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My front stoop was right by a bus stop. Any given day i would walk outside and some dumb mook would barely move or worse, id see vomit and trash all over the place. Glad to be out of that hellhole.

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Yep I can sympathise with you guys. I lived in the High Street on the next block up from a cluster of pubs and a cluster takeaways and it made you realise that with a bit of booze, some people are just horrible.

Interestingly, it also meant the police were horrible and not interested. 


Plenty of stories similar to those above, the one I'd mention, they installed a cctv camera on the end of my block. 2:00am the morning after it was installed a van was stolen, rammed into the wall and used as a platform to smash up the camera. In it's own way back then, it was quite funny.


Another time, I was sooo pissed off with the police chase going around and around a few blocks. Clearly the two police cars were enjoying their night just as much as the dickhead in the stolen car. After about 20 laps I phoned the police station, complained about the juvenile tactics and utter waste of time and money and suggested that if one police car stopped there was every chance the 'chase' would be concluded within a lap. Maybe coincidence, it all finished in the next 10 minutes.


Happier now. Had to move once we had kids.

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Yeah if someone shat in my garden I'd be really upset. In fact that might drive me to get cameras installed, but like you say the police probably wouldn't be particularly interested.

It's because I'm down the road from the pubs and on the corner so easy to lob stuff and get away quickly. We've recently had kids banging on the side window as they walk past too. At the time I yearn to chase them with the garden hoe but I think that would just encourage them.

My grandad used to go out and rant an rave at the noisy yoofs in the area in a vein attempt to exert some old fashioned authority. He got his car keyed several times, his hubcaps pinched and his windows egged regularly. Gave him something legitimate to complain about but I couldn't help but think he brought it on himself.

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One thing I found from city life to country life ......if someone is say in the front lawn in the city is taken as "oi **** off etc" .....in the country someone outside your house ....you beat the living shit out of them 

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People keep throwing litter in my fronts and back garden. There is a public bin perhaps 10m from the front of my house. I get pizza boxes and beer cans mostly.

Why would you do that? I can't comprehend any reality where I would do that. It might sound daft but it's invasive having pizza boxes thrown into your back garden (that's not a euphemism).

Now, I had a similar situation with a neighbours dog, an absolute butthead of a man. Politeness lasted a week, assertiveness lasted a little longer, threatening to cave his little skull in seemed to do the trick. You can get free apps for tablets that can record motion on the camera if you wanna identify the low life.

But to answer your question, some people are just dicks

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bed times the right time for me now, so long my happy dragon footed donkey people, live long and prosper and all that shite


I'm gunna go and pull my wire whilst looking at some real disgusting pornography and then fall asleep

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bed times the right time for me now, so long my happy dragon footed donkey people, live long and prosper and all that shite

I'm gunna go and pull my wire whilst looking at some real disgusting pornography and then fall asleep

Dad, is that you?
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I'm glad I've never lived on a high street or seconds from a pub. That all sounds dreadful fellas.

The only garden related incident I can think of, is from a few weeks ago when a dog from 4 or 5 doors up got into our garden and scared the life out of the fatter, lazier and more scared one of my two cats.

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Just back from this seaside bar. Never seen so much bad white people dancing in my life. Off beat, clapping wildly, jerky spastic body movements. And no inhibitions about it, bless em.

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I was a bit bored last night so had a look on quidco for casback deals where the casback was more than the deposit on bingo sites. First one, £12 casback for opening an account and depositing £10.

The bingo had "jackpots" of like couple of quid so wasnt worth it. Had a go on the slots instead. Won £98 in 2 spins. Next few spins not much happened so cashed out £85. Add the £2 profit from the casback/deposit and it was an easy 2 mins work. I'll be closing the account as soon as the money is paid.

Edited by Genie
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Just back from this seaside bar. Never seen so much bad white people dancing in my life. Off beat, clapping wildly, jerky spastic body movements. And no inhibitions about it, bless em.

That reminds me. I'm really looking forward to today's wedding :)
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We live in different worlds. 


I am thinking we should swap for a week, what does Mrs Mooney look like?



Like a 58 year old woman. Seriously, I keep thinking of that Talking Heads lyric. 


And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack 
And you may find yourself in another part of the world 
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile 
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife 
And you may ask yourself 
Well...How did I get here? 
And you may ask yourself 
How do I work this? 
And you may ask yourself 
Where is that large automobile? 
And you may tell yourself 
This is not my beautiful house 
And you may tell yourself 
This is not my beautiful wife 
I mean, I don't live in a **** ing mansion. But it is a nice house, in a pleasant suburb (albeit on a noisy main road). And I grew up on a Birmingham council estate, and later spent years in one nasty rented tip after another. I wouldn't want to go back to that. 
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There used to be a bloke who would regularly piss up against my wall. I live about 200 yards from a corner shop and there is a narrow alleyway between my house and the one next door. I'd often find a patch of urine sprayed against my wall in the alleyway and a crushed can of the cheapest nastiest can of grog the shop sold on the floor next to it. Presumably the foul piece of shit would buy his can from the shop, drink it in the alley and then relieve himself before going about his day.

To paraphrase John Travolta's character in Pulp Fiction; "It would almost be worth him doing it just so I could catch him doing it."


Instead I just put a gate in the alley to make everybody walk the long way round. The pissing and littering stopped the day the gate went up.  :ph34r:

Edited by The_Rev
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Well I've had a fun filled Saturday night, I'm sitting down reading my book at about 10:30pm and I hear a comotion outside, now when I hear people scrapping I just ignore it most of the time, I jumped up and had a look and who's outside on his arse after taking a kicking but my sisters boyfriend surrounded by about 7 blokes telling him to **** off and walk away, the silly word removed was still giving them lip, I ran down and got in the middle of it and the blokes walked off. My sisters boyfriend was trying to go marching after them thinking he could 'have the **** lot of them' I had to drag him into my flat to calm down.


Nothing too serious but he's got a good cut on his elbow his knees are all **** and he's got a lovely big lump on his head. He was drinking on his own in the Acorn, the acorn is my local but even I know to get out of there before 9pm because you get a totally different and not to nice crowd in there at that time.


he is always getting into srapes and having a row, he thinks it makes him a big man even though I've told him before that anyone can take a kicking and that doesn't make you hard, the thing that pisses me off is that he has dragged me into it this time, I could have quite easily ended up taking a kicking from them blokes with him or even worse, it wouldn't surprise me if one of them had a knife or a pint glass or something like that, a kicking shared is most definitely not a kicking halved.


**** idiot, he's just got a taxi from mine to go home so he'll probably kick off at my sister when he gets in now.

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