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Joseph Campbell's Monomyth -- also known as 'The Hero's Journey' --  is a tried and tested formula that has been going for centuries. Many ancient myths follow the pattern and people just like to hear the same story told in different guises. It's a form of escapism. 


It's actually really quite interesting, well, to me anyway. There are character models, such as the hero, love interest, the wise old mentor etc. and a number of occurrences that happen along the way to create the peaks and troughs.


I don't want to go into too much detail in case it's boring, but for example, Rebirth is one such occurrence that happens in a lot of films that use the Monomyth model, usually happening near the end of the film. Essentially, the hero has to die to be reborn again in order to overcome the final obstacle. It doesn't have to be a literal death, but one of the best examples in recent times of a great movie that follows the Monomyth outline is The Matrix.


Neo dies when he's shot by Agent Smith but is literally brought back to life (a form of rebirth) (sorry Donnie) and only after this happens has he gained the power to defeat his arch nemesis. As I said though, often it's not always a literal rebirth, the hero just has to fail before he can succeed.


Anyway, the point is, this formula has been around for centuries because people like it. It's predictable, but there's a lot of scope for different stories, settings, and twists. It's more about enjoying the ride rather than being challenged mentally. Screenwriters believe in such a thing as 'The Flow'. Basically, their job is to write a story that immerses the audience so deeply and is paced so well that the audience stay in that flow. Anything that jars them out of it and reminds them that it's just a movie is seen as a failure.

Edited by Ginko
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Joseph Campbell's Monomyth -- also known as 'The Hero's Journey' -- is a tried and tested formula that has been going for centuries. Many ancient myths follow the pattern and people just like to hear the same story told in different guises. It's a form of escapism.

It's actually really quite interesting, well, to me anyway. There are character models, such as the hero, love interest, the wise old mentor etc. and a number of occurrences that happen along the way to create the peaks and troughs.

I don't want to go into too much detail in case it's boring, but for example, Rebirth is one such occurrence that happens in a lot of films that use the Monomyth model, usually happening near the end of the film. Essentially, the hero has to die to be reborn again in order to overcome the final obstacle. It doesn't have to be a literal death, but one of the best examples in recent times of a great movie that follows the Monomyth outline is The Matrix.

Neo dies when he's shot by Agent Smith but is literally brought back to life (a form of rebirth) (sorry Donnie) and only after this happens has he gained the power to defeat his arch nemesis. As I said though, often it's not always a literal rebirth, the hero just has to fail before he can succeed.

Anyway, the point is, this formula has been around for centuries because people like it. It's predictable, but there's a lot of scope for different stories, settings, and twists. It's more about enjoying the ride rather than being challenged mentally. Screenwriters believe in such a thing as 'The Flow'. Basically, their job is to write a story that immerses the audience so deeply and is paced so well that the audience stay in that flow. Anything that jars them out of it and reminds them that it's just a movie is seen as a failure.

I should have added a winking smilie, because you are preaching to the converted. I love superhero movies, Jack Reacher books and the like, because they offer, as you say, escapism. Good post, though.

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Dropped my car in at the garage but it's a bit of a trek into Burton town centre. I found a cafe that looked okay from the outside but now I'm here it's pretty awful and empty save for me. I ordered a cup of tea, 75p and it certainly looks that way. It has a bunch of black specks in it that I'm hoping means just that the teabag burst but **** knows what it is. Not drinking that crap, just going to hang for a bit and then leave quietly...

Edit - I left when the rather rough-looking woman running the place was seeing to the kitchen. I mooched around for a bit in the arse-end of Burton (and that's saying something) and I'm now currently sat in a spot of scrubland by the railway line and next to a place that apparently seems to store old beer kegs. I can honestly say I didn't see this coming.

Edited by Ginko
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Dropped my car in at he garage but it's a bit of a trek into Burton town centre. I found a cafe that looked okay from the outside but now I'm here it's pretty awful and empty save for me. I ordered a cup of tea, 75p and it certainly looks that way. It has a bunch of black specks in it that I'm hoping means just hat the teabag burst but **** knows what it is. Not drinking that crap, just going to hang for a bit and then leave quietly...


Just say "Except for me" - don't say "Save for me".


