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Oh my, how bad is over on the main VT Board! without exception every thread has the same culprits dragging the topic to the gutter.

Yep. It's the same every year but I think the lack of signings so far has sent people into overdrive.

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finding out ex-classmates from school are having a kid is frightening.

Im 23 and most of mates have kids already which in my area seems teh norm nowadays. More worrying 2 of my younger cousins have 3 kids between them

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Kids are becoming sexually aware at a younger age. I heard my 9 year old brother discussing such things with his friend, when I was 9 all I wanted to do was be a general little bollocks. So becoming sexually aware at a younger age leds to sex at a younger age, leading to more pregnant ladies at younger ages.

Soon enough we'll have an epidemic of pregnant 13 year olds!

I blame the interwebs myself.

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Youngsters are cracking on to the idea that having kids is a free meal ticket, why get a job when you can have a kid and a free house, **** depresses me

me and the gf both have degrees but i bet the 1st couple of years out of uni it would be harder for us to get a house than a 17 year old with a kid

My brothers gf sister is 18 her one ambition in life was to have a kid, got pissed at 17 got pregnant, doubt she'll ever work again, got a 24 year old cousin with 3 kids never worked a day in her life, got a free house with better furniture than me

To say the least in grinds my gears

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I'm almost 26 and I'm not planning on getting a lady pregnant any time soon. I know that sometimes it isn't planned as it is, yet I will do all I can to avoid having a child for the time being. I want to have children some day, yet I want to be financially prepared when I do.

Unless of course some rich woman wants to make some babies. Then I would be sorted... :D

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It pisses me off royally as well. That and the fact a lot will never do anything worthwhile for society, but will take and take. Also, people who have worked their lives and now are unemployed due to the recession, and have to get by on a miserable amount of money because they never saved. You have some people on benefits since 18 who get paid more because they don't know about contraception, or the fact they were "too drunk to remember". Society is a hole.

My brothers gf sister is 18 her one ambition in life was to have a kid, got pissed at 17 got pregnant, doubt she'll ever work again, got a 24 year old cousin with 3 kids never worked a day in her life, got a free house with better furniture than me

Ha. I know what you mean. I know a girl who got knocked up at 17 and has all that as well. She was recently pregnant again. So within 2 years she's had 2 children with two different fathers. Says it all really. Vices are rewarded these days.

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Thing is you cant control teenagers having kids. Unless you make abortion mandatory until they are able to suppot a kid, which is as ethically wrong as it gets. Or you say we'll take your baby if you don't get a job and support yourself, which is also pretty harsh but a more viable option. I don't think its right to bring a kid up in an environment of non-working parents, in a council house, in a shitty estate and with nothing much to live for from the off. In a modern society children shouldn't be born into advantage/disadvantage simply by 'the luck of the draw' and from age 0 they should be on an equal standing IMO.

What the benefits system basically does is keep the 'underclass' of society where they are. Give them enough to get by and let them build their squalor and breed in it, basically.

Overall it's a situation you cant really change without drastic measures, I dont think the current bunch, or any bunch in the future, has the balls to shake things up for the better.

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Just a visa overstay or something else?

Neither, two months left on his Visa. My understanding is, they won't consider his residency because his visa is too near to it's expiry.

The authorities held his passport for ages which slowed the whole process down.

He may be back Wednesday, good few grand down :(

Thanks for the link though.

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finding out ex-classmates from school are having a kid is frightening.

Finding out two people in your sixth form were pregnant was weird. :?

That said, our town had one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in Europe I'm sure not too long ago, like a couple years.

More positive news, £100 made this week for 9 hours football coaching and I don't even have any qualifications for it yet. Wooop.

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