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In other news, just had a rather interesting taxi drive home, the driver essentially gave me the global conspiracy according to Islam. The Large Hadron Collider is being used to slow the Earth's rotation and affect the weather, which links into a prophecy in the Qur'an... the Jews are running the world... Polticians are serpents that care nothing about people and entirely about nations, and empires (I actually sorta agreed here, but less nations and empires and more money), and the reason they don't care about people is that they are God-less. And that there are undeniable patterns in the Arabic alphabet that allow one that understands them to make predictions and unlock great knowledge.

...One of the more interesting taxi drives I've ever had, and also one of the more terrifying... this bloke was clearly not stupid, he understood a lot of the stuff I tried to correct him on, i.e. the Large Hadron Collider for instance, but he was absolutely staunch in his beliefs on the Islamic view of a global conspiracy and **** me it's horrifying.


Thanks man , brilliant stuff. Should've told him to write a book or something

He could probably get a show on the Middle Eastern version of the History Channel, what with all their "Bible Code" "documentaries" they air.

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Once it was the Jews that were involved in the world wide conspiracy with Marxism, some still believe that today, although they believe it is the conspiracy that the Jews run the world.

If you are ever bored and want a terrifying read by nutters and mad men you have to look no further than the Stormfront forum. Now that shit is messed up.

I infiltrated the forum once , just to get access to the private stuff. They are seriously crazy people and by crazy I don't mean in a funny way. Used to be a member on that site on the "Opposing view" forum just for lulz and trolling fun. :P

You dirty mongrel. :lol::lol:

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Once it was the Jews that were involved in the world wide conspiracy with Marxism, some still believe that today, although they believe it is the conspiracy that the Jews run the world.

If you are ever bored and want a terrifying read by nutters and mad men you have to look no further than the Stormfront forum. Now that shit is messed up.

The Nazis believed that both capitalism and communism were Jewish conspiracies...

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The only conspiracies worth taking notice of include finance. Mainly because there is tangible evidence to support claims. For example the $700bn bailout of the banks across the water, no idea where most of it went, and why was there a sudden U-turn on the decision to deny it? Why was there a 'don't ask' policy and why did the government agree to it?

Fatman Moore described it as a financial coup d'etat and he's spot on. Just a pity he's a tit.

But generally conspiraces are silly, based on little to no fact and usually obsessed with 'who' rather than 'why'.

Cui bono?

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Once it was the Jews that were involved in the world wide conspiracy with Marxism, some still believe that today, although they believe it is the conspiracy that the Jews run the world.

If you are ever bored and want a terrifying read by nutters and mad men you have to look no further than the Stormfront forum. Now that shit is messed up.

I infiltrated the forum once , just to get access to the private stuff. They are seriously crazy people and by crazy I don't mean in a funny way. Used to be a member on that site on the "Opposing view" forum just for lulz and trolling fun. :P

You dirty mongrel. :lol::lol:


He could probably get a show on the Middle Eastern version of the History Channel, what with all their "Bible Code" "documentaries" they air.


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Greed, that is all it is. Scientific breakthrough my arse. Someone will get rich fast of cloned meat. Sad thing is people will buy into it.

So anything that people get rich off of is bad?

Yes :twisted::twisted:

Nah, nothing wrong with people earning some dosh. But in the case of cloned meat I meant it in the sense it'll be cultivated en masse (if it is given the go ahead by the powers that be) mainly because someone is getting rich of it and will push it through, rather than what benefits it has for the people/environment.

And you can see why, when the process is done right it is cheap, efficient and high-yield. It's a money mans dream. And in turn the taxmans dream because of all the lovely VAT money he'll get as a result.

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Greed, that is all it is. Scientific breakthrough my arse. Someone will get rich fast of cloned meat. Sad thing is people will buy into it.

So anything that people get rich off of is bad?

