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2 hours ago, Seat68 said:

I have shamed myself in the past for my over enthusiasm for planes and people that work with planes. Air shows would be like porn for me. 

If life has taught me anything it's that the chicks love a man who can differentiate between a Rolls Royce Trent engine and a GE90

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51 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

Most Boring Day Of My Life might even warrant its own thread. Me? Like Tony, nothing springs to mind. Several boring events (childhood visits to elderly relatives, maths lessons, work meetings, shopping for clothes with the missus...) - but they were usually over in much less than a day. I'll have to think about it.

I did think about a new thread but  it would be about 40 seconds before some wag wrote  " reading this thread " :)

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1 hour ago, Jimzk5 said:

Most boring day of my life? Wellend steam rally 2009.

i hadn't long met my missus and she went with her parents every year, I wasn't entirely sure what it was, but if it had a beer tent I'd be fine.

nope, after 3 hours of looking at tractor engines I made an excuse to go to a shop, brought 8 cans and got pissed in her parents caravan. 

That her parents had a caravan should probably have set the alarm bells ringing  , I'd have probably faked my own death at that point to get out of it ... Unless she was dead fit and then I'd have probably gone along to the steam rally 

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2 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

different strokes and all that but everyone loves the red arrows don't they ? Or failing that everyone loves a spitfire or the Vulcan bomber ... I was lucky enough to see the blackbird fly at Greenham common once , seriously that's one of those things you don't forget  or seeing the space shuttle fly in piggy backed on the back of a 747

But your post does have me thinking though , what would get my vote for most boring day of my life ... Daft as it sounds .I can't actually think of one , yeah I've been bored loads of times but bored beyond belief is a tougie 

There was a lot of excitement when it was announced that Eurofighter would fly with the red arrows for the first time.

"Red Arrows!" I thought. "At least this will be exciting"

Literally all they did was fly past. Once. 

It was probably the highlight of the day. And it was still shit.

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1 minute ago, Stevo985 said:

Happy Birthday, @DK82

VillaTalk says you're 151 years old today.

That's a grand age. Congratulations.

I feel 151 lol.. Thanks Stevo :)

spending the day indoors, watching a few films, reading a book. Decided to see my mum and dad yesterday, I've got no presents as I asked for people to donate to Shelter or Foodbank instead. At the end of the day, I have more than enough and don't need anything, so would rather the money helped others.

Im now off to put on some slippers, put my feet up.. no pipe yet though. :D

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27 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

"Red Arrows!" I thought. "At least this will be exciting"

Literally all they did was fly past. Once.

I live a couple of miles away from an air base and subsequently have to endure an air show once a year, Red Arrows etc. 

Constant deafening noise yet somehow a plane is rarely in sight. And the traffic is terrible so getting away that day is much harder to do. 

And happy birthday DK82.

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26 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

That her parents had a caravan should probably have set the alarm bells ringing  , I'd have probably faked my own death at that point to get out of it ... Unless she was dead fit and then I'd have probably gone along to the steam rally 

I didn't know her parents had a caravan until we got there, I'm not joking when I say it was the worst day of my life, when we arrived and I saw the entrance with a sign that read "for enthusiasts of Victorian steam powered vehicles" I thought it was a joke. It was literally a load of old farm machinery with bearded men sat on stools by them willing to talk about it. There wasn't any beer tents, instead there was stalls selling cheese and a jumble sale.


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8 minutes ago, Jimzk5 said:

I didn't know her parents had a caravan until we got there, I'm not joking when I say it was the worst day of my life, when we arrived and I saw the entrance with a sign that read "for enthusiasts of Victorian steam powered vehicles" I thought it was a joke. It was literally a load of old farm machinery with bearded men sat on stools by them willing to talk about it. There wasn't any beer tents, instead there was stalls selling cheese and a jumble sale.


It only needs Morris Dancers and it would be how I imagine Hell to be

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Boring / disastrous day: when I had to gig buddy for my dad. He wanted to go and see Brian Somebody ex of Queen that was playing a gig at the Ice Rink. This had lots of problems:

I absolutely **** hated Queen with a passion.

The Ice Rink was not a music venue.

It transpired it was a 'seated' gig.