I have absolutely no idea why, but I read that and went a little bit annoyed.  It works, yes.  But it makes you look like a butt plug.


I think the only solution to this is for you to write out the entire thing again, but properly :P

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I think it was a subconscious cry for help. SAVE (for) ME!

But fine. Compound my misery you ass-clown. Never say I didn't do anything for you:

Dropped my car in at the garage but it's a bit of a trek into Burton town centre. I found a cafe that looked okay from the outside but now I'm here it's pretty awful and empty EXCEPT for me. I ordered a cup of tea, 75p and it certainly looks that way. It has a bunch of black specks in it that I'm hoping means just that the teabag burst but **** knows what it is. Not drinking that crap, just going to hang for a bit and then leave quietly...

Edit - I left when the rather rough-looking woman running the place was seeing to the kitchen. I mooched around for a bit in the arse-end of Burton (and that's saying something) and I'm now currently sat in a spot of scrubland by the railway line and next to a place that apparently seems to store old beer kegs. I can honestly say I didn't see this coming.

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Quit toying with me in this grammatical tug-of-war!

Just scroll up to the original post ;)

Update: car won't be ready til 5pm, ugh. Gotta wait to get a lift back now. What a waste of a morning.

Edited by Ginko
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Dropped my car in at a garage. It's a bit of a trek into Burton town centre (did you go to Burton town centre or did you stop at a nearby cafe? This is unclear and I would clear that up here). I found a cafe that looked okay from the outside but now ( is this past or present tense??) I'm here (where? Inside? If so, say you're inside) it was pretty awful and empty save for me. I ordered a cup of tea, 75p and it certainly looks that way. (Just gross) I ordered a cup of tea and at 75p it looked as good as the price had promised: It had a bunch of black specks in it that I hoped was the result means just that the of a burst teabag, but **** knows what it is (not needed). I wasn't going to risk drinking that crap. just In the end I decided to hang around for a bit and then leave quietly...

Edit - I left when the rather rough-looking woman who ran the place was seeing saw to the kitchen. I mooched around for a bit in the arse-end of Burton (and that's saying something (what?)) and I'm now currently sitting in a spot of scrubland by the railway line and , next to a place that apparently (**** adverbs) appears seems to store old beer kegs. I can honestly say I didn't see this coming.



Edited by CarewsEyebrowDesigner
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Quit toying with me in this grammatical tug-of-war!

Just scroll up to the original post ;)

Update: car won't be ready til 5pm, ugh. Gotta wait to get a lift back now. What a waste of a morning.

Too American for me , the 'quit'.


I'd use stop. Or 'cease', if you're going full-on English toff.


Quit toying with me in this grammatical tug-of-war!

Just scroll up to the original post ;)

Update: car won't be ready til 5pm, ugh. Gotta wait to get a lift back now. What a waste of a morning.

Too American for me , the 'quit'.


I'd use stop. Or 'cease', if you're going full-on English thesp.


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A work email has just been sent round saying the men's toilets are blocked and that the issue has been logged.


I saw that last night before I went home (the log.. Not the email). Someone had left the bottle of hand sanitiser on the floor in one of the cubicles, so I wandered over, out of curiosity. The horror I saw in the bowl. Yuk. Maybe they tried squeezing sanitiser into it to break it up? I was going to warn one of the few people left in the building, but as I'm off today, I thought they would just blame it on me, so I didn't say anything.
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A guy in the office just told me he was absolutely freezing so I asked him if he fancied a cuddle to keep warm.


He looked at me like I'd kicked him in the bollocks.


Did you kick him in the bollocks though?  Think back.



Ahh, that's probably what he was annoyed thinking about it.



A work email has just been sent round saying the men's toilets are blocked and that the issue has been logged.


I saw that last night before I went home (the log.. Not the email). Someone had left the bottle of hand sanitiser on the floor in one of the cubicles, so I wandered over, out of curiosity. The horror I saw in the bowl. Yuk. Maybe they tried squeezing sanitiser into it to break it up? I was going to warn one of the few people left in the building, but as I'm off today, I thought they would just blame it on me, so I didn't say anything.





Walking out the bogs still doing your belt up, "Someone has left a right mess in there".

Edited by Paddywhack
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