Yes :twisted::twisted:

Nah, nothing wrong with people earning some dosh. But in the case of cloned meat I meant it in the sense it'll be cultivated en masse (if it is given the go ahead by the powers that be) mainly because someone is getting rich of it and will push it through, rather than what benefits it has for the people/environment.

And you can see why, when the process is done right it is cheap, efficient and high-yield. It's a money mans dream. And in turn the taxmans dream because of all the lovely VAT money he'll get as a result.

And in the mean time a few million more people get to eat.

I'll gladly pay the price of a few people making a fuckton of money for that.

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Yes :twisted::twisted:

Nah, nothing wrong with people earning some dosh. But in the case of cloned meat I meant it in the sense it'll be cultivated en masse (if it is given the go ahead by the powers that be) mainly because someone is getting rich of it and will push it through, rather than what benefits it has for the people/environment.

And you can see why, when the process is done right it is cheap, efficient and high-yield. It's a money mans dream. And in turn the taxmans dream because of all the lovely VAT money he'll get as a result.

My understanding is it is not cheap by any means. Or efficient - it's still being developed to prevent miscarriage and still birth.

And as for cultivating on masse... they're used as breeding stock. All that would be cultivated en masse are the offspring of clones, because breeding cloned high yield animals gives a greater rate of success and is cheaper. And the offspring would be raised in exactly the same way as they already are, so cloning would not represent anything different to the current farming technique with regards it's impact on the enviroment, and would in fact arguably be better for the environment because of the guarenteed higher yield that the cloning and subsequent breeding of optimum specimens would offer. After all, if you have a herd of cows that provide you 20 steaks a head, and a herd that provides 30 steaks, you need less cows if you adopt the higher yield, cutting environmental impact.

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After all, if you have a herd of cows that provide you 20 steaks a head, and a herd that provides 30 steaks, you need less cows if you adopt the higher yield, cutting environmental impact.

Sadly, that isn't how capitalism works. It'll be exploited to the hilt when it is passed.


You can only sell a finite amount of food. Even if people ate beef for breakfast elevenses brunch lunch dinner and supper, the world over, you can only sell so much. And I daresay the market for beef country to country is pretty stable and has been for years - peoples diets don't change radically and populations don't grow, country to country, that much that quickly. To exploit the cattle trade you'd imagine they'd have to be packing every field to brim with cows. But they would run out of markets and actually hinder themselves by flooding the market with the product reducing the profit margin on each head of cattle if they did overly exploit it to saturation point.

And if they did do that anyway and found they had too much beef, well... anything you can't sell, you can't make money on.

It's in the interests of dirty capitalist farmers, those dastards, to have high yield cattle, because it lowers their costs against their returns. 1 cow that provides as much product as, for arguments sake, 2 normal cows, is good for business. It takes up less resources than 2 cows, reducing costs, and provides more product, upping profit per head.

It's a good thing.

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Many ways, for one cattle don't just produce beef. But on beef I doubt it'll be sold much here and in other 'developed' countries. We have enough tasty beef as it is. Now, there is nothing wrong with providing a steady of supply of meat to poorer countries, but its more the process of developing rather than the final result which is the problem.

You are painting an ideal scenario (less cows, more beef etc) but ideal scenarios rarely pan out. It'll still take a huge quantity of animals to provide the meat that the poorer countries don't get in their natural diet. Where do these animals get bred? What are the conditions which they are bred in? You will still have massive areas of land with cattle which aren't used to having cattle. As we (the west) are the ones with the technology to produce high yield animals, do we share that with and educate countries to enable them to do it themselves? Which would take a hell of a lot of time, but easily the better option, or will it be used as yet another way to exploit poorer nations?

The point is if it goes through it'll have to be regulated to the tee, because it is potentially something that could very damaging.

I think our own gluttonous society can survive without more beef, basically, and should seek to find a better equilibrium with the enivronment without playing around with the very nature of it. The technology is at best used in order to provide meat in countries that need it and when it is done it shouldn't be patented and it should be given to those countries for free to do it themselves. A bit like the bloke that invented a cure for polio.

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