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Wasn't he off his face on heroin at the time?

(Not giving an excuse, just throwing it out there...)

I haven't seen him for a few years, but didn't bother saying hello to him the last time I saw him, tbh I don't think he even recognised me.

The local papers says he was a pisshead, no mention of scag. I think it was The Sun that printed he was a smackhead?

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Sooo villadude, I don;t live in B6, he did it on purpose and killed himself and his children???

I don't live in B6 either, I live in Worcester,

As in WUSTER, not WOR-CESTER, like most Yanks like to pronounce it. :winkold:

That's so retarded that it's pronounced different then it looks. Much like Leicester. Yet you give us shit when we spell color with a U.

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The TV Licensing company have now let me and the rest of my housemates know about our legal standing if we don't purchase licenses.

The carefully worded threatening letters are becoming farcical now, we rang up to tell them we aren't using TVs or anything (reception for this house is terrible, I actually can't put the TV anywhere that receives signal) and they said we'd been scheduled for a visit anyway.


Those letters are just generated automatically, chances they'll come round (especially in a one horse town like Aber) are **** slim. If by some miracle some idiot has persuaded his boss that it might be worth their while to visit on a jolly (hardly likely Aber being as dull as shit in winter), simply don't let them in, they don't have the authority to enter your house without a warrant and a copper in attendance and you've gone nowhere near down that line yet also

(But if they ever do get that far, merely having a TV or even an internet connected computer is sufficient these days for prosecution)

But I reckon by the time they get that far, it'll be a different academic year and you'll live somewhere else

Worst thing you did though? Answered the letter, that alerted them to the fact that someone actually did live there

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The TV Licensing company have now let me and the rest of my housemates know about our legal standing if we don't purchase licenses.

The carefully worded threatening letters are becoming farcical now, we rang up to tell them we aren't using TVs or anything (reception for this house is terrible, I actually can't put the TV anywhere that receives signal) and they said we'd been scheduled for a visit anyway.


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Had a genius night at work last night, one of those nights that just gives you a big grin........

Bit involved but I'll try to explain. You may or may not know, that unlike Brum, Liverpool has more than one council to run different areas of what is essentially the same city (if you've followed the Everton new ground saga, you may have cottoned on to this). The reason Liverpool still has more than one council is simple - no one wants Liverpool City Council's debts (goes back to the Miliitant Hatton era), so we're still saddled with these stupid artificial boundaries. Now in the taxi trade that means each council has its own licensing authority and as we are based in Sefton Council area, Liverpool city council hate us, actually hate simply isn't a strong enough word, nor is detest tbh because the liverpool area taxi trade is dying on its arse because of us, Liverpool is largely Hackney carriage based whereas we are private hire. The law states that we can pick up anywhere (in the country) as long as the fare is pre-booked with our office, the law in relation to Hackney carriages is such that they have to return to their own council area to pick up off the street which is how most of them earn their money. But the people of Liverpool generally hate them as their prices get more and more ridiculous each year and by and large use us, to the tune of 165,000 individual jobs on average each week (anyone who happens to be in the taxi trade just fainted at those figures btw), so the hackney trade is dying on its arse as a result. So here the politics of vested interest come into play, each licensing authority is self financing, their income is derived from the money it pulls in through its licensing activity) and Liverpool are shitting a brick for two reasons, their income is falling (and thats directly down to us being more successful) and there is also a murmering amongst the other councils of forming a single unitary authority for Merseyside (sensible move for all concerned, except Liverpool Licensing who would lose out big time, their big cheese would definitely not get the new big cheeses job)........So thats the backround apart from to say there has been a somewhat systematic targeting of our cabs by Liverpool Licensing....

So anyway, last night, the head of Liverpool Licensing was at the taxi pick up area (and short stay car park) at Lime St Station, refusing to show his ID (major mistake) and moving on every single one of our drivers within a couple of minutes of them landing there to pick up legitimate fares. Back in the office I'm getting a bit pissed off with this, until I had a brainwave...........the area in Lime St Station is private property, he is not allowed to move anyone on, thats British Transport Police's territory or any other direct agents of Network Rail, so I called British Transport Police up and theres nothing a copper likes less than some tosser blowing his whistle on his patch................."He's What?" "Is he now" "Leave it to us" "we'll ring you back when we've investigated". I believe he got kicked off the station and told to **** off and not come back and there is apparently a very strongly worded letter going to the council today, told if there is any repeat that he will be arrested and charged

My boss was delighted with me :mrgreen:

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I don't get this whole TV license bologne in the UK. meh

In other news I really don't like using the toilet for #2 when someone else is in another stall. Anyone else have this issue? If the bathroom is empty then I'm good to go. If one of the two or 3 stalls is in use, I can't do it. If someone gets in the stall next to mine (a small work or business bathroom), I have to plug my ears cause I can't handle having to listen to someone pass stool. And obviously I can't talk to anyone (not sure if many people do that in the UK, it really isn't that common here either but I have had someone try talking to me before).

I'm getting better what with the new iPod I bought, I can listen to music, but I still don't like using my phone in the bathroom, I think that people can hear me clicking away on my phone playing Snake or Vortex or something. Hahaha.

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Sooo villadude, I don;t live in B6, he did it on purpose and killed himself and his children???

I don't live in B6 either, I live in Worcester,

As in WUSTER, not WOR-CESTER, like most Yanks like to pronounce it. :winkold:

That's so retarded that it's pronounced different then it looks. Much like Leicester. Yet you give us shit when we spell color with a U.

We give you shit every time you abuse our language :mrgreen: because its ours not yours :nod:

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I got 2 of those TV License letters and a couple of buzzes up to the apartment that I didn't answer. If you're visiting me, you really should have my mobile number. Nothing for a long time. I'm also waiting on my first electricity bill having been here 4/5 months. Nothing can touch me.

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That's ace Bicks, I hate jobsworths, them and their sort make my blood boil and any chance I get to piss them off I'm straight on it.

As much as I admire your plan and execution, the only bummer is not being able to give him a smug look and let him know it was you that got him a bollocking. Either way, result!

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That's ace Bicks, I hate jobsworths, them and their sort make my blood boil and any chance I get to piss them off I'm straight on it.

As much as I admire your plan and execution, the only bummer is not being able to give him a smug look and let him know it was you that got him a bollocking. Either way, result!

In this instance though its good for me, don't need to draw any heat to either myself or the company and this solution did neither and got him in a lot of shit too :D

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