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26 minutes ago, Xann said:

HMV are currently beating Amazon on physical music sales.


Didn't even know they did that anymore? I used to shop on HMV before it went bust.

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On a related note and as a piece of useless trivia, IIRC we have one of the last 2 'Tower Records' stores in the world, sitting just off Grafton Street in Dublin.  An excellent store too btw.

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On a slightly off on topic note has anyone used music magpie before? i have all these dvds that i just want rid of taking space, and cds. I know they probably give you about 20-30p for each but always wondered what the hell they do with them after? 

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1 hour ago, Xann said:

HMV are currently beating Amazon on physical music sales.

The fact that they sell Vinyl now has helped. A few of my mates who'd not stepped foot in HMV for years are now regular customers again.  

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Anyone used Envirofone before? I just did a online quote for my Sony Z3, it has massive cracks everywhere at the back and two small cracks on the front (not on screen) phone works perfectly fine otherwise. They quoted me £75 for it which I think is good considering on ebay people are putting small cracked ones for about £100 but no-one is buying them. 

Will they reduce the figure once they see the cracks? It says as long as the phone works it shouldn't but I don't trust it. 

Edited by Demitri_C
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7 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

Anyone used Envirofone before? I just did a online quote for my Sony Z3, it has massive cracks everywhere at the back and two small cracks on the front (not on screen) phone works perfectly fine otherwise. They quoted me £75 for it which I think is good considering on ebay people are putting small cracked ones for about £100 but no-one is buying them. 

Will they reduce the figure once they see the cracks? It says as long as the phone works it shouldn't but I don't trust it. 

Aren't they essentially paying you for the battery hence the cosmetic outlook is irrelevant?

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They harvest the phone for parts and, moreover, materials. Your phone is full of materials with fairly significant value - gold etc. It'll most likely end up on a pile somewhere being torn apart.

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4 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

Anyone used Envirofone before? I just did a online quote for my Sony Z3, it has massive cracks everywhere at the back and two small cracks on the front (not on screen) phone works perfectly fine otherwise. They quoted me £75 for it which I think is good considering on ebay people are putting small cracked ones for about £100 but no-one is buying them. 

Will they reduce the figure once they see the cracks? It says as long as the phone works it shouldn't but I don't trust it. 

When I've taken iPhones into 02 they rejected the one with a cracked screen and another one that they gave me £220 they reduced it to £210 once it got to its destination as their assessor didn't like the condition of the phone 

i assumed they recycled the components but it does seem condition is an issue 

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I've booked my wedding for next year, it's at Birmingham council house on December 23rd, we based on our decision on the German market finishing on the 20th

however this year for some 50th year special they're extending the market until the 29th, they're then having a vote on whether or not to do it next year too

the main bar is right outside the room we'd be getting married in and plays music all day, it would ruin our wedding, we'd have dance music (as well as crowd noise) filling the room all day

ive paid a £1k deposit, if I cancelled the wedding do you think I'd have grounds for getting my deposit back too?

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13 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

I've booked my wedding for next year, it's at Birmingham council house on December 23rd, we based on our decision on the German market finishing on the 20th

however this year for some 50th year special they're extending the market until the 29th, they're then having a vote on whether or not to do it next year too

the main bar is right outside the room we'd be getting married in and plays music all day, it would ruin our wedding, we'd have dance music (as well as crowd noise) filling the room all day

ive paid a £1k deposit, if I cancelled the wedding do you think I'd have grounds for getting my deposit back too?

It is still 13 months away and if you intend to have it at the same venue, then I can't see how they would object? Plus there is a genuine reason. 

Worth asking anyway. 

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30 minutes ago, Rugeley Villa said:

What's the law when having sex with an underage person if you didn't know they were underage and they told you they were 17? It's not what you think fellas, this does not involve me. 

I think the first issue is how old the other person was, and what the nature of the relationship was.  If it's two 17 year olds who are seeing each other then, while it's still technically illegal, it tends not to be acted upon.   So there's an element of (selective) common sense used.  If the other person is a lot older and it's a one off thing then I think the system is set up to usually blame them.  But I'm no law talking guy.

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If they're over 13 and consent, I believe it's a defence that the adult thought they were over 16, it's not a crime if the person under 16 lied about their age (as long as they're not under 13 which is strict liability, afaik). Having said that it's not unheard of for people to end up on the sex offenders register if the person underage denies it and says the defendant knew their age.

That's based on my hazy memory of a lecture about a decade ago. In summary, your mate should probably speak to a solicitor. 

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