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'At best you are also rans, in a bad season you are struggling. You are never going to win anything - maybe a Cup or something - or finish in the top 4 for the CL, so that makes you also-rans at best. I don't know if there is another or a nicer way of putting it.'




I'm having fun.

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'At best you are also rans, in a bad season you are struggling. You are never going to win anything - maybe a Cup or something - or finish in the top 4 for the CL, so that makes you also-rans at best. I don't know if there is another or a nicer way of putting it.'




I'm having fun.

Seems no different to the idiotic ramblings posted on the main forum on here tbh. Looks like a few sensible posters on there too so in fact they're better than us :P

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Re- bad Neighbour.


Neighbour (traveller) is pulling in benefits left right and centre on the basis that she is a one parent family with five children. After being tipped off by one of my good neighbours that my next door neighbour is indeed married i subsequently informed my solicitor who in turn acquired her Wedding Certificate from the Registrar Office.


I then under the instruction of my solicitor gave the Wedding Certificate to the local branch of our Housing Executive in early February of this year of which my next door neighbour is a tenant and is receiving Housing Benefit. As this constitutes a serious breach of her Tenancy Agreement i fully expected the Housing Executive to act upon this.


However, after speaking with a high ranking Police Officer who has been helping me with my case against my next door neighbour, i have now been informed only yesterday that the local Housing Executive have done nothing with the Wedding Certificate which i presented to them. The impression the local Police are getting from the Housing Executive is that they are failing to act on evidence i have presented to them due to not wanting a mini Dale Farm on their hands and so i am expected to continually suffer at the hands of this neighbour.


I was foolish to expect a governmental institution which over a four year period has continually failed to act on this matter to follow their policies on anti-social behaviour so i have now been advised to go over the head of my local Housing Executive and to actually present my case to the Housing Minister for Social Development.


I have already been granted a civil court injunction against the neighbour based on recorded evidence of verbal abuse and noise but that injunction has now run it's course for a year and to get another one i will have to go through the whole process again.


Any advice apart from the proverbial AK47?

Advice for gypsies? Napalm.


In this particular case i would have to agree as simply throwing the rule book at her and her husband hasn't worked due to them being very knowledgable of how the system works.


Not all Travellers can be tarnished with the same brush though. One of my best friends at school (Traveller) was and still is a real gentleman.


You could do a bit of 'gardening' for your neighbour.

Mate she is the sterotypical Traveller with long black hair and mini skirts up to her arse and is at first glance very good looking but when you have had your home attacked (front window put in), been threatened and verbally abused i would rather put my walking stick elsewhere.



Neighbour (traveller) is pulling in benefits left right and centre on the basis that she is a one parent family with five children. After being tipped off by one of my good neighbours that my next door neighbour is indeed married i subsequently informed my solicitor who in turn acquired her Wedding Certificate from the Registrar Office.


I then under the instruction of my solicitor gave the Wedding Certificate to the local branch of our Housing Executive in early February of this year of which my next door neighbour is a tenant and is receiving Housing Benefit. As this constitutes a serious breach of her Tenancy Agreement i fully expected the Housing Executive to act upon this.

What is a 'serious breach of her tenancy agreement' and how would you know about the details of her tenancy?


Very good question.


I have a copy of the Housing Executive's Tenancy Agreement which all their tenants must sign up to.


It clearly states on that agreement that tenants must not annoy their neighbours and since through recorded audio evidence presented to the civil court which availed me of an Injunction against her then that alone is a serious breach of her tenancy.


The Housing Executive's Benefits Branch also supplies her with Housing Benefit and it states on her agreement that she must inform the Benefits Branch of any change in her circumstances. She became a tenant in late 2008 and was then married in 2010 and started living with her husband who has been working from that date. She did not inform the Benefits Branch of her change in circumstances and of course the increase in income which her husband provides. The local Housing Executive have not acted on the evidence that i have provided to them that she has been allegedly committing benefit fraud from 2010.   

Edited by Morpheus
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Re- bad Neighbour.



Any advice apart from the proverbial AK47?

Advice for gypsies? Napalm.



calm down V, I've got a good mate who's gypsy and he's sound. Nothing to do with race or ethnicity just whether somebody has been brought up to be a tool.


Morpheus, I fully sympathise, I had similar really bad neighbours at my first house (her tribe of ferral kids broke into my house by climbing on the roof and smashing through). Nobody was ever interested unless I threatened violence and then they would only be interested in me and my potential criminal act. It's a joke with these people.

Happily, one day rent arrears and other debts caught up with the minger and she did a midnight run. Word got out and people were in the street waving goodbye.

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Very good question.


I have a copy of the Housing Executive's Tenancy Agreement which all their tenants must sign up to.