My seat, was next to a drainage pipe that transmitted the sound of every toilet flush.

All of the above was thoroughly compounded by my parent's idea of gig preparation, which involved being ready 3 hours early 'just in case', though in case of what was never specified. Getting in to town so early it was still light. Deciding to go to a pub by the ice rink for a drink to kill some time. Walking to the bar and becoming more and more aware on the walk to the bar that this was a gay pub and everyone was looking at us. We got to the bar, everyone looked at everyone else and my dad announced 'shall we leave?' and just walked straight back out. The dawning realisation that I was in the middle of town, leaving a gay pub, with a man 20 years older than myself. This is all back in the day, 25 years ago. Now, I'd stay in the pub.

The gig involved Brian Bloke playing a noodley guitar with a poodle hair style. He played instrumental versions of Queen songs. But that wasn't the highlight, oh no. He'd done music for some Ford Car advert. He played that first, **** advert music for Fords. He played it again mid way way through. He played it a third time as part of his unwarranted encore. A bloke from Queen, playing guitar solo versions of Ford adverts, over and over again. To the accompaniment of an intermittent flushing toilet.

Don't talk to me about 'nam, you had to be there man, you had to be there.


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When I was a kid RAF St Athan still used to have their air day. 

I was out by chance on the day of the air show, a few miles down the road mooching around with my mates looking for mischief. We found ourselves out on a headland where all the planes were using it as a turning point. So they were really really low down close to the water, close to this headland, and going pretty much as slow as they could without falling out of the sky, ready to do their fly by of St Athan a couple of miles up the coast.

One after the other, all day, Concorde, Vulcan, Phantom, anything and everything. Low enough to see the individual panel lines. Absolutely filmic.

I have this weird memory that I'm not convinced is real, it's so dreamlike. We used live in a block of flats in the 60s, and I have this recollection of looking out of the window and seeing several aircraft obviously heading to or from an air show, including a few WWII fighters - and a Vulcan, which proceeded to do a VERY low circuit of our estate. I was beside myself with excitement. Now, I'm not at all sure it ever happened.

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Yeah, similar feeling, it's why I said it was 'filmic' it's one of those half remembered things, I wanted to say I saw a vampire and a meteor, I think I did, but I don't know if they were even still flying back then and it might just be 40 years of rose tinting embellishment over the original memory.

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In the pub last night, I mentioned the Bronte sisters in passing and these two guys (both around 23 years old) had no idea who they were. 

Can't help feeling that them not knowing who the Brontes are is perfectly normal and I'm the weird one for being aware of them (and even more so for mentioning them in a pub).

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1 minute ago, Shropshire Lad said:

In the pub last night, I mentioned the Bronte sisters in passing and these two guys (both around 23 years old) had no idea who they were. 

Can't help feeling that them not knowing who the Brontes are is perfectly normal and I'm the weird one for being aware of them (and even more so for mentioning them in a pub).

who are they? ive not heard of them.

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8 minutes ago, Shropshire Lad said:

In the pub last night, I mentioned the Bronte sisters in passing and these two guys (both around 23 years old) had no idea who they were. 

Can't help feeling that them not knowing who the Brontes are is perfectly normal and I'm the weird one for being aware of them (and even more so for mentioning them in a pub).

I do think people are getting dumber, which is bizarre considering we live in an age where information is more readily accessible than ever before. 

I remember a few years back and it was the 100th anniversary of the Titanic disaster, I was surprised by the amount of younger people (up to teenage ages) that didn't know it was actually a real disaster and thought it was just a film. Even without the internet as a youngster, I knew about the Titanic. Not all the facts but I knew it was the unsinkable ship that sank on its first voyage. 


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2 minutes ago, Xela said:

I do think people are getting dumber, which is bizarre considering we live in an age where information is more readily accessible than ever before. 

I remember a few years back and it was the 100th anniversary of the Titanic disaster, I was surprised by the amount of younger people (up to teenage ages) that didn't know it was actually a real disaster and thought it was just a film. Even without the internet as a youngster, I knew about the Titanic. Not all the facts but I knew it was the unsinkable ship that sank on its first voyage. 


what it really happened? get away.

Edited by Rugeley Villa
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