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On 16/06/2016 at 09:47, Designer1 said:


I found this a very interesting film. It's based on a series of true life events but without giving any spoilers away it's very much in the 'truth (or very near to it) is stranger than fiction' envelope and does ask some intriguing moralistic and behavioural questions.

The performances are excellent and really help to sell the story, particularly Dream Walker and Ann Dowd.

If you do fancy giving it a watch I would recommend not reading anything about the actual events until after you've seen the film.

If thats the film I saw a few years ago I couldn't believe how stupid Sandra was and to say it could happen it anyone. No it wouldn't you were just too dumb.  

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A film I saw on amazon prime time yesterday was 'A proper Violence', I thought it was a really good film. Good plot and kept me interested throughout.  For a low budget indie film, very good 7/10

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I'm no comic book fan and have never read the graphic novel so not sure how it compares but I do really quite like this.


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It basically copies the graphic novel scene for scene (and the director's cut does so even more) but arguably doesn't understand the nuance of the original. The only thing that markedly changes is the precise details of the ending...


Dr Manhattan isn't the threat in the original comic. Veidt develops a genetically engineered 'alien' which destroys cities like the Manhattan bombs do in the film. The movie has an effective reference to this with his weird cat, which was developed in the same way and in the comic is a hint that Veidt has extremely advanced technology. The end then plays out the same.

It's a good movie. The director's cut has more fan service (particularly a scene showing what happened to Hollis Mason) and there's also an ultimate cut which adds back in a story within a story from the comic that reflects and foreshadows the eventual fate of the actual characters in Watchmen.

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Yeah that's one of the main problems. There's too much going on in too short a time to establish the idea that the world is the brink of nuclear war. Even the opening section which straight up says that doesn't carry the weight of of that feeling.

But it certainty could (and perhaps should) have been much worse.

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With Snyder at the helm? It absolutely should have been worse but he did a cracking job with it. I actually prefer the movie ending (as sacrilegious as that seems to be). It feels more complete by bringing it back round to Dr Manhattan rather then having a random genetically modified space alien be the big bad.

I kinda like that though, it's a bit of an FU to Alan Moore, who despite being an extremely talented storyteller, is by all accounts a bit of a sanctimonious whinging prick. Yeah sure, I'll sell you the movie rights to my work and take your millions, but then I'll slate the end product and preach about how movies ruin my work. Don't sell the rights to them then! But you wouldn't get your payout then would you, you fat, crazy, holier-than-thou, creepy bearded bastard.

Edited by Ginko
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It's Snyder's best movie, but I've never quite got over thinking that the reason it's Snyder's best movie is he just copied the frames from the comic and shoved it on screen. Gibbons style in Watchmen is nearly a storyboard anyway so he didn't really have much work to do to adapt it. I also quite like the shift that Hayter made (Solid Snake himself!) with the final plot.

With regards to Moore though... he's a cantankerous old bloke who has been burnt by the system. I don't think he actually had any movie rights to sell with his work, I think those lay with the publishers. I don't agree with his view that his work shouldn't be adapted, which he's taken partly because the films of his work tend to miss the bits he's actually interested in in the subtext, and partly because he's a defender of the art form and correctly thinks some elements of comics don't translate to other mediums well, but I understand why he'd refuse to acknowledge something that uses his name but doesn't understand it. Or completely changes it, like V for Vendetta (although that's a poor example as V the comic didn't work as a basis for a movie in 2005. It's about Thatcherism, the movie became a very well made argument against the terrorism line of government and the media and the dangers of that power).

Moore is a good bloke, clever and interesting. He can whinge about movies all he likes :)

Edited by Chindie
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Not really adding anything to the discussion but I love Watchmen. One of if not my favourite comic book films, never read it admittedly. The anti-hero themes, rorschach in particular, was a breath of fresh air, from memory anyway, to the kid friendly hero movies dominating cinema at the time.

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Think it's fairly well documented he did receive a large payout for a number of movie adaptations of his work. Not that Wikipedia is always the most trustworthy source, there is a section of his page dedicated to this subject.