It clearly states on that agreement that tenants must not annoy their neighbours and since through recorded audio evidence presented to the civil court which availed me of an Injunction against her then that alone is a serious breach of her tenancy.


The Housing Executive's Benefits Branch also supplies her with Housing Benefit and it states on her agreement that she must inform the Benefits Branch of any change in her circumstances. She became a tenant in late 2008 and was then married in 2010 and started living with her husband who has been working from that date. She did not inform the Benefits Branch of her change in circumstances and of course the increase in income which her husband provides. The local Housing Executive have not acted on the evidence that i have provided to them that she has been allegedly committing benefit fraud from 2010.

Your post implied that it was something to do with her getting married and receiving housing benefit that had led to a 'serious breach of her tenancy'.

How do you know that she did not inform the Housing Executive of a change in circumstances, a change in income or that they are not investigating (or have not investigated) an allegation of benefit fraud?

What are the remedies open to the Housing Executive for a breach of the anti-social behaviour clause of the tenancy?

p.s. I do have a great deal of sympathy if your life is being made a misery by an awful neighbour (or neighbours) but your posts above seem a little confused.

Edited by snowychap
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Who gives a **** about Celtic or Scottish football?


Celtic fans the world over have always been nothing but cretins. They are a pathetic club with an enormous chip on their shoulder. I'm sure Tonev would rather play competitive football week in and week out rather than having an easy time of it, and not at all developing his game, by playing pub teams like Ross County and St Mirren.


This is exactly the point they are missing. It's not just about who you're playing for, it's who you're playing against

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Very good question.


I have a copy of the Housing Executive's Tenancy Agreement which all their tenants must sign up to.


It clearly states on that agreement that tenants must not annoy their neighbours and since through recorded audio evidence presented to the civil court which availed me of an Injunction against her then that alone is a serious breach of her tenancy.


The Housing Executive's Benefits Branch also supplies her with Housing Benefit and it states on her agreement that she must inform the Benefits Branch of any change in her circumstances. She became a tenant in late 2008 and was then married in 2010 and started living with her husband who has been working from that date. She did not inform the Benefits Branch of her change in circumstances and of course the increase in income which her husband provides. The local Housing Executive have not acted on the evidence that i have provided to them that she has been allegedly committing benefit fraud from 2010.

Your post implied that it was something to do with her getting married and receiving housing benefit that had led to a 'serious breach of her tenancy'.

How do you know that she did not inform the Housing Executive of a change in circumstances, a change in income or that they are not investigating (or have not investigated) an allegation of benefit fraud?

What are the remedies open to the Housing Executive for a breach of the anti-social behaviour clause of the tenancy?

p.s. I do have a great deal sympathy if your life is being made a misery by an awful neighbour (or neighbours) but your posts above seem a little confused.


Yep both her getting married and receiving Housing Benefit are connected and apologies for any confusion.


Before she started her tenancy she would have had to apply for Housing Benefit. Her claim for Housing Benefit and other benefits would have been judged and granted on the basis of her income which apparently was nil. She then started her tenancy as a one parent family with five children with no apparent income.


However in 2010 she got married and started living with her husband. With his substantial income coming into the home she would have been over and above the allocated allowance for her to continue to receive Housing Benefit and this would also come under the 'Co Habitant' rule whereby you are only allowed so much income coming into your home per week before it would affect your benefit.


With her getting married and having extra income coming into her home she knew if she made the Social Security Services and the Housing Executive aware of this change in her circumstances she would no longer get Housing Benefit and it would also probably affect her ability to get Jobs Seekers Allowance, hence the secrecy.


I know the Housing Executive haven't investigated the evidence i have given them because the Head of Neighbourhood Policing in my area has already met with the Housing Executive and this Police Officer has told me during this meeting the Housing Executive informed him that they have done next to nothing with the Wedding Certificate.


The main remedy that the Housing Executive have is evicting the tenant but they don't want to do this as they might have a mini Dale Farm on their hands.  

Edited by Morpheus
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With his substantial income coming into the home she would have been over and above the allocated allowance for her to continue to receive Housing Benefit...

What is the applicable amount for a household such as theirs and how much is their household income (including his 'substantial income')?

...this would also come under the 'Co Habitant' rule whereby you are only allowed so much income coming into your home per week before it would affect your benefit

I don't quite think that's what the rule means.

All recipients of benefits are only allowed a certain level of income per week (the applicable amount) before it affects benefits. The cohabitation rule is about treating cohabiting couples as if they were a married couple (i.e. pooling their household income, assets, &c.), I believe. That there was a married couple living together rather than a lone parent with no income other than JSA would have affected their housing benefit entitlement but that would have been because of an income change (and probably a change in the applicable amount or the income that is counted which would be the same net result) and not that there wasn't an applicable amount beforehand.

