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I was drinking last night to be fair BOF, that hasn't helped matters.

I think I should go to a doctor.

I'm holding off as long as I can before seeing someone. I'm afraid that I'll either end up on happy pills which I don't want, nor do I want to have regular visits to a Psychiatrist. I'm handling it fine I think. I know when I'm down that I'll be up again soon. And you do too.

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Or a cuddle?

Errr, I'm also sad, can I have one please?


is that because even the Samaritans pretend to be out when you call ?

No, it's because my supermodel girlfriend has gone Ferrari shopping & won't be back to wait on me hand and foot for another 30 minutes. Times are hard :(

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I was drinking last night to be fair BOF, that hasn't helped matters.

I think I should go to a doctor.

That might be an idea. So many people drink to self medicate and then that can easily spiral out of control. Depression is not to be taken lightly, it's an illness and a by product of stressful modern day living... I'm not a fan of GPs handing over prescriptions for anti depressants like they're Smarties though.

In Germany they prescribe St John's Wort tablets for mild to moderate depression and you can get those from the Health Shop. I take them if I get down.

Suicide is now the 2nd biggest killer of younger men in the UK and it annoys me intensely, that mental health services in this country are so under resourced and simply can't cope.

Hope you feel better.

Going walking can help alot and also oddly enough gardening and getting yourself outdoors.

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The beer guilt is different, I've not had that for a while as my drinking has been lessened spectacularly lately. I have a few cans every now and then. I've not properly been out on the lash for a while. Haven't wanted to. The beer guilt is a kind of creeping cringey embarassment almost of that fact I went out and had some drinks and some fun coupled to a kind of low feeling and a hangover.

I mentioned the other day I don't feel like doing anything and feel quite low. That's made up part of this feeling today.

Last night a few friends came round, and Tory love interest, to watch the election which we ended up doing till 6.30am and having some drinks, love interest stopped a bit longer than everyone else, brief kip with her, cuddle and whatnot, when she went it's a couple of kisses goodbye and me back to bed, and I wake up feeling spectacularly low. Got through about 10 Becks over the night and had a pizza.

I'm very mildly hungover which doesn't help but I dunno... I'm in a contemplative mood and things don't seem so good at the mo. Uni's ending which I'm actually not that bothered about - the novelty's worn off, I'm fed up of this house and the animals that live in it, etc. After uni I've no idea what I'm doing, looking for employment I guess but I wouldn't employ me, I've no experience at anything and I'm not particularly confident/competent at a number of things. As far as the love life goes, well, theres someone at home who could just be friends stuff or could go anywhere, but won't be particularly moving at all until I'm back in Brum, and here in Aber theres the Tory but **** knows what could happen there - this morning I'm getting kisses but there doesn't seem to be really anything behind it, unless thats just me being paranoid, and she's off to the May Ball tonight with 2 dates apparently so **** knows. Being single lost it's appeal a while ago, it's 2 years since I've had any meaningful relationship and even that... weren't that good.

And then I've got this problem that makes doing things very difficult sometimes that I've put up with since I was about 13 that has recently come back with a vengeance and doesn't help this feeling of not wanting to do things, which is there anyway. In a way I almost feel if I get that sorted I'd feel a lot better all round. Certainly things would be easier.

I've always had a fairly low... demeanour. At times it's been expected of me and I've played upto it for laughs, but then I'll get these times like now where I just feel spectacularly low. When I was younger, I mean primary school age, I was categorised as 'a worrier' by a succession of teachers and thats morphed as I got older into whatever this is.

Worse, my own nature as a person exacerbates this kind of feeling because, rather like the beer guilt, I'm massively critical of myself and when I feel like this about numerous things and get low, a part of my mind will say 'It's not that bad, pull your socks up and get on with it' and that'll make me feel bad as well.

I've never really mentioned it to anyone before, I think they all just assume I'm a bit darkly minded and can be dour but like to make people laugh and not really having any problems.

EDIT - Sorry, that turned into rather more of a ramble than expected, apologies for boring anyone.

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Or a cuddle?

Errr, I'm also sad, can I have one please?


is that because even the Samaritans pretend to be out when you call ?

No, it's because my supermodel girlfriend has gone Ferrari shopping & won't be back to wait on me hand and foot for another 30 minutes. Times are hard :(

:lol: Just go find another supermodel then

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I suggest you look into moving abroad, sounds like your rather disillusioned with the lifestyle you are living at the moment.

A change in scene can work wonders, a girl I know was depressed for 5-6 years, was a terribly moody little girl, then she moved to america last year and voila she's a whole new person.

Another friend was like myself fed up of Belfast, only he legged it to Tornonto for 6 months and wahey, he's a different, happier person. Not so much happy happy that people pretend to be, but more settled and comfortable with themselves.

So think about the possibility of moving abroad and what job opportunities there are.

Either that or become a raging alcoholic.

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The beer guilt is different, I've not had that for a while as my drinking has been lessened spectacularly lately. I have a few cans every now and then. I've not properly been out on the lash for a while. Haven't wanted to. The beer guilt is a kind of creeping cringey embarassment almost of that fact I went out and had some drinks and some fun coupled to a kind of low feeling and a hangover.

Mate, I get that all the time. It comes and goes though, that is what I have noticed.

I would agree with CED..at times it is down to the fact that I repeat the same thing over every weekend and it has seriously started to bore the living shit out of me.

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That is easier said than done though surely? Did your mate join one of those employment schemes in Canada?

My cousin went for 6 months to Canada on some employment learning course.

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What a shit day.

Lost £5.

Got chose for this shitty A2 moderation day thing.

Hour and quarter drive to Cannock and lost 2-1 to put our title hopes in jepordy.

Game on saturday too now, in Wednesfield. Thick and fast they are coming :(

Unlucky on the moderation thing mate - it's one of those things you hear about but never think it will happen to your paper.

I've been picked both years For fuckness sake!!!

3 boys out of 12 in P.E, and i'm picked. 5 of the people who aren't doing it this year didn't do it last year either, gotta revise now for that aswell as tons of case studies in business, law revision, p.e as re-sit exam coming up. **** sake.

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