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Depends If i loved him for real, then yes.

Seriously the odds of his junk being massively underwhelming are probably, quite low. At worst he has average junk, and he doesn't know what to do with it.. and then i can just train him up real good.


Fair enough. Seems like a pretty big leap of faith to me. Apart from anything else, abstinence is plain weird. You might end up with a religious nutter or someone with a tragically low sex drive. I admire your confidence re. 'training up', but even so...
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So what about Nepali girls? I'm in Nepal at the moment and will be here until the end of March. Been dating a girl for a couple of months now and really like her. Thing is, not only has she been bought up to believe no sex before marriage, it also extends to no kissing, almost no physical contact the whatsoever! Leaves me with a choice of either marriage or not taking the relationship any further! Thoughts?

I hooked up with a Nepalese girl a couple of times and she was a wild one. Far from home and relatives though, so she could get away with it. I'd be cautious, especially if she has brothers...

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As a man engaged to an Indian girl and having read VJ's initial posts I find this thread equal amounts odd/disturbing. Knowing he lives only 15 minutes from me also worries me.

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Villatalk is always good for a laugh! To be fair I've had most of the thoughts put here, even the less serious ones (ok, I don't really think she has a cock, but you do have to wonder what if she's incredibly hairly or something....)

I do like her lot, but a massive call to make when you feel you are only allowed to to get to know her after the wedding!

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Also, a couple of months is way too **** short to decide if you're going to marry someone.


Give it a couple of years. If you're still into her and your balls haven't popped, then it's worth thinking about.

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Also, a couple of months is way too **** short to decide if you're going to marry someone.

Give it a couple of years. If you're still into her and your balls haven't popped, then it's worth thinking about.

My balls are popping already, two years and it'll be the worlds worst ever glue factory explosion.
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So what about Nepali girls? I'm in Nepal at the moment and will be here until the end of March. Been dating a girl for a couple of months now and really like her. Thing is, not only has she been bought up to believe no sex before marriage, it also extends to no kissing, almost no physical contact the whatsoever! Leaves me with a choice of either marriage or not taking the relationship any further! Thoughts?

You need to respect the culture, it's the only way for true love to flourish and for her to be able to trust you in the longer term and, hopefully, over time once married she will be able to commit to you fully with mind and body.

Just do everything, every step of the way, the right way.

Start off by asking to see her father in private. Explain that you have grown fond of this girl and that through her you have grown to respect the whole family and that you believe you can someday add to the family and make them proud of you. Then offer to buy her off him.

Her Dad has been dead 10 years so that's a bit awkward! Her Mum seems to like me well enough but doesn't speak a word of English. Both brothers work abroad, but I get on well with various cousins and other relations (who in this culture are more like brothers anyway).
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So what about Nepali girls? I'm in Nepal at the moment and will be here until the end of March. Been dating a girl for a couple of months now and really like her. Thing is, not only has she been bought up to believe no sex before marriage, it also extends to no kissing, almost no physical contact the whatsoever! Leaves me with a choice of either marriage or not taking the relationship any further! Thoughts?

Get yourself around to the strip clubs and find a Nepalese girl that will do things that she won't ... Like have sex for money :)

I remember my first trip to Nepal though where our trekking guide said he wouldn't use female Sherpas as basically they would spend all the time shagging and keep the men awake all night and worn out .... So i suspect the girl you like is a bit more well to do than your average Nepali

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