I know the Housing Executive haven't investigated the evidence i have given them because the Head of Neighbourhood Policing in my area has already met with the Housing Executive and this Police Officer has told me during this meeting the Housing Executive informed him that they have done next to nothing with the Wedding Certificate.

You seem to be hung up about the evidence you have given them, namely a wedding certificate. You appear to have ignored where I asked:

How do you know that she did not inform the Housing Executive of a change in circumstances, a change in income or that they are not investigating (or have not investigated) an allegation of benefit fraud?

It may well be the case that they have done nothing about the wedding certificate because it has no use as they may already have deemed them as a couple living together. I'm not sure whether they would (or would be able to) divulge that information to the police or, more especially, to you.


The main remedy that the Housing Executive have is evicting the tenant but they don't want to do this as they might have a mini Dale Farm on their hands.

That would be the ultimate remedy, surely, and not the likeliest initial way that they would seek to address anti-social behaviour? Edited by snowychap
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With his substantial income coming into the home she would have been over and above the allocated allowance for her to continue to receive Housing Benefit...

What is the applicable amount for a household such as theirs and how much is their household income (including his 'substantial income')?

...this would also come under the 'Co Habitant' rule whereby you are only allowed so much income coming into your home per week before it would affect your benefit

I don't quite think that's what the rule means.

All recipients of benefits are only allowed a certain level of income per week (the applicable amount) before it affects benefits. The cohabitation rule is about treating cohabiting couples as if they were a married couple (i.e. pooling their household income, assets, &c.), I believe. That there was a married couple living together rather than a lone parent with no income other than JSA would have affected their housing benefit entitlement but that would have been because of an income change (and probably a change in the applicable amount or the income that is counted which would be the same net result) and not that there wasn't an applicable amount beforehand.

I know the Housing Executive haven't investigated the evidence i have given them because the Head of Neighbourhood Policing in my area has already met with the Housing Executive and this Police Officer has told me during this meeting the Housing Executive informed him that they have done next to nothing with the Wedding Certificate.

You seem to be hung up about the evidence you have given them, namely a wedding certificate. You appear to have ignored where I asked:

How do you know that she did not inform the Housing Executive of a change in circumstances, a change in income or that they are not investigating (or have not investigated) an allegation of benefit fraud?

It may well be the case that they have done nothing about the wedding certificate because it has no use as they may already have deemed them as a couple living together. I'm not sure whether they would (or would be able to) divulge that information to the police or, more especially, to you.


The main remedy that the Housing Executive have is evicting the tenant but they don't want to do this as they might have a mini Dale Farm on their hands.

That would be the ultimate remedy, surely, and not the likeliest initial way that they would seek to address anti-social behaviour?


I'm not absolutely sure of the exact allowance you are allowed per week before income affects your benefit but it is a low amount. Her husband's wage is in and around £1500 per month plus which would have taken her household income over and above the allowed allowance.


I know that she didn't declare a change in her circumstances because the Housing Executive weren't even aware that she was living with someone. I know this because the neighbour who lives on the other side of her also went to the Housing Executive to complain. This neighbour during the complaint interview dropped it into the conversation that the tenant was living with someone and the Housing Executive Officer replied by stating that they were under the impression that their tenant was living on her own.


Under the present circumstances with the added income from her husband if she had declared it, they wouldn't get Housing Benefit and it certainly would have affected her other benefits as well.


In Northern Ireland you have the Housing Executive, Council and PSNI (Police). They meet on a regular basis and those meetings are referred to as 'Tri Partied' meetings. These meetings are held for the sole purpose of discussing anti social behaviour and to collate information between the three organisations. My case has been at the forefront of those discussions as it has been a long running dispute over a period of four years and it is in the remit of the Neighbourhood Police to give feedback to those people who are involved within each cased discussed.


Obviously there are only certain things the Police can tell you and as i had given the head of our local neighbourhood policing a copy of my troublesome neighbour's Wedding Certificate he in turn asked the Housing Executive representative what they were doing about it. The reply was 'we are looking at it.'


If you then keep in mind that the Housing Executive have had this document from the start of February and have been 'looking at it' for nearly four months now the Police Officer got the distinct impression that the Housing Executive were doing nothing more than than sitting on it.


He (Police Officer) has now advised me to go to the Minister for Social Development (MP) and present my case to him as neither i or the Police Officer concerned have any faith that the Housing Executive want to do anything as in general our local branch of the Housing Executive have been less than pro active in other cases similar to mine.


Forgot to also state that i have entered into mediation twice with the Housing Executive tenant which has failed both times to find a resolution to the dispute as the tenant is an habitual liar and has been well known to the Police for twelve years due to problems at her previous addresses. 

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So dusty in here...




What tool did you use to get the squares? :detect:  I too am a dust artist and I struggle to get perfect squares.



A square duster of course :rolleyes:

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