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It's just horrific that people think what she did was ok because they were speaking Arabic(?) in public. Boils my piss.

Probably Urdu, but yeah. And it was a black woman? (No intention of clicking it) Classic example of last generation's targets finding someone lower down the pecking order.

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It's just horrific that people think what she did was ok because they were speaking Arabic(?) in public. Boils my piss.

Wouldn't surprise me if the ones moaning are the same ones with holiday villas in Spain, going there to eat fried breakfasts and ordering beers in English.

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Cancer is proper shit. My mum currently having Chemo for throat cancer.

How can billions of pounds and the greatest minds in the world still not crack it?


It's a fault inherent in our own bodies, innit. If you live long enough and nothing else gets you, you will get it. It's shit & I do hope they find a cure but I can see why it is difficult.

dont we all have cancer cells in our body? it can take just a nasty fall to trigger it off.

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'Talk your own language, f***ing Isis b****es': Mother with a PRAM launches vile racist rant at two Muslim women on a London bus 

  • A black woman taunted Muslim passengers on board a London bus
  • She referred to them as 'sandbags' and 'Isis bitches' in the racist rant 
  • The bus driver tried to calm the situation but the woman's abuse continued 
  • The incident was caught on video and has since gone viral on Facebook 


what the ****

The only thing worse than the article is the comment section

bit embarrassing really.

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had a right day yesterday because the night before id had a curry so the morning after whilst i was out with the dog(again) i had to run back to get on the loo which i just about made but on the way to work was a different matter. we are trying to find this job in solihull and my arse is twiching like a good un but i thought yeah we are nearly there so i will try and hold out but then the worse case scenario happend and we get lost driving around these posh streets in solihull. anyway we have a little combi van and i whilst my mate had pulled over to try and find out where we were i got in the back of the van and done this huge sloppy shit in a bucket that stunk to high heaven. by this point hes jumped out the van shouting unsavoury words at me in this really posh street then i fling my hi vis at him which ive used to wipe my arse with which upset him even more. we then had to drive to this site with this bucket full of shit in the back which stunk,i then had to clean it out when i got on site. he got pay back on me though because when we were throwing tiles up the roof i was not paying attention properly and the tiles he threw caught the end of my nose and has taken all the skin off the end. so not only did i have a sore arse i had a sore nose and it looks like ive been on a crack pipe all night as crackheads get these burns on their noses which look identical to mine.


Wish I'd met you 20 years ago, we'd have been the Animal brothers [emoji4]



bagsie eddie.

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Anyone ever lived in Birmingham City Centre? (or the centre of any large city?). Keep being drawn to the idea of city living. As much as Four Oaks is lovely, its not the place for a single man to meet people. Its where I would live when I settle down, etc.


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Went to the open day at Birmingham Uni yesterday, Edgbaston campus. Gorgeous setting for the accommodation, but a bit on the pricey side starting at about £130 a week for a 42 week stay (includes £40 of credit for food per week). So on top of fees another £5,500 a year for accommodation and basic food.

Tour of facilities was quite good, sat in on a couple of interesting sample lectures with my nipper. 

The welcome talk was glossiest and most polished we've been to so far. But that had to be slightly tempered by the fact that much of what was said in what was essentially a sales pitch later got proved inaccurate, which was disappointing. We were told the red brick buildings had been converted to be the most advanced i.t. tech uni buildings in the UK. Yet I couldn't get a phone signal!

We were told minimum grade to even be considered was AAB, then told it was ABB, then told if you get BBB apply anyway.

Also told there was absolutely no chance of parking on site. We ignored this and parked on site for free all day in a largely empty multi storey car park!

But yes, overall, ignoring the Vice Principal's welcome talk, very good. 

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What's your nipper going to be studying? Medicine. Its'a lovely campus. 

Useless fact - the last recorded person to die of smallpox was at that Uni in 1978

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ahh, well that's a whole thread - it's 'American Studies' with the intention being to get a minimum of a year studying / working over in the states. Birmingham has some lecturers that were aides under Regan so it's seen as a really good one. Then a vague nebulous idea about working for an NGO. A **** NGO! My school careers advice consisted of 'see if your dad can get you in where he works'.

No two Uni's do exactly the same course, they all say the Personal Statement should mention specifics about the course - but it needs to be generic enough to be sent to five uni's. She's having trouble squaring that particular circle.

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It doesn't really matter so much. For at least 1 year of her studies she'll be so drunk she be vomiting in her wet room shower tray every Thursday morning after being served £1 shots at her student union's Wild Wednesday whilst out with the Ultimate Frisbee Soc who's initiation ceremony involves downing three dirty pints whilst dancing the Cha Cha slide, in a foam party dressed as a golfer.

That's if she's sensible.

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It doesn't really matter so much. For at least 1 year of her studies she'll be so drunk she be vomiting in her wet room shower tray every Thursday morning after being served £1 shots at her student union's Wild Wednesday whilst out with the Ultimate Frisbee Soc who's initiation ceremony involves downing three dirty pints whilst dancing the Cha Cha slide, in a foam party dressed as a golfer.


That's if she's sensible.


Considering uni has been back, what? between 2 to 4 weeks depending on the course and the year, there were some very impressive empty bottle collections in some of the accommodation. One in particular appeared to be attempting the pizza and vodka diet. Just lines of vodka bottles on the window sills and an empty pizza box tower.

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The thought of going to uni now and wasting a year must be pretty terrifying at 9 grand a pop.

You could sort of get away with it when I went (the last year of £1,250 a year places), not that I did, because Uni was pretty shit I thought.

Loved the learning, hated the people who went and got "smashed up" 3/4 times a week, try hards.

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Yeah a fair few of my mates and my missus went to uni because when I was at school that was the thing to do, it was forced down your throat, don't worry about what you study just make sure you go, I think only one of them used their degree to get the job they have now, they basically paid for the experience and a bit of paper they'll never use, my missus has a degree in forensic science, there's probably around 4 forensic science jobs in the country, 30 kids in her class, it's taught at at least 4 unis, 120 kids a year looking for those jobs... I think from her class one of them got a job in ballistics but that's it, a few of them got other general science jobs and few of them retrained to be teachers

Don't get me wrong I'm not saying I agree with the price hike but I'd like to think that the yoof now at least have a proper think about uni and what they'll study and what jobs are out there after and then whilst they're there pay it at least a bit of attention

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I don't drink and went to Lufbra which is a pretty big drinking uni. Yet I had an amazing time. Did help that I had only 12 hours a week (if that). Pretty care-free life for 3 years. Very much lived in a bubble though. I was the first to go to Uni in my family so it was a pretty big deal and I was never going to do anything but go to Uni.

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