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Watched 'The 5th Wave' a few nights ago and thought it was ok'ish,  the story was good but the end was pretty dumb and a typical everything falls into place with perfect timing bollox ending.  6/10


Watched '1408' tonight and enjoyed it as I do with most Stephen King stuff. I liked the trippy side to things and I think it's the first time I've enjoyed John Cusack in a movie, probably because he gets terrorized. 6.5/10 

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Jason Bourne last night ... Very average really I hope the script writer didn't get paid in full as it was basically the same film as all the others and a wee bit lazy

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On 8/3/2016 at 18:45, Chindie said:

And secondly it appears Ayer absolutely smashed the script out. He did it in 6 weeks. That's nothing for a movie script. Avengers Infinity War (and whatever they call it's sequel) have been in writing for a year or so and still aren't finished.

It seems Ayer has filmed a barely done first draft and then had the studio tinker, so we've got a mess.

I can't stand the guy. So part of me would enjoy it being shit.

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4 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

Jason Bourne last night ... Very average really I hope the script writer didn't get paid in full as it was basically the same film as all the others and a wee bit lazy


Also thought the car chase and the baddie fight at the end was pretty crappy.

Over all it was OK but nothing we have not seen before 3 times.

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Dammit, so that's Suicide Squad and Bourne not worth going to.  I suppose there's still Star Trek which is supposed to be very good even for non-Trekkies.

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57 minutes ago, Rds1983 said:

Odds on this film revolving around Americans saving the day? Another rewrite of history?

It looks like a boat full of Tommies so at least there is an acknowledgement that someone other than the Americans were involved.

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32 minutes ago, BOF said:

Dammit, so that's Suicide Squad and Bourne not worth going to.  I suppose there's still Star Trek which is supposed to be very good even for non-Trekkies.

I reckon it's the 2nd best Star Trek behind First Contact

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1 minute ago, darrenm said:

I reckon it's the 2nd best Star Trek behind First Contact

I preferred Nemesis (I liked Tom Hardy before it was cool :P) but First Contact was a goodie.

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Jared Leto's Joker getting an absolute shoeing in the reviews for Suicide Squad today. He's barely in the film so managing to get everyone's backs up quite so much is quite an achievement.

It's almost like nobody realised this was going to be a dreadful take on the character from the first pictures of him. He's got 'damaged' tattooed on his forehead (shudder) and spends part of the movie looking like this


I mean. What the ****? Why is he wearing actual boxer shorts? Why is he wearing any of that? I'm not saying you can't do different takes on characters. Miller's All Star Batman and Robin has a Joker that has Japanese Yakuza style tats and appears in pretty much one scene where he more or less rapes a woman then kills her (this is also a comic that portrays Bruce Wayne as a child abductor and torturer who seems to love violence, cruelty and abuse).

But that, is shite.

Edited by Chindie
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9 hours ago, BOF said:

I preferred Nemesis (I liked Tom Hardy before it was cool :P) but First Contact was a goodie.

Isn't Nemesis generally considered the worst Star Trek movie by quite some distance?

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10 hours ago, BOF said:

Dammit, so that's Suicide Squad and Bourne not worth going to.  I suppose there's still Star Trek which is supposed to be very good even for non-Trekkies.

BOF I can confirm Star Trek Beyond is a good movie for non-Trekkies!

I'd watch it again, just for Karl Urban's take on Bones McCoy - best character in it!

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Watched Bone Tomahawk tonight - a real slow burning Western with Kurt Russell which explodes in the final third into complete grotesque madness.

Very enjoyable indeed.

My only gripe was the under-use of Geno Segers, who was the brilliantly evil Chayton Littlestone in Banshee but limited to one of the troglodytes in this.

(and for fans of Banshee - it also has Lili Simmons in it - and true to form, she does undress ;) )

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Suicide Squad is a bad movie, with no story of any kind. Joker is very disappointing and barely in it. Harley's accent switching between Harley Quinn and Margot Robbie was annoying, that and being a bit too obvious at times. She was okay, I guess. Rick Flagg and Deadshot, very predictable all around. I would say Jai Courtneys Boomering was the most enjoyable character overall.

Visually it had some fun stuff and the introducing of the main characters was very comic book which I quite liked. Definitely not a movie I'll be recommending to anyone. DC is truly dead. 

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2 hours ago, theboyangel said:

Watched Bone Tomahawk tonight - a real slow burning Western with Kurt Russell which explodes in the final third into complete grotesque madness.

Very enjoyable indeed.

My only gripe was the under-use of Geno Segers, who was the brilliantly evil Chayton Littlestone in Banshee but limited to one of the troglodytes in this.

(and for fans of Banshee - it also has Lili Simmons in it - and true to form, she does undress ;) )

I watched Bone Tomahawk before realising who Rebecca was. Maybe I need a rewatch. But yeah it's a cool film. Never realised Chayton was in it either! TIL.

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