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Spurs - Arry's gone but we still dislike them...


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Why on Earth would any manager field that? Bale is a disasterous LB, as shown by his comical 2nd half at the weekend.


He really isn't. You may recall that it was his performances at LB for S'hampton which brought him to prominence in the first place. Sure, in the Prem he's had a few rickety games here and there at LB, but he's also had several very good games at LB for Spurs.

Harry has said that he sees Bale's long-term future as being at LB - and he's not a bad judge of players. Bale is still only 21 remember, and it isn't easy switching back and forth between the LB and LW positions, playing LB in one game, then LW in the next. Once he gets the LB slot on a regular basis I'm pretty sure he'll make it his own and do well there on a consistent basis.

I'm willing to bet that it won't be long before Harry switches Bale to LB more or less permanently.

... Modric, Lennon and vdV in the same midfield? And I think Villa's midfield is lightweight at times! It's also to easy to just nullify your width and smash you on the counter....

Why? We would still have Palacios, Huddlestone or Sandro sitting behind these players. Besides, the main ethos of the Spurs game is to play attacking football, which can mean risking the trade of a few losses here and there for the chance of a larger number of 3 point wins.

No offense Glaston, but you criticise BOF for picking and choosing regarding Rafa's stats (not wanting to count his Dutch League career), yet you basically said half of Villa's trophy count do not count when comparing us with you. You can't have it both ways.

I have never said that half of Villa's trophies "don't count". I have simply pointed out that the value of some of these trophies counts for less compared to trophies won in the post-Victorian era, when the league structure included a much much larger number of teams including teams like Spurs, Chelsea etc etc.

So there is no analogy with the goals scored by VdV for Ajax in the Dutch league. His goals there do count, just as Villa's trophy total includes those won in the Victorian era. You can that argue that his each goal for Ajax counts for less than each goal scored for Hamburg or Real Madrid or Holland - and I'd agree with that argument, But to remove them altogether from his impressive goals stats, as BOF wishes to do, is plain silly.

You can go on about Bale's performances for Southampton as much as you like - it wasnt this that you signed him on.

Firstly, he played left midfield for Saints.

Secondly, hes been known about by those involved with football for quite a while. Players arent suddenly 'noticed' when they have a few decent games at top flight.

I love this clown.

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Which part of what you very selectively quoted is 'nonsense'? ...

All of it, including the non-quoted part.

Anyone with a grain of sense could see that signing VdV for 8m does not equate to a "piss poor window". He is a fantastic player, and if you aren't aware of that then it speaks volumes about your knowledge of football.

If you want the real definition of a piss poor window this summer it's this: losing your manager, losing your best player and replacing him with a mentally fragile lightweight. I've read various posts from VTers who are desperarately trying to convince themselves that Ireland will turn out to be great for you, but I think the truth is already starting to dawn on some ... and that's why City were so eager to swap him for Milner and give you 16m on top.

... The fact is VDV is a last-gasp panic signing for a position you didn't even nearly need to fill. And you add him to the 3 backups that I mention. ... A like for like to Modric and to a lesser extent Kranjcar, so you bought a backup for Modric. ..

Last minute signing yes, panic signing no: you don't turn down the chance to sign someone like VdV. Levy saw the chance and took it.

The notion that VdV has been signed as "backup" for Modric is laughable: your knowledge of VdV is a joke tbh. Both players will be regular starters if fit - either as part of a 5-man midfield in a 4-5-1 formation, or else, in a 4-4-2, with Bale at LB, Modric in LM, Lennon in RW, VdV in central attacking midfield and one of Huddlestone, Palacios or Sandro sitting behind them. VdV can also play as 2nd striker in a 4-4-2.

Lies, damn lies and statistics. Remove his Dutch career and concentrate on the big leagues. His percentage falls below Lampard. He also 'managed' to score less than 1 in 5 playing for Real Madrid. Bravo, Rafa, bravo.

Why remove his Dutch career with Ajax? It seems that you're the one wishing to manipulate the stats, by selecting those that suit you and deleting those that don't. And we haven't even begun to look at his assists. I'm starting to wonder how many times you've actually seen VdV play.

Keep going, any time soon now you'll manage to convince yourself that VdV is a just a mediocre hack.

All that negativity directed at Spurs must have been quite the shock.

Not at all. This thread of full of it: most of it deluded, innacurate nonsense. I only have to cast my eye back over the last few months to read multiple claims that Spurs had no chance of 4th, no chance of making the CL group stages and no chance of getting improved shirt sponsor deals.

