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Universities should be about education, not training. It used to be that our society valued education, and rewarded bright kids by supporting them through a degree course, free of charge. Employers would take on graduates in any broadly relevant discipline, pay them starter salary, and train them to do the actual job.


Now, it's all about having to have a degree in the exact thing you're going to do, and then get taken on as an unpaid 'intern' - deep in debt and effectively working for nothing.


And I blame Blair's New Labour as much as the Tories. It was their education minister, Charles Clarke, who scoffed "What use is mediaeval history?" Arsehole.



I got accepted for a maths course at uni despite getting a C, and rather predictably it was an unmitigated disaster.  I swear they only accepted me for the money, I know I have to take responsibility for failing myself, but I agree with you, someone has to say no, degrees are for the best and not to take on just about anybody.  I got really homesick and depressed by the whole thing as well, which put me back a couple of years.  Sorry if it sounds like a whinge, as it is obviously brilliant for anyone who gets what they want out of it, in fact I'd quite like another bash at it now if I could.

I think that's part of the problem - that everyone is deemed ready for a bash at University at the same point in their lives despite having vastly different backgrounds, aptitudes, maturity levels etc. I think I'd have done a lot better out of Uni if I'd spent at least a couple of years doing some proper work before hand. For me at least. Obviously plenty of people are synched in to nailing it from the word go. But when you feel you're following the socially chosen path, you do end up questioning why you bother. I went back 3 years later for a masters when I felt ready for it, and loved it entirely, instead of panic squeezing a 2:1 at the end by the thinnest of margins, in the face of total de-motivation and disinterest in large elements of the undergrad course, I was on the ball from the word go and got what I wanted from it.

My brother never went to Uni, and he only regretted it at times for missing out on the piss ups, but the reality is he is a more vocational chap with far more skills at fixing stuff, whether it's computers, cars etc which frankly struck me as a far more useful life skill for job hunting.

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I'm currently at Aston Uni, but live at home because it's only a 15-20 minute journey! Enjoying the course (Microbiology and Immunology) especially being in the labs wearing my own lab coat and goggles (yeah I'm a nerd aha). Also, they let first year students study a language for free in the first year, so I chose Arabic and it's really fun, love the people in my group. Give it a few months then I'll probably end up hating it ahaha.

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I reckon if I'd gone to Uni in Birmingham or another large city I'd have faired better. Aberystwyth was just a black hole. I've still got friends who live there and we all finished in 2009.

It was brilliant for most things not least the national library but, there was definitely an element of small town madness. Seeing lecturers in the local Spar or pub was weird. Also the pub to student ratio was absurd for such a small town. You could have 10 pints in ten different pubs within a square mile.

But, sod it, I loved it.

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I reckon if I'd gone to Uni in Birmingham or another large city I'd have faired better. Aberystwyth was just a black hole. I've still got friends who live there and we all finished in 2009.

It was brilliant for most things not least the national library but, there was definitely an element of small town madness. Seeing lecturers in the local Spar or pub was weird. Also the pub to student ratio was absurd for such a small town. You could have 10 pints in ten different pubs within a square mile.

But, sod it, I loved it.

You see many strange sights in Aber, the best of the bunch during my time there was a girl who used to walk her boyfriend to lectures on a leash with a leather collar and metal spikes.

Highlight of the time was having a cocktail named after us in the Cambrian.

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I reckon if I'd gone to Uni in Birmingham or another large city I'd have faired better. Aberystwyth was just a black hole. I've still got friends who live there and we all finished in 2009.

It was brilliant for most things not least the national library but, there was definitely an element of small town madness. Seeing lecturers in the local Spar or pub was weird. Also the pub to student ratio was absurd for such a small town. You could have 10 pints in ten different pubs within a square mile.

But, sod it, I loved it.

You see many strange sights in Aber, the best of the bunch during my time there was a girl who used to walk her boyfriend to lectures on a leash with a leather collar and metal spikes.

Highlight of the time was having a cocktail named after us in the Cambrian.

We used to have a jolly boys every year up Aber, simply for the fanny, what a marvelous place. I met a bloke who used to DJ in The Bay only last year at a training course, a blast from the past, that place was special to me

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I went to the last night at the Bay. Bloody loved that place. Great loss when it went.

Aber is great place. Something like 50 pubs within 3 miles of the town centre, most of them literally seconds apart and each with it's own clientele and atmosphere. We had a regular run - Scholars (bit classy and more sophisticared, had a clear policy with barmaids - 1 blonde, 1 brunette, 1 red head, 1 East Asian, 1 Asian, 1 black or mixed race, if one left they were replaced with the same 'type'), Cambrian (for a Deathstar), Rummers, Ship and Castle if you're early enough, Academy, end in the Angel with a mezcal and vomit behind the public info sign outside. If you were lucky the Angel might have a social on, which basically was your entertainment for the night - we went on fetish night once and the horrors we saw whilst hunched over over quiz machine with a rancid pint will live long in the memory...

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I went to the last night at the Bay. Bloody loved that place. Great loss when it went.

Aber is great place. Something like 50 pubs within 3 miles of the town centre, most of them literally seconds apart and each with it's own clientele and atmosphere. We had a regular run - Scholars (bit classy and more sophisticared, had a clear policy with barmaids - 1 blonde, 1 brunette, 1 red head, 1 East Asian, 1 Asian, 1 black or mixed race, if one left they were replaced with the same 'type'), Cambrian (for a Deathstar), Rummers, Ship and Castle if you're early enough, Academy, end in the Angel with a mezcal and vomit behind the public info sign outside. If you were lucky the Angel might have a social on, which basically was your entertainment for the night - we went on fetish night once and the horrors we saw whilst hunched over over quiz machine with a rancid pint will live long in the memory...

Was the academy the big old building with two floors and they showed the football on a big screen?

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I went to the last night at the Bay. Bloody loved that place. Great loss when it went.

Aber is great place. Something like 50 pubs within 3 miles of the town centre, most of them literally seconds apart and each with it's own clientele and atmosphere. We had a regular run - Scholars (bit classy and more sophisticared, had a clear policy with barmaids - 1 blonde, 1 brunette, 1 red head, 1 East Asian, 1 Asian, 1 black or mixed race, if one left they were replaced with the same 'type'), Cambrian (for a Deathstar), Rummers, Ship and Castle if you're early enough, Academy, end in the Angel with a mezcal and vomit behind the public info sign outside. If you were lucky the Angel might have a social on, which basically was your entertainment for the night - we went on fetish night once and the horrors we saw whilst hunched over over quiz machine with a rancid pint will live long in the memory...

On my first night of freshers one of the guys who had turned up the day before us gave me a twenty and said to get us a Death Star. Went up to the bar and asked for two Death Stars (having already started in Harry's with a couple of gahhs) was slightly confused when they came back with 4 pints of black stuff and £2 change. That stuff was vile but did the job!

Did love Sunday nights listening to aber live down by the river, some great live music and cheap drink to finish the week off.

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