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10 hours ago, PieFacE said:

That's fair enough. I guess I shouldn't expect total realism for a film based around superheros!!

Well I just finished the film and meh, it loses its way big time. It's not that bad of a film, until Doomsday and Wonder Woman come into it and then it feels like a complete mess.  I've stated multiple times that i'm not really a fan of the superhero genre, but I did quite like BA as Batman. Thought it was a pretty decent Batman. I also prefer the darker tone DC seem to use compared to Marvel, but Marvel are obviously better at character development and patience 'cos BvS felt so rushed. They could have probably made 3 films out of that one if they paced it properly.

Not sure of the differences between the Ultimate Edition and the standard, but if there's considerable less content in the standard edition then that film must really suck. 

Superman is an odd hero, he's the archetype of course but when he's done best, he's unlike other characters. Which is why Snyder doesn't get the character. Superman is hope embodied. Snyder's Superman is a moping miserable bastard, who occasionally looks right (Snyder gets visuals, he'd be a superb cinematographer), but his persona and actions are completely wrong. He seems to view helping people as a burden, and he's too quick to harm. It's basically the idiots take on the character smashed into the more gloomy DC world Batman lives in. But his oddness as a character is why you get the things like 'It's obvious that he's Clark Kent'. Comics at their best/worst ;)

As for the rest... Doomsday is his own movie. He's not a great character by any means (being spawned by the time comics completely lost their way for ages, the 90s... the period that also gave us Bane and Spiderman's Clone Saga...) but like Bane he is a huge part of the history of Superman. So of course they turn him into a final CGI fest fight to close out the film. The comics knew they needed to establish just how big of a threat he is, so the first thing he does more or less is defeat the entire Justice League, minus Superman, without breaking a sweat. Snyder just slaps him into the end of this. And does it wrong. Also the events of the film mean that Snyder is going to go even further overboard with the


Jesus allegory. It's bad enough now. Imagine what we'll get when they resurrect him! They'll have him bible bashing before being crucified. I'd genuinely stake a fiver one of the later movies they make has him in some form of crucifixion scene, and I reckon I'd win that bet. They won't be able to resist. Darkseid is so powerful he Jesus'd Superman!

Wonder Woman isn't a very good character and Gal Gadot isn't a very good actress. Epitome of being cast for her looks (which aren't very Wonder Woman-y). That movie is going to be dreadful.

Batfleck is the highlight I'd agree, even if it's a bad take on the character. They get that Batman can be a bastard, and the DKR Miller Batman is a particularly brutal bastard, but they take it too far with him, for instance, dropping the Batmobile on someone's head. Even when he fights Superman in DKR he's not trying to kill him, he's biding time and playing a role. But Batfleck is fine otherwise, and the warehouse scene is so good a take on how Batman fights it nearly redeems the entire movie on it's own.

As for the additions, as said before, it's apparently mostly background on the opening acts of the movie - a lot of stuff with KGBeast and Luthor's plan is fleshed out. The theatrical release is a mess of half formed ideas which require too many logical leaps, so hopefully the extra half hour buffs it up a bit. 

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The bullet to the eye thing was cool as **** though!

i watch the new bloke and seriously don't know how he's linked to the bond role, agree that from what little I know Snyder don't get the character and is getting the god stuff horribly wrong but he's such a bland boring actor,matched the man from uncle recently, bore fest, he's nowhere bear good enough for bond 

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On 8 July 2016 at 00:03, villa4europe said:

The bullet to the eye thing was cool as **** though!

i watch the new bloke and seriously don't know how he's linked to the bond role, agree that from what little I know Snyder don't get the character and is getting the god stuff horribly wrong but he's such a bland boring actor,matched the man from uncle recently, bore fest, he's nowhere bear good enough for bond 

Tom Hiddlestone should be the next Bond, in my opinion. He has more personality in his little finger than Henry Cavill does in his entire body.

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1 hour ago, Ginko said:

Tom Hiddlestone should be the next Bond, in my opinion. He has more personality in his little finger than Henry Cavill does in his entire body.

Hiddlestone or Hardy. 

I think either would be a good choice. 

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2 hours ago, pooligan said:

The 25th Hour (2002)


Not a film that will stay in my memory if i am honest but it was ok and certainly worth a look .Would rate it a 6/10 

Not great but enjoyed seeing Norton, Seymour Hoffman and Barry Pepper working together. 

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Tarzan a decent movie but lot better than I was expecting. Good to see Samuel L Jackson have an interesting role in a film for 1st time in a long time. He has starred in so such crap over the years. I liked the stuff about Belgium in Africa which is really a bit overlooked in history

only negative for me again is Christophe Waltz, most overrated actor in Hollywood, the guy has absolutely zero range and just plays the same role over and over again. Tarzan, Inglorius Basterds, Spectre is the same bloody role

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1 hour ago, Zatman said:

Tarzan a decent movie but lot better than I was expecting. Good to see Samuel L Jackson have an interesting role in a film for 1st time in a long time. He has starred in so such crap over the years. I liked the stuff about Belgium in Africa which is really a bit overlooked in history

only negative for me again is Christophe Waltz, most overrated actor in Hollywood, the guy has absolutely zero range and just plays the same role over and over again. Tarzan, Inglorius Basterds, Spectre is the same bloody role

Carnage, totally different role in that

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3 hours ago, Xela said:

Hiddlestone or Hardy. 

I think either would be a good choice. 

depends how they want the character to go, hardy could continue the tough guy DC has done, hiddlestone couldnt, he'd have to be a smarter more sophisticated bond

and they wont stop them, they make money and MGM dont have any other franchises and columbia have a couple of mainly unsuccessful ones 

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3 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

Or - really radical idea - they could just stop making Bond films, given that they've totally run out of ideas. 

Could say the same about most film franchises. Not a plethora of original ideas out there. 

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I went to see the new 'Ghostbusters' film yesterday. I wasn't willing to pay to go and see the film, yet I managed to win free tickets through O2 Priority.

I had no intention of seeing the film because the trailers looked so awful. It turns out that the film itself is on the same poor level as the trailers. Stuck in the shadow of the original films and you can tell from the moment the film gets going. I can count the amount of times I laughed throughout the film on one hand and that's being generous. The rest of the people in the screening seemed to feel the same way, as there were few laughs throughout the duration of the film. Some of the CGI was good but on the whole it wasn't anything spectacular. The new Ghostbusters themselves seemed to have decent chemistry too but the poor script let them down. The jokes just seemed to fall flat at every turn.

Not sure how this is getting any positive reviews to be honest. It's dull...

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Just now, Designer1 said:


Quite entertaining in an 'indie-by-numbers' way, and if you're a fan of Rudd and Roberts (as I am) then you'll probably enjoy it.

I watched this last night and thought it was an excellent film. Had some genuine "lol" moments and also just had a smile on my face watching it the whole way through.

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Going to watch Ghostbusters tonight. Can't wait.
















Just joking. I am going to get completely drunk on my own, probably have a good cry, have a pity w**k, then phone up a few ex girlfriends,break down, declare my love for them and then probably pass out about midnight and piss the bed.

A much more enjoyable night. Can't wait!

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1 hour ago, rodders0223 said:

I am going to get completely drunk on my own, probably have a good cry, have a pity w**k

I call it Monday! 

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On 7/10/2016 at 15:57, villa4europe said:

depends how they want the character to go, hardy could continue the tough guy DC has done, hiddlestone couldnt, he'd have to be a smarter more sophisticated bond


i could see Hiddleston as a more Roger Moore like Bond which I dont think is a good thing :P

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