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Standardisation, it's bloody brilliant.

So why the **** do Alliance and Leicester neglect it? Went to a cashpoint earlier, needed a tenner, go into that kind of autopilot mode while chatting to my mate (and also while vaguely under the influence of last night), shove in the card, punch the keys, ask for a receipt, press the button that ever other cashpoint I've ever used has for the £10 option.

Imagine my shock when the machine pumps out £100. Alliance and Leicesters cash points put £100 in the top left, where every one else puts a tenner. **** idiotsm it doesn't even make **** sense. I've now gonna have to head into town tomorrow to pay back in £90 having to deal with some bint with a fac elike a slapped arse in bloody Halifax.

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You clearly don't understand how much taxi insurance is. First sign of snow, owner drivers go off the road, only the renters stay out because a) they need to pay for the cab and B) they aint paying the insurance premium

Its not high enough. I never met a claim from a taxi driver that wasn't totally and grossly inflated and frankly fraudulent. With notable exceptinons, obviously.

and I do, joking aside, have a whole bunch of L postcode ones I'm dealing with, always the same drill, low speed, same solicitors, hire cars at £110 pd everycar needs "recovery" by people you don't even find in a phone book, and every car needs storage at 3x the cost of a car park in "secure"premises.

When taxi drivers stop taking the piss, (again, I note an honourable exception) perhaps their premiums might come down. I never found one in 10 years of claims who's declared loss of earnings to the tax man even remotely resembled their original claim!

Two way street as you well know Julian, you can't have it both ways, you can't on the one hand try and knock down drivers on loss of earnings and THEN moan like shit when they are forced to rent cars at £110 a day. As most drivers involved in a non faulter if they'd prefer to sit on their arses for two weeks whilst their car gets repaired at say £350 a week or rent a car and actually have to work for the money will take the money and run. Guess who just saved themselves some money? yep, the insurance companies. Guess who could bring premiums down as a result? yep the insurance companies. Who wins? You'd have thought everyone wouldn't you.

As we all know that taxi drivers do not declare their full earnings and insurance companies have used that to lever against taxi drivers for years

Do you know why taxi drivers alway use recovery vehicles you cant find in the phone book? (Clue his name is usually either Mitchell or Gawith dependant on trade) Its nothing to do with fraud btw, its because in Liverpool if your car is involved in a crash and is likely to be written off, it ends up being taken away by a company called Worcester Garages (they have the police contract), very insurance friendly etc (cost a **** arm and a leg btw) but it doesnt take very long before your car is in some compound in Geordieland, which in terms of recovery of personal items in said car is **** useless, again, whose fault is this? Not only that they tow the car away with the very expensive radio equipment still in it

The expensive cars are simply a logical result of past insurance company behaviour and the driver receives nada, nowt, zilch of this

The recovery by people who wont leave your car nearly 200 miles away in a couple of days is an idiotic result of bizarre behaviour by insurance companies, the drivers gain nothing from this except convenience, not giving drivers access to the vehicles and the ability to recover personal effects and taxi companies the ability to recover their radio equipment is whose fault?

The fact you get charged for secure storage is again, nothing to do with the driver, you get charged for it in that huge geordieland compound too no doubt

The fact that it takes an insurance assessor about 5 days to come out and inspect the vehicle, is whose fault? Come on goddam it, time is money after all and five days is nearly a week to a man trying to feed his family

And as for the hire cars, well again if only you'd have paid the real loss of earnings and not the "you don't declare that to the tax man, would you like us to report your declared earnings to them" bullshit then you wouldn't find yourself paying nearly 800 quid a week for a hire car

Sure I agree lots of people take the piss BUT so do most insurance companies, that results in the situation we have today. The only real difference to today and the old ways to the drivers is that right now, they still have to work to take home a wage to feed their family, they have gained very little out of the deal. Insurance Co's have put every obstacle in the way of paying out, so drivers have been forced to go to third parties, who make the vast sums of money out of the deal, the drivers are worse off by the fact they now have to work to earn a decent crust for the week. The middle men are largely the result of insurance company behaviour

And as you know, I've never made a fraudulent claim in my life (being as I've only ever had one non faulter and didn't even claim for whiplash) and have years and years of no claims but that is exactly the way the taxi vs insurance company thing has developed during my time in the industry. In trying to reduce costs, all the insurance companies have managed to do is increase them and create a whole swathe of middle men who earn the substantial sum of money out of the claim, the drivers are rarely ever any better off after a crash than they were before

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Standardisation, it's bloody brilliant.

So why the **** do Alliance and Leicester neglect it? Went to a cashpoint earlier, needed a tenner, go into that kind of autopilot mode while chatting to my mate (and also while vaguely under the influence of last night), shove in the card, punch the keys, ask for a receipt, press the button that ever other cashpoint I've ever used has for the £10 option.

Imagine my shock when the machine pumps out £100. Alliance and Leicesters cash points put £100 in the top left, where every one else puts a tenner. **** idiotsm it doesn't even make **** sense. I've now gonna have to head into town tomorrow to pay back in £90 having to deal with some bint with a fac elike a slapped arse in bloody Halifax.

Aren't you 20 or 21? You post like you're 45. And I mean that positively and negatively.

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Aren't you 20 or 21? You post like you're 45. And I mean that positively and negatively.

21, yeah. I'll take it as a positive ;). Don't notice it myself.

I'm just a cynical bastard who finds the little things piss me off a shitload.

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we were good mates before we went out, so I'm trying to keep it that way really. I don't want to argue about it.

Not being argumentative, but.....

...that's just putting things off. I've tried the "let's go back to being friends" routine thing a few times. I'm on what could most loosely be described as speaking terms with none of them. Drunk dials/texts/IMs, seeing a former partner with someone new, whatever... there's no putting the toothpaste back in the tube.

You went all-in and lost. Leave the room for a bit, get a bankroll together again (which can take a while) and go to a different table.

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that pikey wedding thing was shocking, is it stupid to ask where they get the money from? and why dont any of the pikeys near me seemingly have this honour your parents thing or the not really mix with country girls thing on the go?

probably because:

a) They dont have a TV camera following them

B) They're robbing your **** house fella.

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