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You guys are a let down to the wolfpack.


I watched that the other day.

It was good, but not as amazing as everyone was making it out to be. I think it's due to them just banging on about it for ages, then me expecting it to be immense. If they had just gone, yeah, watch The Hangover, I think I would have found it better than I found it to be.

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Still ain't seen it and need too.

Double law and double business too look forward too tommorow. Oh the joy.

Do you not just have the same lessons everyday?

I have 3 lessons a day (one for each subject), 5 times a week...

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Still ain't seen it and need too.

Double law and double business too look forward too tommorow. Oh the joy.

Do you not just have the same lessons everyday?

I have 3 lessons a day (one for each subject), 5 times a week...

Nope. I have a mix-match.

Worse day is probably tommorow out of the 2 week timetable.

Best day is thursday week 1, where I have Practical P.E 3rd and then business studies last. Or Friday week two, just business studies last.

Does everyone in your year have the same plan? If so that's better as everyone is there in the free periods, instead of sometimes just 5/6 of you. Then again there's always defend your castle and pandemic on the computer to get stuck into :lol:

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Still ain't seen it and need too.

Double law and double business too look forward too tommorow. Oh the joy.

Do you not just have the same lessons everyday?

I have 3 lessons a day (one for each subject), 5 times a week...

Nope. I have a mix-match.

Worse day is probably tommorow out of the 2 week timetable.

Best day is thursday week 1, where I have Practical P.E 3rd and then business studies last. Or Friday week two, just business studies last.

Does everyone in your year have the same plan? If so that's better as everyone is there in the free periods, instead of sometimes just 5/6 of you. Then again there's always defend your castle and pandemic on the computer to get stuck into :lol:

We only have a singular week of timetable, so it's the same every week.

Friday is a bitch for me though, I have 5th, but 95% of the year go home early.

I hate the Year 12's. All they do is rob the comfy chairs all the time. Bastards.

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Still ain't seen it and need too.

Double law and double business too look forward too tommorow. Oh the joy.

Do you not just have the same lessons everyday?

I have 3 lessons a day (one for each subject), 5 times a week...

Nope. I have a mix-match.

Worse day is probably tommorow out of the 2 week timetable.

Best day is thursday week 1, where I have Practical P.E 3rd and then business studies last. Or Friday week two, just business studies last.

Does everyone in your year have the same plan? If so that's better as everyone is there in the free periods, instead of sometimes just 5/6 of you. Then again there's always defend your castle and pandemic on the computer to get stuck into :lol:

We only have a singular week of timetable, so it's the same every week.

Friday is a bitch for me though, I have 5th, but 95% of the year go home early.

I hate the Year 12's. All they do is rob the comfy chairs all the time. Bastards.

your Lucky! I get to go home one day early on my whole 2 weeks.

That's poor. our common room is divided and never changes!

Year 12's take the big more comfy chairs, I like to take the soft fluffy sofa chair things, put 2/3 either side and make a bed for myself to nap in. Sums me up tbh.

I'm off, The bill, come dine with me and some program on Haiti is calling me..


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If you can drink sensibly mate it's never a problem, it can be quite enjoyable, but learn your limits early because chucking on a bellyful of beer isn't pleasant.


After the second or third (I forget how many) time waking up in a pool of vomit, you decide that it's overrated.

Moderation in all things, including moderation (when appropriate).

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as a non drinker myself. Apart from 3/4 times a year.

I don't drink either, I don't feel the need to. We are similar ages, right? It's my 18th on the 28th (yes, Final day), but I don't know whether to drink or not. I can't actually remember the last time I had a session!

But the main reason for me not drinking has been proven by two situations.

1) My girlfriend spending 2 hours in the toilet getting sick on her birthday

2) On NYE, two of my mates were in bed at half past midnight as they had got sick everywhere.

My mates all say that you have a better time when pissed, but then, who's had the better night not making a clearing in the woods of themselves, getting sick everywhere and I can have just as a good time without it?

Also, I save a shed load of money too.

its my 18th on the 12th of this month, and i have a drinking plan - local pub with friends/home (food)/local pub with dad/propaganda in birmingham.

I dont drink alot, but i do a fair bit. Its not always a 'drink to get drunk' situation either, i just like it more than pop/tea/coffee etc etc.

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Still ain't seen it and need too.

Double law and double business too look forward too tommorow. Oh the joy.

Do you not just have the same lessons everyday?

I have 3 lessons a day (one for each subject), 5 times a week...

Nope. I have a mix-match.

Worse day is probably tommorow out of the 2 week timetable.

Best day is thursday week 1, where I have Practical P.E 3rd and then business studies last. Or Friday week two, just business studies last.

Does everyone in your year have the same plan? If so that's better as everyone is there in the free periods, instead of sometimes just 5/6 of you. Then again there's always defend your castle and pandemic on the computer to get stuck into :lol:

We only have a singular week of timetable, so it's the same every week.

Friday is a bitch for me though, I have 5th, but 95% of the year go home early.

I hate the Year 12's. All they do is rob the comfy chairs all the time. Bastards.

your Lucky! I get to go home one day early on my whole 2 weeks.

That's poor. our common room is divided and never changes!

Year 12's take the big more comfy chairs, I like to take the soft fluffy sofa chair things, put 2/3 either side and make a bed for myself to nap in. Sums me up tbh.

I'm off, The bill, come dine with me and some program on Haiti is calling me..


POB your timetable (set up and stuff) seems very similar to mine at a-level currently. 2 weeks (week A and week B) i do 4 subjects, and roughly have 3 lessons a day. For example today i finished at 11, where as yesterday had 5 hours of lessons.

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Wow, General chat has perked up since Trim and Dan livened things up with some Fightin' Talk.

Only thing I have to say is don't diss Business Studies! Best subject I ever did at school. Got nearly 100% on it at A Level (or 100% in terms of those funny marks they give it. UMS is it?)

As a result of that I did accountancy at Uni and as a result of that I'm now an accountant. So the subject quite literally changed my life.

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all of my friends did Business Studies at A Level (I didn't), I essentially decided it was a mickey mouse course when most of the room appeared to do nothing but socialise and about half the class got really high marks, coupled to numerous cases where they'd damn near completely ace the essays and exams, 100%.

I did real subjects - Biology, Chemistry, English Literature, and History.

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Either they had ana mazing teacher, or a shit teacher who just told them the answers.

Although I would say if you took a genuine interest in the subject it was a very good subject to get high marks in. As I said I got nearly full UMS marks (I think they were called UMS anyway)

But I wouldn't say it was easy, and our lessons certainly weren't sociable!

Either way, the stuff I learnt in that lesson has set me up far better for my career than anything I would have learnt in Biology, chemistry etc.

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The beauty of accountancy is that even crappy unsuccessful businesses need accountants if only to tell the taxman just how crap they're doing. Basically the business world will always always need accountants so it's got good job security. But yeah it does seem as if it's the in thing at the moment which might flood the market.

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