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yep, my dad sold pools coupons door to door for a short while - that was always his insider tip for the punters

Littlewoods and Vernons were the two big players from memory

My Mum did it for years until she got bitten by a dog one night.  I spent a few fun Tuesday nights sat in the car when she couldn't find a babysitter and my old man was doing the tannoy at Horsham FC.  **** knows why I chose watching my Mum do the pools round rather than Diadora League football, but I was a bit peculiar as a child.

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One of the stranger stories I've read in recent days


Woman convicted of tricking her friend into sex by pretending to be a man

That's a weird one, alright. TBH, it's very hard for me to understand how the victim couldn't have known. I can only think the news story simply lacks the details one would need to understand how the woman convicted was culpable. Sure the jurors must know something we don't.

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One of the stranger stories I've read in recent days


Woman convicted of tricking her friend into sex by pretending to be a man

that's a really confusing format the Metro has there

I couldn't work out what 'cutting the grass' was for a while, or where the 8 mexicans came into the story.

Anyway, it's happened to the best of us, so I'm not going to be judgemental.

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It's my mates stag do tomorrow, there's about 20/30 of us going aged between 30-40.  We're getting the ferry across to France for the night. (No, not Calais before you ask!)

The groom has booked the afternoon at an 'Adventure Park' which after a bit of research, seems to be aimed at 10-15 year olds and looks pretty lame.

I've said from day 1 that I'm out and I'd rather go for a lunch and meet them at the hotel when they're done.  Apparently a few have said it's pretty bad form.  Personally I wouldn't care if it was the other way round.  I'm sure the groom has only booked this anyway so he doesn't have to drink as much.

How out of order am I if I sack off the adventure park ?

To be honest I think it's massively out of order.

It's a stag do. You do whatever is planned and if you don't like it then it doesn't matter. It's not about you.

I don't think it works like that tbh .... heck I even opt out of the witty t-shirts that some genius always comes up with as a brainwave on these trips :mellow:  ... and i still get invited so i really don't think anyone cares if you do selective bits

there are a few of us in our group ( myself mainly)  that stay up  drinking ludicrous cocktails that you set on fire until 7am and a few that like going clubbing , a few that like going out on the pull , two of them like to peel off during the evening and go  sit in an old mans pub and have a quiet drink for a few hours (no idea why , but they enjoy it) 

So , we usually start the day together as a gang and gradually filter out in the afternoon  (some like to go back and shower and put a shirt on for the evening for example)  , meet up again a bit later and then around 4 or 5 am start going our own ways again  ...


the good thing about your mates is that they are your mates and don't care what you do  ..


That's fine if that's the plan. 

But if the plan is to go paintballing and then go out in the evening, then in my opinion you go paintballing whether you like it or not. And I don't, it's shit. But if my mate wanted to do it on his stag do I'd go and do it, even though I'd be more than happy to miss it.

If I was on a stag, whether it was mine or not, and people opted out of activities then it wouldn't effect my friendship with them, but I'd think they were being a dick by doing it.


Edit: basically it depends on the plans. For example the stag I've just been on. The Plan was the races in dublin on the saturday followed by a night out. We then decided to give people the option of coming on the friday night for another night out.

SOme people missed the Friday because it was optional. Nobody missed the races, even though there were a couple who didn't like gambling. Missing the Friday was fine. but if someone had decided to go for a walk around dublin for the day on Saturday instead of the races, that would have been a dick move.

Edited by Stevo985
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Boat was late anyway, so I missed the train to the pub.

Ended up just doing the zip lining which was pretty decent actually, not really for kids.  Didn't didn't bother with the tree climbing though, just spent the rest of the time watching the stag zip-line through the air in a mankini, with his bollocks hanging out.

Never knew they sold laughing gas in French supermarkets either, made it all the more funny haha.  Strange stuff, not sure why Grealish got so much stick, totally harmless!




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