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What the **** is a palm pussy?

Why dont you just have a wank?

What the **** going on with this world, I bet every **** that buys those has a goatee and plays World of Warcraft.

In fact, I'm happy. At least their monged out failure semen is being deposited in a **** teddy bear with jugs, rather than some poor innocent lass who may have to bear the goatee'd bastards children for 9 months until she gives birth to underweight, freakishly pale, hairless devil spawn who will do nothing more but repeat the mantra 'live long and prosper' at every social interaction because they think it's **** funny.

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wowza!!!!! now thats a crash!

The best part of American oval track racing is the crashes, really. The long, wide straights (Indianapolis has two long straights of about 1km and two short straights of about 200m) mean higher speeds than road-track racing. The greater maneuverability of Indy cars compared to NASCAR cars means that Indy generally has fewer crashes, but when they have one it's a thing of beauty.

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In fact, I'm happy. At least their monged out failure semen is being deposited in a **** teddy bear with jugs, rather than some poor innocent lass who may have to bear the goatee'd bastards children for 9 months until she gives birth to underweight, freakishly pale, hairless devil spawn who will do nothing more but repeat the mantra 'live long and prosper' at every social interaction because they think it's **** funny.

Fiesty one you are.

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What the **** going on with this world, I bet every **** that buys those has a goatee and plays World of Warcraft.

Hey! Not everyone that plays WoW is a loner. :D


They usually have wizard pals that they meet up with in forests and roleplay with.

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What the **** is a palm pussy?

Why dont you just have a wank?

What the **** going on with this world, I bet every **** that buys those has a goatee and plays World of Warcraft.

In fact, I'm happy. At least their monged out failure semen is being deposited in a **** teddy bear with jugs, rather than some poor innocent lass who may have to bear the goatee'd bastards children for 9 months until she gives birth to underweight, freakishly pale, hairless devil spawn who will do nothing more but repeat the mantra 'live long and prosper' at every social interaction because they think it's **** funny.

How much did you pay for yours?

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On the Bank Holiday front, try this one for size - we get a reminder email fairly often at Aber informing us that we don't recognise Bank Holidays and if you've got lectures etc on a Bank Holiday Monday, they're still on. Some poor bastards have exams on it today.
Tell them you dont recognise emails. :D
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What the **** going on with this world, I bet every **** that buys those has a goatee and plays World of Warcraft.

Hey! Not everyone that plays WoW is a loner. :D


They usually have wizard pals that they meet up with in forests and roleplay with.

720 or so pages says differently. I'm always tempted, but I like functioning even on the base level I do now.

Tomorrow I'm going to shop for clothes. My underwear is ripped somehow. Certainly not from any sort of throes of passion unfortunately

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In fact, I'm happy. At least their monged out failure semen is being deposited in a **** teddy bear with jugs, rather than some poor innocent lass who may have to bear the goatee'd bastards children for 9 months until she gives birth to underweight, freakishly pale, hairless devil spawn who will do nothing more but repeat the mantra 'live long and prosper' at every social interaction because they think it's **** funny.

Top rant :thumb:

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In fact, I'm happy. At least their monged out failure semen is being deposited in a **** teddy bear with jugs, rather than some poor innocent lass who may have to bear the goatee'd bastards children for 9 months until she gives birth to underweight, freakishly pale, hairless devil spawn who will do nothing more but repeat the mantra 'live long and prosper' at every social interaction because they think it's **** funny.

Fiesty one you are.

My thoughts too..

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So tomorrow 3 German girls arrive into Dublin looking for a place to stay. I duly offered via CouchSurfing and so they'll be staying with me. One of them is quite pretty. One is certainly passable, and the other girl I haven't seen. They tell me they like to party. I'm assuming that means that they like having foursomes with pasty Irish guys

Tomorrow evening they arrive. Should be interesting

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I've seen Hostel. This is like reverse Hostel. They come over to you. I'll keep an eye out yillan. This kinda shit tends to end up on the news :)

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The final week of my uni life has been, potentially, ruined.

I live with my best mate at uni, John we'll call him, and his girlfriend, amongst others. Their relationship is complicated, they basically are together in name only, for the sake of ease of living together and being able to have social lives. But they're still an item and would be breaking up for sure in the next couple of weeks as the need for such an arrangement ends. That'll mark the end of 3 years for them and neither has strayed in that time at all, and they still do couple-y things, they go for meals out, the cinema, whatnot.

Today my mate is headed out, and asks for me to play in a poker tourney he was deep into and didn't want to just walk away from. I do so, and he goes off to tell his girlfriend he's ready to leave. A minute later he storms back in and says 'Do you know...?'. I ain't got a clue what he's talking about. He storms back out. A minute later he comes back, with her in tow, and says to me 'Can you leave?'. I do so.

It turns out my other closest mate, lets call him Nick, whose missus of a good couple of years left him at Easter, has been conveting John's girlfriend. They've been texting, and the other night, the night we all went out for John's birthday, had them both share a kiss. My mate discovered this when he left the room to tell her he was ready, he checked the time on her phone and discovered it said 'Sent message to Nick'. She grabs the phone guiltily. He demands to know what it has said. It said 'I don't want John getting suspicious'. They were apparently off to meet today, she swears it was just them meeting up, nothing more (though she didn't deny she was interested). On speaking to him my best mate discovers he was well interested in more. I had actually spoken to her earlier and she simply told me she was off for a walk later, nothing more. I've not mentioned this to my mate, I'm not sure how important it is. I've also not mentioned that twice, after a couple of drinks in the last month or so, Nick has asked me about Johns relationship, how it is, how things are, and both times I've not said much, once basically telling him it wasn't my place to say, straight up.

I'm now caught between my 2 best mates. As far as I'm concerned, what was going to be going on, isn't on at all - you just don't do it with a friends ex, you don't chase them, you don't anything, and I don't think I can really have anything to do with the guy any more. On the other hand, Nick and John are both good mates and I was lookign forward to doing stuff with the both of them over this week, and realisitcally, keeping in contact and seeing each other for the rest of our lives. I've been thinking about doing stuff in the near future with both of them, travelling and whatnot.

Now I'm left in the middle, the atmosphere of this place is going to go even further down the swanny now 2 of the only 3 people that talk to each other really are not going to be on great terms... Great.

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