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The problem is with cloned meat...is that we're all in un-chatered waters. No one knows if eating this stuff is going to be OK or cause us harm in the

long run..like GM food etc

Years ago polyunsaturated margarine was considered far more "healthy" than butter...yet have you looked at the list of chemicals in the stufF?!

IMHO. Responsibly grown, less chemical. natural food is surely best... I'm convinced that all the pollution & chemicals we injest contained in crap

food is harming our immune systems. However that's a personal opinion & it's up to each of us to draw our own conclusions.

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Just got a disconnection notice from the electricity company. Haven't gotten a bill from them, but now they send me a disconnection notice to the address. The first correspondence. €446 for 10 months electricity. I rang them and they want me to give them the meter reading when I moved in which is on the contract.


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The problem is with cloned meat...is that we're all in un-chatered waters. No one knows if eating this stuff is going to be OK or cause us harm in the

long run..like GM food etc

Cloned meat is absolutely positively safe. It's just meat. It can't be anything other than safe because of the very nature of how it has come to be - its a copy of a perfectly natural being. Clones do have some health issues - they tend to age differently and also tend to partial to early death. But the meat and milk from those that survive is identical, it that's unsafe so is every bit of beef on the market. By cloning it it doesn't miraculously do something different to it, it wouldn't be a 'clone' otherwise.

Years ago polyunsaturated margarine was considered far more "healthy" than butter...yet have you looked at the list of chemicals in the stufF?!

Chemicals =/= bad. Everything contains chemicals. If you saw the chemical components of a slab of beef and had this idea that chemicals = bad you'd have a heart attack. Same goes for everything.

We've been eating margarine for years. It has some benefits over butter. Just because it's manmade and full of chemicals doesn't make it dangeorus.

IMHO. Responsibly grown, less chemical. natural food is surely best... I'm convinced that all the pollution & chemicals we injest contained in crap

food is harming our immune systems. However that's a personal opinion & it's up to each of us to draw our own conclusions.

Yes, it might be best, it's also spectacularly unefficient, and that isn't good for us as race since theres rather a lot of us to feed. It also isn't good for your bank account - that lack of efficiency gets reflected in the cost, as does the difficulty in growing completely organically.

You often say these kind of things whenever theres something scientific and it makes me cringe I hate to say.

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Greed, that is all it is. Scientific breakthrough my arse. Someone will get rich fast of cloned meat. Sad thing is people will buy into it.

We should seek an equilibrium with our environment, not have some disgraceful overbearing attitude over the earth as if it is our own and our plaything.

Having some pseudo-intellectual reasoning behind an arguement is every bit as cringeworthy tbh.

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Anywho... Anyone familiar with the Wellington Pub in town? Off there tonight and heard good things about the ale, but I've worries it's going to be a proper old fellas place (which isn't a bad thing at all, I like that kind of pub), but going with a lady might not lend itself to the best of surroundings.

It's her idea to go there and she knows it's an ale pub, but she likes proper beer anyway so theres the appeal. But I don't think she'd be quite so keen if it's full of the flat cap brigade.

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Greed, that is all it is. Scientific breakthrough my arse. Someone will get rich fast of cloned meat. Sad thing is people will buy into it.

We should seek an equilibrium with our environment, not have some disgraceful overbearing attitude over the earth as if it is our own and our plaything.

Having some pseudo-intellectual reasoning behind an arguement is every bit as cringeworthy tbh.

Whats the problem with someone wanting to make money?

It's not even cloned meat we're really talking about here, all that is cloned are high yield animals that are then used for breeding stock to bear more high yield animals. We're not eating the meat of a clone (though that would be perfectly safe), we're eating it's offspring.

And we've used cloning in crop growing for years. It's used in horticulture as a standard procedure - ever heard of cuttings?

I'm all for trying to make ourselves in equilibrium with the planet... but cloning will actually make that easier, once absolutely perfected, as currently it's rather inefficient itself (lots of specimins are rejected/miscarried/stillborn, something that will require further research to better. Already we're at a better standard than we were when Dolly was born).

As for the pseudo-intellectual comment, **** me, the irony meter went into the stratosphere there.

