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What Are Your Political Views, Generally?


What Are Your Politcal Views, Generally?  

99 members have voted

  1. 1. What Are Your Politcal Views, Generally?

    • Far Right
    • Right
    • Center Right
    • Center
    • Center Left
    • Left
    • Far Left

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Economic Left/Right: -7.62

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.46

With all the similar reults, I wonder if it shows that the survey is flawed or if it shows that people who use football messageboards generally fit a libertarian profile?

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Economic Left/Right: -7.62

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.46

With all the similar reults, I wonder if it shows that the survey is flawed or if it shows that people who use football messageboards generally fit a libertarian profile?

Flawed maybe, but coming from Levi, at least we know it certainly cannot be "Intellectually Bankrupt" like mine.....

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Not represented. The left-right scale is intellectually bankrupt.

Political Compass provides an alternative typology.

Thank you for the threadjacking

I voted Centre Right but I guess I'm a bit of a mix really. More to Left parties over Health and Education, to the Right on Crime, Judiciary and Europe, towards the Liberals on Drug Policy and the Greens on the Environment.

Basically there is no one I can vote for who represents the majority of my opinions.

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Not represented. The left-right scale is intellectually bankrupt.

Political Compass provides an alternative typology.

Thank you for the threadjacking

I voted Centre Right but I guess I'm a bit of a mix really. More to Left parties over Health and Education, to the Right on Crime, Judiciary and Europe, towards the Liberals on Drug Policy and the Greens on the Environment.

Basically there is no one I can vote for who represents the majority of my opinions.

That's why "generally" is in the title.....

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I think in many cases you can't actually say 'generally' what your political stance is. I mean from the options offered here I'd have to say 'Left', but that would be a very very generalised account, perhaps so general to be considered basically wrong.

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Economic Left/Right: -2.00

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.08

Right by the Dalai Lama, which is nice

My knowledge of politics and all that is pretty short, so this a genuine question....

Neo-Liberalism, what the hell is that?

I know a little bit about Communism from a Polish friend, but what's the other side of the coin?

Is it to say people can earn what they want, when they want, how they want, and if they earn nothing, **** 'em?

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Neo-Liberalism, what the hell is that?

It's the current economic paradigm, although various forms of Keynesianism is gaining in appeal after the credit crunch, championed by a group of economists and politicians who have read Adam Smith and not really understood anything of what he was trying to say and then read Friedrich Hayek and made the cardinal sin of thinking he knew anything about what he was talking about. It makes wild assumptions about human psychology and fails to back it up with evidence, then ignore that and create economic models and predictions based on said wild assumptions. Apparantly, we are all fully rational actors with complete knowledge of everything that goes on within the market we operate in.

Neo-liberalism, or neo-classical economics, is the idea that the economy is best left to itself. Deregulation and deragulation followed by a bit of deregulation. Government intervention is a bad, bad thing, and wealth-redistribution can only hurt the economy.

It's got nothing to do with so-called American liberalism, or let's say the Liberal Democrats in the UK. Maggie Thatcher was a die hard neo-liberalist, as was Ronald Reagan and one of the chief culprits of the credit crunch, former Chair of the US fed Alan Greenspan. Sadly, the likes of Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and other 'thrid way' politicians have bought into the madness. We've paid the price over the last year or so.

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Not that one.

I hate racism. Regarding Immigrants, I'm not too bothered about people coming in but I think if they commit a crime, which is fairly serious, they should be sent back, like the way other countries do.

That really is my only view, well I suppose I have more on other things, but I don't know what category I'd be in to be honest.

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No problem, mate. You can probably tell I don't mind ranting about the subject anyway ;)

If you want to learn more about the economy, and by that I take it you mean macro economics and political economy, you basically have to do a bit of reading. Start by getting The Economist magazine every week. It gives very decent insight into politics from an economic perspective. As for things available on the interweb, google John Lanchester's articles for the London Review of Books - Cityphilia and Cityhobia - they give some stunningly accurate desriptions of the economic climate in the City before and after the credit crunch.

Then there's some very good, easy to understand academic litterature on Political Economy available from places like Oxford University Press. I'd recommend John Ravenhill's Global Political Economy in particular, which has taught me a great deal.

A lot of American universities make their lectures available, either for streaming or by podcast, too. Try a bit of googling on this as well, if you prefer audio to litterature.

I hope some of that can be of help. It's a fascinating subject, the economy, and I recommend learning more about it to anyone.

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I said far right basically because I play there in football and don't really know anything about politics, although judging by 2 votes, I'm guessing it's not a good thing :lol:

Depends if you think the BNP have some good ideas or not :)

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