dissonance again... 

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1 hour ago, Paddywhack said:

Could you see a chicken killed, being prepared and cooked and then eat it?

I think I'd struggle.

Yep, chickens, pheasant, rabbit and fish no problem with prepping any of them.

My old man used to work on a farm when I was a kid, so I have some distant memories of collecting eggs and selecting animals for slaughter and hanging pheasants and all that.

Catching, prepping and eating mackerel is a bit of a summer ritual. 

Eating whole baby octopus is a rare treat. Got to be fresh, but possibly my fave meal. That and a good rabbit stew. 


Incidentally, I was a vegetarian for about 16 years.

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