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I see we have our annual fun and games in the Korean peninsula.

It's getting annoying now.  The world doesn't need any more antagonists than the words removed they've already got marauding through the middle east.  No matter how impotent North Korea might be.  I imagine it would be the work of a relative moment to go in and teach that fat clearing in the woods in no uncertain terms that he needs to stop posturing and pretending and to sort his shit out.  Part of me wants it all to kick off, if only so that it can be nipped in the bud once and for all.  The elephant in the room of course would be China.  Which then makes it awkward for the USA and their loyalty to the South.   Oh what a tangled web we weave.

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I see we have our annual fun and games in the Korean peninsula.

It's getting annoying now. The world doesn't need any more antagonists than the words removed they've already got marauding through the middle east. No matter how impotent North Korea might be. I imagine it would be the work of a relative moment to go in and teach that fat clearing in the woods in no uncertain terms that he needs to stop posturing and pretending and to sort his shit out. Part of me wants it all to kick off, if only so that it can be nipped in the bud once and for all. The elephant in the room of course would be China. Which then makes it awkward for the USA and their loyalty to the South. Oh what a tangled web we weave.

If you think the North are impotent I fear you could be in for a rude shock , they could take Soeul in about 30 minutes anytime they wanted , indeed many generals believe they should take it , it's probably only the fat bloke that is preventing this from happening

There is a huge propaganda war in that area and mostly you are seeing one side of it , the side of the South Koreans, after all who is going to doubt them when they say an ex wife has been murdered by rocket launcher ... Shame she turned up a few weeks later alive and well but that's easy to deal with as they just don't report it .

Yeah the North is no utopia and it has crimes against humanity but they are probably still some way behind the U.S. When it comes down to claiming the title .

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Evening stroll in Vancouver...security everywhere, cherry pickers with lighting rigs, cameras...the bloody flash rocks up in full costume! For what seemed like a 30 second scene they didnt half have an impressive set up


You still here this weekend? Fancy a VT meet up?!

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Evening stroll in Vancouver...security everywhere, cherry pickers with lighting rigs, cameras...the bloody flash rocks up in full costume! For what seemed like a 30 second scene they didnt half have an impressive set up

You still here this weekend? Fancy a VT meet up?!

I leave tomorrow morning! :(

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Rinsed 4.5 miles on the cross trainer last night and feeling fine again today, all this NHS physio and nothing but aggro, back to training and hammys/back holding tight, love it


Cross trainer is great for people with injuries


Minimal impact yet a great calorie burn

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Rinsed 4.5 miles on the cross trainer last night and feeling fine again today, all this NHS physio and nothing but aggro, back to training and hammys/back holding tight, love it

Cross trainer is great for people with injuries

Minimal impact yet a great calorie burn

Yeah I'm learning to love it, really helping the hammys, cracking burn too
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Villa Park was so pretty last night. I don't ever take pictures or anything but couldn't resist this. No filter or whatever either.


Can I take your pic for my fb?

Of course :)

L2 or L3 Stefan?




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So my brother who has been a functional codeine addict for many years is in ICU. Multi -organ failure and a flesh eating infection they can't treat because he's too weak.

Guys/girls....whatever is going in your lives, whatever mess you're in....talk to someone....because the mess you make if you don't is always worse.

So sorry to hear!
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So my brother who has been a functional codeine addict for many years is in ICU. Multi -organ failure and a flesh eating infection they can't treat because he's too weak.

Guys/girls....whatever is going in your lives, whatever mess you're in....talk to someone....because the mess you make if you don't is always worse.

Just an update on this. My brother died yesterday aged 29.

Thanks for all the kind words guys. I know VT is a hive of scum, villany and degeneracy.....but you really are my scummy villanous degenerates and I'm proud to be one of you.

Rest in Peace mate.

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What a horrible day. Seeing a bunch of people killed on a road junction I was on half an hour earlier and then finally getting home after 8 hours (on what should have been a one hour journey) to find that Eame's brother has died. I don't know Eames, I've barely interacted with him on here but he is a fellow Villan, a brother in arms so it sucks to hear the news. All the best to you and yours, Eames and my deepest condolences.

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Eames, sending positives vibes your way. I'm really sorry for your loss, and can only think that your brother is no longer suffering, and suffer is what so many of us do, addicts and non addicts alike. 


We should all live long and healthy, but life isn't always so neat and tidy. I hope you keep him close to your heart and dwell on the positive memories above all.

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