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ive been bitten by a spider and my leg has swollen up and gone a very strange colour. Didnt realise at the time so didnt even kill it, safe to say there will be a murder spree of epic proportions later (spiders only in case im being watched).

Go get it checked out, CV. Horror stories abound of people in your situation getting proper sick from such things. Show the doc.

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ive been bitten by a spider and my leg has swollen up and gone a very strange colour. Didnt realise at the time so didnt even kill it, safe to say there will be a murder spree of epic proportions later (spiders only in case im being watched).

Go get it checked out, CV. Horror stories abound of people in your situation getting proper sick from such things. Show the doc.

Just after a bed next to Cheryl Cole.

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The Orange Order will never learn. Bunch of sectarian old clearings in the woods stuck in their ways. They have no right to march in pre-dominantly Catholic areas. All the trouble that happens is completely down to their actions and hostility towards the Nationalist people.

Nobody would have Muslim extremists marching through their communities. I hear there is trouble still going on. Hardly surprising.

So the footage here by the Nationalists is acceptable?


OK there may be some sectarian "^*&^" on the Orange side, I notice no condemnation of the other "side"?

As for rights? Well yes they do actually - or are you saying that only certain people can walk down certain roads?

Muslim extremists have a right to protest and likewise those against them have a right to protest against them back. What neither of them though have a right to do is to attack others including the police.

Sorry but there is always a massive condemnation from the Nationalist community and their supporters to this, but little or no condemnation of their own when they break laws.

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They knew what would happen yet they went along with it. rocket polishers the lot of them.

CED - the "lot" being / including anyone who got involved in violence and civil disorder

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They are as bad as eachother. I support the protest though, not the violence. The Orange Order have no right to rub their blatant bigoted triumpahlism in nationalist faces when they know what the outcome will be.

It's the exact reason why nationalists don't go throwing traditional Irish festivals in unionist areas during..say..St Patricks day, because it won't be greeted with open arms.

It's not nice, but that's how it is. The Parades commission are essentially a bunch of hardline unionists that stick their dirty fingers in anything in order to get their way, see what happened with the devolution of policing and justice to see what I mean.

There is no place for the Orange Order in the modern world so I support whatever protest there is, if it was up to me I'd have them rounded up and shipped off to antartica.

The violence is uncalled for, but it's missing the point completely.

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The Orange Order will never learn. Bunch of sectarian old clearings in the woods stuck in their ways. They have no right to march in pre-dominantly Catholic areas. All the trouble that happens is completely down to their actions and hostility towards the Nationalist people.

Nobody would have Muslim extremists marching through their communities. I hear there is trouble still going on. Hardly surprising.

I cant believe that they said yesterday that it was a tourist attraction for the country... What tourist in their right mind would want to come and get a brick in the face in Northern Ireland? They really are deluded.

A tourist attraction. :lol::lol:

Yet they parade about with banners that glorify the UFF and UDA and the pro-Unionist media says nothing. Young girls were photographed with paint on their faces yesterday saying "KAC", meaning Kill All Catholics, yet again the pro-Unionist media doesn't even mention that bitterness, they focus completely on Catholics protesting at bitter twonks parading through their communities glorifying murder of their people.

You couldn't make it up.

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So the footage here by the Nationalists is acceptable?


OK there may be some sectarian "^*&^" on the Orange side, I notice no condemnation of the other "side"?

As for rights? Well yes they do actually - or are you saying that only certain people can walk down certain roads?

Muslim extremists have a right to protest and likewise those against them have a right to protest against them back. What neither of them though have a right to do is to attack others including the police.

Sorry but there is always a massive condemnation from the Nationalist community and their supporters to this, but little or no condemnation of their own when they break laws.

Aye, the Orange Order, who young girls had Kill All Catholics painted all over their faces and having UVF, UDA and UFF banners being flown as they marched through a Catholic area.

I'd love to see what the British media would think people would do if Muslim extremists marched through london with Hang All Soldiers, and Al Qaeda Flags being flown. Talk sense. They have every reason to do what they did when these bastards are glorifying the slaughter of innocent Catholics by these groups.

But of course, the understanding, rational Londoners wouldn't bat an eyelid. They would just let them get along with it because it was their "right". Jump in mate. Their would be a full scale riot and they'd probably end up murdered.

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From the reports I've seen from Belfast, it largely looks like scum looking for an excuse to kick off. Not convinced many of them would genuinely be 'politically active'.

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I see the reports from the BBC failed to mention that PSNI beating protestors with bats and dragging them on the road?

As Drat mentioned earlier, people are allowed to demonstrate against groups like the OO which is exactly what these people were doing. They were then beaten by batons, and dragged like animals off the road, simply because they were fulfilling their democratic rights. Absolutely hilarious double standards.

Obviously once a crowd of people see this, considering they are already agitated by events then you will get violence and trouble. Simple as that.

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Most of the people active in the worst violence are younger people, who in all honesty look like they have been encouraged to cause trouble for no particular reason (i know why there are protests).

Instead of protesting peacefully and showing why the march shouldnt go through those particular areas they have turned the condemnation to their own side. Im just glad that on the whole it was a minority of people.

Also most of the violence was directed towards the police which again is only going to bring negative reactions from the wider public.

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The fact that the Orange Order decided to go to Alliance Avenue and break the windows of Catholic homes, with nothing to do with any of this just shows the hatred and bitterness of these bellends. That there itself, proves exactly why the words removed should be no where near Catholic areas singing their 1700 tunes.

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I got a visit from an electricity supplier the other week asking if I was interested in switching over. I said in my most apathetic way possible that I really wasn't (it was the evening and I can be very disinterested when I (don't) want to be).

He took an MPRN number from me (some unique electrickery number) and I proceeded to sign something which he said showed he had visited.

I have now received a letter from this company welcoming me to their service. And a letter from my old provider with a final invoice.

The con artist at the door only went and pulled the wool over my eyes :lol:

So tomorrow, I will not only be telling them to transfer the electricity back to where it was coming from before, but that I will now also be swapping my gas away from them too. Something that, until today, I had no reason to bother doing.

So that salesman has lost his company a customer. I hope his fraud gets him fired.

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I got a visit from an electricity supplier the other week asking if I was interested in switching over. I said in my most apathetic way possible that I really wasn't (it was the evening and I can be very disinterested when I (don't) want to be).

He took an MPRN number from me (some unique electrickery number) and I proceeded to sign something which he said showed he had visited.

I have now received a letter from this company welcoming me to their service. And a letter from my old provider with a final invoice.

The con artist at the door only went and pulled the wool over my eyes :lol:

So tomorrow, I will not only be telling them to transfer the electricity back to where it was coming from before, but that I will now also be swapping my gas away from them too. Something that, until today, I had no reason to bother doing.

So that salesman has lost his company a customer. I hope his fraud gets him fired.

I've heard of that stuff happening, didn't believe it.

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Well there ya go :) I actually laughed when I realised what they'd done because I'm looking forward to telling them they are con artists tomorrow and that they've lost me as a gas customer over this cheap trick. Provided it's not overly difficult to do, I'll probably report them to whatever regulator deals with this kind of thing too.

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In hindsight I shouldn't have. He basically said it was so that he could tell his boss that he had called ("look see boss there's a signature") - and at this point I just wanted him away from the door (the previous provider's electricity bill is actually in the wife's name so EVEN IF I had wanted to switch, I wouldn't have been able to). Obviously they managed to do it though. But I was asked to sign it under false pretences and someone out there will take a dim view of that.

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