Your team selection astounds me, Football Manager is not a realistic representation of real life....

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You're forgetting that Spurs could not be sure of qualifying for the CL until after the 2nd leg against Young Boys: August 25th - just one week before the window closed. Most transfer deals are complex things to arrange: very few get sorted so quickly: the deal for VdV was a real exception.

Sure you can try and line up prospective deals based on IF you qualify, but plenty of clubs and players won't hang around for your convenience. And even if they do hang around, the selling club/player will often try and change the deal financially at the last minute because, they'll argue, you now have CL money.

You are also exaggerating the attractive effect of qualifying for the CL just once, as compared to season after season like Chelsea or Arsenal. Doing it once helps, for sure, but is'nt some magic bullet that solves all problems.

I think this is the closest we are going to get to Glaston actually admitting it was a disappointing transfer window.

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Why? Because half the bias against him is simply because of his appearance and facial mannerisms - twitching etc- all of which results from a very bad car accident in which his fellow passenger died. But many folk are superficial beings: show em' a bashed up, twitchy face and they'll assume the owner is dodgy.

**** outrageous accusation, and one that demonstrates just how detached you are from the real world. "It's all because he looks funny!"

I remember, not so long ago, when Redknapp himself thought Spurs fans were the scum of the earth. Did you think the distaste people had for him was merely superficial back then, when presumably you were defending your club to the hilt against 'orrible 'arry?

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You're forgetting that Spurs could not be sure of qualifying for the CL until after the 2nd leg against Young Boys: August 25th - just one week before the window closed. Most transfer deals are complex things to arrange: very few get sorted so quickly: the deal for VdV was a real exception.

Sure you can try and line up prospective deals based on IF you qualify, but plenty of clubs and players won't hang around for your convenience. And even if they do hang around, the selling club/player will often try and change the deal financially at the last minute because, they'll argue, you now have CL money.

You are also exaggerating the attractive effect of qualifying for the CL just once, as compared to season after season like Chelsea or Arsenal. Doing it once helps, for sure, but is'nt some magic bullet that solves all problems.

I think this is the closest we are going to get to Glaston actually admitting it was a disappointing transfer window.

Well I'd gladly swap ours for theirs.

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I think this is the closest we are going to get to Glaston actually admitting it was a disappointing transfer window.

Doubtless many Villa fans would like think that overall it's been a disappointing window for Spurs, but that's just wishful thinking I'm afraid.

From what's been said in this post-window thread so far, I'm pretty convinced that half of the VT posters haven't the faintest clue about VdV and are thus ignorant as to just how good a player he is..

I'd say he's the biggest signing for Spurs since the days of Jurgen Klinsmann - so you can stuff that in your "disppointing window" pipe and smoke it!

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I'm still at a loss as to what a person would get out of joining up to a rival clubs forum and then spending the entire time arguing how their club is fantastic and belittling and condescending the club and fans of the site that had been joined.

It seems alien, pointless, stupid. This is a Villa site. We're going to slag you off. The presence of a pernickity, annoying, deluded, condescending, arrogant Spud is only going to make us hate them more.

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I think this is the closest we are going to get to Glaston actually admitting it was a disappointing transfer window.

Doubtless many Villa fans would like think that overall it's been a disappointing window for Spurs, but that's just wishful thinking I'm afraid.

From what's been said in this post-window thread so far, I'm pretty convinced that half of the VT posters haven't the faintest clue about VdV and are thus ignorant as to just how good a player he is..

I'd say he's the biggest signing for Spurs since the days of Jurgen Klinsmann - so you can stuff that in your "disppointing window" pipe and smoke it!

:lol: Keep chasing that rainbow!

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.... **** outrageous accusation, and one that demonstrates just how detached you are from the real world. "It's all because he looks funny!"...

Not at all. You only have to look back through this thread to see a vast number of hostile posts that centre on Redknapp's facial appearance and many instances of links being made between "twitchy" and "dodgy".

For you to call it a "**** outrageous" accusation simply tells me that (a) you're living in denial; and (B) that you are the one who is actually detached from the real world ... because the real world is chock-a-block with people who rush to judgement about all sorts of things, despite usually knowing very little about the issue/person in question, and are easily manipulated by predjudice arising from superficial appearances, including facial appearance.

PS. I didn't say that "it's all because" of .... I said it was a major factor, amongst other factors.

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They still have a team of players who finished 4th last season plus adding VDV (who for some on VT would cream all over if we sign, however I am not that of a big fan of), they signed a young player sandro who seems like a good prospect although the jury is yet to come - I would not call this a disappointing transfer window at all.