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It's one thing cloning simple organisms like plants, it's quite another doing it for more complex species. Sure, it may be perfectly safe to eat. Hey, it might even taste scrumptuous! But you are **** with nature. And nature doesnt like to be ****. Even breeding high-yield animals (like cattle) naturally causes an uneven balance within an ecosystem. Doing it through cloning will only multiply the effect.

Point being when there is a superfluous amount of X in an ecosystem then that ecosystem will either adapt (if X is brought in slowly) or collapse (if it is all thrown in over a short period of time). We shouldn't be arseing around with nature to benefit ourselves, especially when there are plenty of natural and sustainable ways to do things. Humans are just too self-absorbed and lazy to be arsed. And I suspect that all the good it may do humans will be undone when the inevitable happens and the equilibrium tips too far in one way.

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The bigger stuff, like the Challenger tanks and Harriers etc

Though I understand that various parts come from various companies, I was hoping that there was a sort of 'Umbrella' company that supplied more than one piece of equipment.

I've been looking around and kind find much information. Probably asking the wrong questions.

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The bigger stuff, like the Challenger tanks and Harriers etc

Though I understand that various parts come from various companies, I was hoping that there was a sort of 'Umbrella' company that supplied more than one piece of equipment.

I've been looking around and kind find much information. Probably asking the wrong questions.

Built by numerous companies. BAE is main one of the reasonably big providers of major equipment like the Challenger 2 and the Harrier. But smaller equipment is provided by loads of companies.

As far as singular armies go, they aren't provided to by 1 manufacturer, or even close to that.EDIT - Even a single item is often reworked under numerous companies, the SA-80 for instance was redeveloped by Heckler and Koch after it's initial development and manufacture to redesign it to account for failings in the original design.

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In other news, just had a rather interesting taxi drive home, the driver essentially gave me the global conspiracy according to Islam. The Large Hadron Collider is being used to slow the Earth's rotation and affect the weather, which links into a prophecy in the Qur'an... the Jews are running the world... Polticians are serpents that care nothing about people and entirely about nations, and empires (I actually sorta agreed here, but less nations and empires and more money), and the reason they don't care about people is that they are God-less. And that there are undeniable patterns in the Arabic alphabet that allow one that understands them to make predictions and unlock great knowledge.

...One of the more interesting taxi drives I've ever had, and also one of the more terrifying... this bloke was clearly not stupid, he understood a lot of the stuff I tried to correct him on, i.e. the Large Hadron Collider for instance, but he was absolutely staunch in his beliefs on the Islamic view of a global conspiracy and **** me it's horrifying.

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In other news, just had a rather interesting taxi drive home, the driver essentially gave me the global conspiracy according to Islam. The Large Hadron Collider is being used to slow the Earth's rotation and affect the weather, which links into a prophecy in the Qur'an... the Jews are running the world... Polticians are serpents that care nothing about people and entirely about nations, and empires (I actually sorta agreed here, but less nations and empires and more money), and the reason they don't care about people is that they are God-less. And that there are undeniable patterns in the Arabic alphabet that allow one that understands them to make predictions and unlock great knowledge.

...One of the more interesting taxi drives I've ever had, and also one of the more terrifying... this bloke was clearly not stupid, he understood a lot of the stuff I tried to correct him on, i.e. the Large Hadron Collider for instance, but he was absolutely staunch in his beliefs on the Islamic view of a global conspiracy and **** me it's horrifying.


Thanks man , brilliant stuff. Should've told him to write a book or something

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Once it was the Jews that were involved in the world wide conspiracy with Marxism, some still believe that today, although they believe it is the conspiracy that the Jews run the world.

If you are ever bored and want a terrifying read by nutters and mad men you have to look no further than the Stormfront forum. Now that shit is messed up.

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Once it was the Jews that were involved in the world wide conspiracy with Marxism, some still believe that today, although they believe it is the conspiracy that the Jews run the world.

If you are ever bored and want a terrifying read by nutters and mad men you have to look no further than the Stormfront forum. Now that shit is messed up.

I infiltrated the forum once , just to get access to the private stuff. They are seriously crazy people and by crazy I don't mean in a funny way. Used to be a member on that site on the "Opposing view" forum just for lulz and trolling fun. :P

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Greed, that is all it is. Scientific breakthrough my arse. Someone will get rich fast of cloned meat. Sad thing is people will buy into it.

So anything that people get rich off of is bad?

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