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Your Quality of Life on a Scale of 1-10


Your Quality of Life on a Scale of 1-10  

122 members have voted

  1. 1. Your Quality of Life on a Scale of 1-10

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I think a 3 for me.

On the plus side I have a good family, good health and live at home so I don't pay for anything... yet, I don't have it bad really.

But I don't have a job, can't find a job, all I have are my savings which isn't a lot considering I'm only 19, I'm not the kind of person who makes many friends, people prefer to use me as a target for abuse, but the friends I do have, have all either moved away or moved onto new friends and stuff. The girl who I believe is that one girl for me just happens to live in Australia and will be back home there this time next week. I just have no hope really and don't see much of a future other than eventually finding some crap job and then seeing out the rest of my life day by day... well kind of like I do now.

Well at least Shooting Stars is back on...

I think when you factor in your age (19), your grade goes WAAAY up, man!

Keep your chin up, the world is just opening up for you.

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recently started going out with a really nice girl, which means I've pushed it up to a 7. Over the past few months, socially things have come together, confidence has reached new levels, I've established a tight group of friends, and realising that life post Uni is great.

Points are lost due to the fact my job is just above minimum wage and very boring, even though I get on with my work colleagues very well. It's fine for now, first real job, etc, but long term it's no option at all.

Housing - renting with two phd students is ok for now, and it is a nice house, but the rent is quite high, and eats into my disposable quite alot. I'm content because I have plenty of entertainment, and I don't really want for much, pointless stuff anyway. No desire for a car just yet.

edit: spiritually - well I've been reading alot of David Hume and loving the empowering force of his arguments, so lucid and entertaining so I'm content there.

I still need to work on my health physically, but mentally I'm far more relaxed and productive at the same time.

So it's pretty good for now, without the girl, maybe I'd say 5 or 6.

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Have a part time job, but living at home means I don't have any bills to pay, just my parents. A better job would be nice, as would a girlfriend. I think getting my own place at some point would be very nice, but I think that's a few years off yet until I can get a decent job. Everything else is pretty good though.

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Six months ago I'd have gone for an 8, I was at uni, had a great group of mates living close by, was really enjoying life, yeah I had work to do but not that much, but was living in Leeds and most importantly not needing any hospital treatment.

But now I suppose a 4 would be reasonable. I've still got a great family and a great group of mates but my mates now mostly live over 100 miles away. I'm stuck at home having chemotherapy, can't work so claiming benefits. I try and keep fit but for about 2 weeks of the month I don't feel up to it. So I just sit around watching DVDs and stuff to keep myself occupied. Weekends are a bit better as my mates often come back to Birmingham. Hopefully in 6 months I'll be off treatment, have a job and be able to live with some mates again and the situation will improve, moving back in with the parents has its advantages but it can only last so long. But for now. Yeah I think 4 would be about right, maybe even 3.

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Fecking hell, no one else voted 10?

If I really wanted to change anything, I'd try and change it. As it is, I'm pretty content with my lot.

Maybe I'm just the most unambitious VTer :D

You're content?....

you're no Aston Villa supporter!

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Not very well off at the moment, few money worries and working hard for peanuts, but doing a job i love (sailing instructor) so cant complain...its not about the money for me, I'm fortunate enough to have the financial lifeline of my parents if i really start to struggle.

Never had a serious relationship, but doesn't bother me too much...I'm 25 so still time. I still have a bit of fun here and there and I will know when the right one comes along.

As well as my housemates and other local people, got my brother and our 2 close mates who we have known since primary school..always off on holidays and meeting up. Would like to know a few more people in the local area...then again most of them end up being morons. Family life is very solid.

Living in a shared house in newquay which is a good laugh. Also have my own investment in Dubai in the form of a studio apartment...so happy there.

I consider myself pretty healthy, although i know i don't eat well. I can be a bit lazy at times...especially when it comes to cooking. I feel i'm in decent shape and im always active.

Spirituality? n/a.


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Fecking hell, no one else voted 10?

If I really wanted to change anything, I'd try and change it. As it is, I'm pretty content with my lot.

Maybe I'm just the most unambitious VTer :D

You're content?....

you're no Aston Villa supporter!


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I'd say about a seven or an eight.