One particular bit:


In 2012, Moore claimed that he had sold the rights to these two works (From Hell and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) simply for the money; he did not expect the films ever to be made. He was simply "getting money for old rope". Moore said in an interview in 2012 that he had seen neither film.[102]

I can't sympathise with him for that, I'm afraid. He's either incredibly naive or (more likely) just a hypocrite. He's also slated the concept of money as a whole, as if his hypocrisy wasn't already great enough.

Sell your movie rights, take the money, don't watch them or don't like them, that's fair enough, but don't take the cash and preach about them after you just sold out.

Besides, I like the film adaptations of From Hell, Watchmen and V for Vendetta. Just comes across as a bit of a pretentious arsehole is all. Brilliantly creative, though.

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Well owing to it being the chosen graphic for this thread in tapatalk, I watched 'Me and Earl and the dying girl' yesterday.  A lovely film.  Really enjoyed it.  A good cast too.  Some bigger names playing the secondary characters, with the starring roles going to smaller names.  Gets you in the feels too at times, as the title no doubt alludes to.  A very solid 8.5/10 from me.

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I then watched 'If I Stay'.  I didn't want a superhero movie or explosions, or a vacuous comedy but I think I veered too far the other way.  It's alright.  Not my cup of tea as it's a bit overly-sentimental in a Hollywood way.  I'll give it a 6 (just) and move swiftly on.

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17 minutes ago, Meath_Villan said:

out of ideas on what to watch on netfilx ....I have stooped do low to watch "the core" :blink:

'The Core' is my absolute favourite 'so bad it's good' movie. Unobtainium! Landing the space shuttle in the LA River! Aaron Eckhart's chin! This scientific explanation!:

WE . . . JUST . . . CAN'T . . . GET . . . THERE :(

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On 19/06/2016 at 22:46, Ginko said:

Think it's fairly well documented he did receive a large payout for a number of movie adaptations of his work. Not that Wikipedia is always the most trustworthy source, there is a section of his page dedicated to this subject.

One particular bit:

I can't sympathise with him for that, I'm afraid. He's either incredibly naive or (more likely) just a hypocrite. He's also slated the concept of money as a whole, as if his hypocrisy wasn't already great enough.

Sell your movie rights, take the money, don't watch them or don't like them, that's fair enough, but don't take the cash and preach about them after you just sold out.

Besides, I like the film adaptations of From Hell, Watchmen and V for Vendetta. Just comes across as a bit of a pretentious arsehole is all. Brilliantly creative, though.

OK. I wasn't aware of that. He can do what he likes though he's awesome :D

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A load of Justice League info came out today.

The follow up to the fairly rubbish Batman V Superman has now been confirmed to not be a 2 part movie, but the impression seems to be they've just shifted it to actually having a sequel instead. The villain will be Steppenwolf (no not them), as suspected after the deleted scene they released about 30 seconds after the first showing ended. They're also adjusting the tone, it's more fun that BvS apparently and much lighter, with Batman being less grim (and presumably murder-y) and the Flash bringing humour. The plot is Jack Kirby inspired and revolves around the search for 3 Motherboxes. Batman will recruit the Justice League members with Superman being a late addition with appropriately long hair. Batman is also going to update his suits, including the armoured suit, will have another vehicle and also develop a vehicle for the Justice League to use. Willem Dafoe is playing a mentor of Aquaman, and the outfits for the Atlanteans will be very slim fitting with Amber Heard particularly noted as having an outfit where armoured scales seem to merge into her skin. And finally Cyborg, the character nobody on earth gives the slightest shit about, will have 100% cgi outfit.

Hopefully it'll be better than BvS but I wouldn't count on it. The movie is basically an excuse to set up the Justice League as a thing and to establish Darkseid as a threat. Hence the villain that brings the Justice League together is Darkseid's henchmen.

If nothing else, it should look good...

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Filmed around the West Midlands and starring Paddy Considine, Gemma Arterton and Glenn Close.

Has a 28 Days Later vibe to it and looks promising from this trailer.

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