03rd September 2010, 1.25pm - I agreed with GlastonSpurs for once...that special moment

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I think you might be the one making the 'links' chap. Those other factors you mention, they can't really be brushed over can they? We all know what they are and they're pretty serious. The reason your accusation is outrageous is that a bunch of people dislike a man because of what he has done, and you're reducing it to physical appearance. Just because references are made to it doesn't mean that's the reason for the hatred. To reduced it in such a way is frankly demented, but nothing I wouldn't expect from the likes of you.

Now, how about answering the question in the rest of my post?

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.... **** outrageous accusation, and one that demonstrates just how detached you are from the real world. "It's all because he looks funny!"...

Not at all. You only have to look back through this thread to see a vast number of hostile posts that centre on Redknapp's facial appearance and many instances of links being made between "twitchy" and "dodgy".

For you to call it a "**** outrageous" accusation simply tells me that (a) you're living in denial; and (B) that you are the one who is actually detached from the real world ... because the real world is chock-a-block with people who rush to judgement about all sorts of things, despite usually knowing very little about the issue/person in question, and are easily manipulated by predjudice arising from superficial appearances, including facial appearance.

PS. I didn't say that "it's all because" of .... I said it was a major factor, amongst other factors.

People may have made fun out of his appearence, but thats not the reason why ppl on VT dislike him. simple

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Now chaps lets get this straight.

Repeat after me 3 times.

That nice Mr. Redknapp Senior and Tottenham Hotspur are paragons of virtue in a corrupt and cynical world.

That nice Mr. Redknapp Senior and Tottenham Hotspur are paragons of virtue in a corrupt and cynical world.

That nice Mr. Redknapp Senior and Tottenham Hotspur are paragons of virtue in a corrupt and cynical world.

Now spin round anti clockwise 3 times and a miraculous jiffy bag with some paper in it will appear which will make your day

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I think you might be the one making the 'links' chap. ...

Is that right? Here's a just a tiny selection of the linkage made between facial appearance and dodgy/corrupt here on VT:

Jez_Villa: "The dodgy twitching ball bag is on the BBC tonight ..."

stevenavfc1874: "i couldnt stand that dodgy candlefaced prick in the champions league.... "

villadude: "They're hopefully compiling a huge case against twitchy, one he can't wriggle ... his way out of this time."

PaulMcgrathsknees:"twitchy melted candlewax face ... Two faced, lying, sneaky, corrupt ..."

granville: "40 grand is peanuts to a brown envelope passing rich bastard like Twitchy?"

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glaston this is a villa site you cant tell people to stop, espically villa fans. i bet o'neill got raped on th blosers site, or wenger at spurs site.

fact is candleface has been hated by villa fans with the "villa filth" rant. it was a pathetic rant as he made out it was all villa fans

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glaston this is a villa site you cant tell people to stop, espically villa fans. i bet o'neill got raped on th blosers site, or wenger at spurs site.

fact is candleface has been hated by villa fans with the "villa filth" rant. it was a pathetic rant as he made out it was all villa fans

I'm not telling anyone to stop - that's not up to me.

In this instance I've simply pointed out one factor - his facial appearance and twitch in this instance - concerning attitudes to Redknapp in relation to allegations of his being corrupt.

This linkage was disputed in an above post, so in response I've given several sample quotes as evidence that what I've said is correct.

I'm sure I could just as easily find several examples linking his "Del boy" accent with allegations of being dodgy/corrupt.

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I think you might be the one making the 'links' chap. ...

Is that right? Here's a just a tiny selection of the linkage made between facial appearance and dodgy/corrupt here on VT:

Jez_Villa: "The dodgy twitching ball bag is on the BBC tonight ..."

stevenavfc1874: "i couldnt stand that dodgy candlefaced prick in the champions league.... "

villadude: "They're hopefully compiling a huge case against twitchy, one he can't wriggle ... his way out of this time."

PaulMcgrathsknees:"twitchy melted candlewax face ... Two faced, lying, sneaky, corrupt ..."

granville: "40 grand is peanuts to a brown envelope passing rich bastard like Twitchy?"

If there was a link between being twitchy, candlefaced, etc. and being corrupt, then we wouldn't have to say "twitchy, candlefaced, dodgy prick" as that would be redundant.

There are independent facts:

* when the issue of corruption in football comes up, Mr. Redknapp is often implicated

* Mr. Redknapp has a distinctive facial appearance

In any reasonably complete description of Mr. Redknapp, those facts should be included.

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