I've got enought money for a student, and I've got a moe than decent place to live in. I love living in Oslo, and I love uni life. I've got some fantastic friends with whom I have a lot of fun all the time, and I've gt enough free time and enough money to travel a bit and watch a lot of football. I love my family and we're very close.

If I had a girlfriend and if the Villa were doing even a little bit better, I could have given life a 10/10. At the moment, I'm happy but it could be even better with minor adjustments.

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I voted for a 6/10.

It's surprising how many people think their life is shit because they don't have a girlfriend. I don't think having a GF would make my life any better. Regular sex is good but dependency and attachment is something I don't want any part of at 25 years old.

I had a whole rant on happiness and what I think "quality of life" is but I ended up deleting it cause I sounded like a prat, and thought myself hypocritical. Truth is I really believe happiness is in your head. But we've been domesticated to think that happiness is attained with all this shit, iPhones, nice cars, great TV's, a girlfriend, etc. etc.

ANYWAYS...do think I'd be happier if I was overseas checking out crazy old temples in Asia and meeting new interesting people.

And of course if Milner had put the ball into an open goal I'd be at about an 7.5-9

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You should read Eckharts Tolles book called a New Earth then you will realise you dont need a good job or lots of money or a hot girlfriend to be happy you just need to stop thinking about what has happened or what will happen and live in the now..easier said then done perhaps ;)

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I went for 7.

I'm reasonably comfortable financially but I suppose most of us could always use a bit more.

Got a decent job (Senior Designer), doing what I enjoy. The only drawback with it is that it's nowhere near as challenging as it used to be, and alot of the projects I can do standing on my head as it were.

I have a lovely wife who I never have a cross word with and who has given me two beautiful daughters who I adore.

So, all in all I'm quite happy really.

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Went for a 9.

Health - I have just turned 40 and managed to get my BMI down to a respectable 25. I drink about two or three times a week, one of which is usually enough to give me a slight hangover :oops: , although at least I don't smoke. I don't yet suffer any day to day aches like back pain etc., although did get a few bad headaches after a heavy month or two at work recently. 8

Love life - even after 18 years my wife still excites me, we talk loads, are best friends, she never nags and is a fellow ST holder! Still ‘make an effort’ for each other and have some very exciting nights. I am addicted. 9.5

Family and friends - Wife and I have a very good balance between being partners and parents. Son and daughter get on with each other, are mostly well behaved, doing okay at school, although they are fast approaching the dreaded teens. Being honest, my parents and in-laws all have minor traits I don't like. Still regularly see best mate for 31 years. 8

Money - still have to work for a living although I'm about £200 per month better off since my tracker mortgage went down to 1.24% :) . Wife earns well but still gets to do the ‘school runs’ on most days. Neither of us are ‘spendaholics’ and not big shoppers, gamblers or pub goers. Enjoy one or two take-aways/meals out per week/month respectively. Detached house in a decent area, although my once new car now needs an MOT. 8

Job - been at the same company for 22 years and had a position for the last 10 years which is quite varied. 95% of work colleagues are decent people, which I suspect is quite high. Work from home a day or two per week which is great flexibility for deliveries etc. Occasionally need to work nights or stop away for a night or two which I don’t enjoy. Pay is above national average. 8

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You should read Eckharts Tolles book called a New Earth then you will realise you dont need a good job or lots of money or a hot girlfriend to be happy you just need to stop thinking about what has happened or what will happen and live in the now..easier said then done perhaps ;)

Exactly, easier said then done. I'd love to live in a land where people didn't obsess over trivial things, but it simply isn't possible these days, not really. Not unless you want to live in a cave.

But truly happiness is all in your head. Millions and millions of people around the world have found happiness in the smallest things that aren't even tangible!

We've been domesticated to think we need all these things in order to be happy and the truth is it's all inside our heads!!! GaaaaaaH! Understand me!

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9 for me.

Got a great job, earn real good money and have no debt. Am happily married, got a great family and friends. Own house, health wise I don't really have any issues and Villa are doing well (compared to what they were in the recent years). I really think I am blessed. It wasn't the case a few years ago when I was single and earned small money compared to now but then again I had just finished education.

The only downer for me would be my parents health/age, otherwise would be 10.

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