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Emma by the way, is Stu in any idea about the 6th december, make sure you have the nets!!

Sounds fun CED ;)

Tucking into a rustlers burger and ginsters pasty. How lovely...

I don't know to be honest Joe, let me know all the details about it so hopefully we can try and organise something or work around it!

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Emma by the way, is Stu in any idea about the 6th december, make sure you have the nets!!

Sounds fun CED ;)

Tucking into a rustlers burger and ginsters pasty. How lovely...

I don't know to be honest Joe, let me know all the details about it so hopefully we can try and organise something or work around it!

Sunday 6th December, 12.30 start becasue of the light, finish probably around 3.30 ish I'm guessing, pub near, will ask if people want to stay.

That's literally it but if you can't come to anything else and just this then please! The only person I know not coming is Richard from Norwich who is on holiday. Jenkins said he would but haven't spoke to him for a while so not sure about him but Should have 22/23!

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My butt hole is still acting up a bit. See here: Still haven't gone to the doctor

Will probably next week.

It's a shame that you have put off going to the doctor for financial reasons Mahoney. Not that I blame you of course, it's the system.

Not entirely due to financial reasons. I'm afraid what he may tell me. I'm afraid of the big C word. Granted I'm only 25 so the chances are low but I dunno...still worries me a lot.

I do have health insurance but the deductible is so high! I really should go to get checked out though...

I've really cut down on the smoking and I do eat healthy, even since this all started. SO I don't know what it could be..

Ahhh I'm scared.

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Ex girlfriend's brother was in a similar situation to you CM. He didn't want to go to the docs for fear of big C type bad news. He left it and left it, to the point where his family had to smash his front door down, to find him unconscious on his bed in a pool of blood. It wasn't cancer, it was ulcerative collitis, which is treatable, although like anything, the earlier you diagnose it, the easier it is to treat. Anyway, he ended up having all of his colon removed (no incisions necessary - they went in through the holes in his skin between the belly button and sternum) and now he has an ileostomy bag. Ileostomy is the most severe form. All this was preventable. All he had to do was go to the doctors.

That said, chin up, it may well be just a haemorhoid.

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I'm afraid of the big C word. Granted I'm only 25 so the chances are low but I dunno...still worries me a lot.
OK, worst case scenario....

Let's say it IS cancer. What would you rather have? Cancer caught in its early stages and treatable?

Or cancer that's been left too long and no longer treatable?

And it's not like you're having a carefree time not worrying about it.

It's a no brainer mate, get it checked. Then you'll either have the relief of knowing you don't have any real problem, or you'll have the relief of knowing that your problem is being dealt with, rather than just being given a free rein.

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Ex girlfriend's brother was in a similar situation to you CM. He didn't want to go to the docs for fear of big C type bad news. He left it and left it, to the point where his family had to smash his front door down, to find him unconscious on his bed in a pool of blood. It wasn't cancer, it was ulcerative collitis, which is treatable, although like anything, the earlier you diagnose it, the easier it is to treat. Anyway, he ended up having all of his colon removed (no incisions necessary - they went in through the holes in his skin between the belly button and sternum) and now he has an ileostomy bag. Ileostomy is the most severe form. All this was preventable. All he had to do was go to the doctors.

That said, chin up, it may well be just a haemorhoid.

Shit. SCARY! I'm gonna make an appointment for Friday.

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Ex girlfriend's brother was in a similar situation to you CM. He didn't want to go to the docs for fear of big C type bad news. He left it and left it, to the point where his family had to smash his front door down, to find him unconscious on his bed in a pool of blood. It wasn't cancer, it was ulcerative collitis, which is treatable, although like anything, the earlier you diagnose it, the easier it is to treat. Anyway, he ended up having all of his colon removed (no incisions necessary - they went in through the holes in his skin between the belly button and sternum) and now he has an ileostomy bag. Ileostomy is the most severe form. All this was preventable. All he had to do was go to the doctors.

That said, chin up, it may well be just a haemorhoid.

Dear god man, I clenched and can't unclench.

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ClaretMahoney, get yourself down to your GP right away. If I think it's what you might have, you might have already caused yourself some big problems by not going to the doctors when you discovered your problem. I know what I'm talking about, seriously.

What symptons in general have you got? Stomach cramps, feeling tired, sluggish, going to the toilet more than you usually would, vomitting and what's your appetite been like? Also, about the problem with your bottom, does it feel like a spot and does it feel sore if you touch it?

If you think you've got those symptons and you've got the problem with your bottom as I've described, don't hesitate to send me a PM and I'll help you out right away. But please, do me a big favour and go to your doctor tommorow. Don't be worried though, what I think you might possibly have is not cancer and I pray there is nothing seriously wrong with you, but I insist you go to your doctor tommorow.

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ClaretMahoney, get yourself down to your GP right away. If I think it's what you might have, you might have already caused yourself some big problems by not going to the doctors when you discovered your problem. I know what I'm talking about, seriously.

What symptons in general have you got? Stomach cramps, feeling tired, sluggish, going to the toilet more than you usually would, vomitting and what's your appetite been like? Also, about the problem with your bottom, does it feel like a spot and does it feel sore if you touch it?

If you think you've got those symptons and you've got the problem with your bottom as I've described, don't hesitate to send me a PM and I'll help you out right away. But please, do me a big favour and go to your doctor tommorow. Don't be worried though, what I think you might possibly have is not cancer and I pray there is nothing seriously wrong with you, but I insist you go to your doctor tommorow.

It never really hurts, let me just say that. Sometimes it's uncomfortable, I haven't had any external things happening until a few days ago when I felt what could be best described as a hemorrhoid. That seems to have gone away though..

My overall symptoms are these: After I eat something, especially, and mostly in the morning, I can really feel it in my stomach making it's way down to my bumhole. Once it gets down there I can "feel" it like, digesting and moving around and the best way to describe it is like a rumbling happening. Sometimes I feel a little pressure on my bumhole and it gives me the feeling that I'm gonna have diarrhea in my pants, but then the feeling goes away and I pass some gas.

When I go to the bathroom it doesn't ever hurt and nor does it bleed, except a few days ago there was some red on the toilet paper, and that time it did hurt to shit. But since then it hasn't. Sometimes about 10 minutes after I shit i get uncomfortable in my seat, like a "wild hair" is being put in my ass. I don't know how else to explain it, it doesn't hurt but it doesn't feel good either.

Ya know, I really think it boils down to me smoking cigs, cause the day after I goto the bars and smoke and drink alot the symptoms are alot more prevalent.

But seriously, I eat healthy, rarely any fast food and lots of rice, chicken, broccoli, onions, a fruit shake each morning. Pretty legit food. So I don't know what the deal is. I'm beginning to wonder if I have some crazy parasite with me for a year now since I got back from Central America!

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Scheduled an appointment for this Friday, the 13th. GREEEAAT. Not expecting good news on a day like that.

And yes specialized doctors do cost more, and I'd have to get referred to one from my GP first. Fingers crossed this doesn't have to happen and it's something small and mundane that is wrong with me.

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OK, thanks for the info you've given me CM. Just to let you know, your diet has no influence on the symptoms you've currently got. I need you to do one thing for me, stop smoking immediately because that's aggrivating your bowels too and cut down on alcohol as much as you possibly can because that can also be aggrivating your bowels. Have you booked an appointment to see your GP/Doctor on Friday? Lastly, I know you haven't seen your doctor yet, but would you like me to send a PM on what you might possibly have and give you some info and websites so you're prepared for the worst case scenario when you see your doctor? I really want to help you because I've been in the same situation myself.

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