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On benefits many years ago but was never in the house. Always on the golf course and since i was lucky enough to be chosen to represent my golf club the club secretary allowed me to pay my membership fee on a monthly basis which was great as being on benefits i simply couldn't afford to pay it all at once. He was also my PE teacher when i was at school so i guess that helped as well. When in the house i wasn't allowed to lie in bed and learnt how to cook basic stuff like spuds, meat and so on which was great for my mother and father as they had a ready meal cooked for them when they came home from work. Downside was that i had to come off the golf course to have the dinner ready. 


Even while on benefits i started to get the odd gardening job to do (declared of course) and that eventually ended up being my main source of income for the next 30 years or so. 


I do have a great deal of sympathy for those who are on benefits and continually apply for jobs but don't even get an answer back. That must be absolutely soul destroying. However where my sympathy ends is when you have those people who have been claiming Disability Benefit and have been caught defrauding the system, or those who simply don't want to work and hide behind the benefit system.


If you can't get a job get yourself into a routine of getting up at the right time in the morning and actually go on a course to improve your chances of gaining employment. A friend of mine who works in the local Social Security Office has told me that there are now a great diversity of courses available to the unemployed and he cannot understand why he has had to threaten several people with losing their benefit because they simply didn't want to take advantage of what is available. 

Edited by Morpheus
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Has anybody got that Timehop app, that accesses all your social media and stuff to tell you what you were doing on this day 'x' amount of years ago?


Made me sad seeing my Korea halloween pics popping up.

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funny enough the photo's of me it picked involved me drunk in a pub with tampons stuffed up my nose , standing on a rotating dance floor in Reflex Broad street in front of a man wearing a costume with "Willy man " written on it it and jumping up and down on a bouncy castle with my 2 kids on my back


it sorta re-affirms my point from the facebook thread that as a snap shot of my life it's still exactly what I want at my funeral  .. just some random and irreverent insight into my rather random and irreverent life

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I like the way they try and shoehorn spaghetti junction in at the end there as some sort of tourist attraction.

And it's got a library! Yes, a library. A great place to visit for the average tourist. Not only that - Jamelia and a few other musicians were born there. What that means on a tangible, sightseeing level is anyone's guess. And it's got parks. And trees! Lots of trees.

And when you're bored of the parks, or the library, or the motorway interchanges, there's...wait for it...a cinema.

The article it is referring to must have been written by some wanky hipster. If you're from the US and you decide to visit Birmingham instead of London then you've made a huge error.

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