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Just watched this...


Well worth a watch, a very subtle movie which explores the subject of family and in particular the father-son relationship with a great performance from Michel Bouquet.

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Just finished the book - pretty good! I've also seen the trailer and it looks exactly how the book feels.

I hear people have been walking out of cinemas in disgust at this movie. Causing a bit of controversy. Sounds up my street then.

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Don't think you'll be allowed an answer there claret75, it's a tad illegal ;). But I'm sure someone will PM.

I really am curious as to how Harry Brown was quite so rated. Michael Caine gave a good performance but the rest of it is... well, it's Daily Mail the movie. All these feral youths a-murderin' and filmin' it on their bleedin' mobile phones, bleedin' animals, what they needs is a .38 to skull, thats what, and you know what? The police should let someone do it. Soon sort the 'kin drug takin' bastad 'oodies out.

I mean the revenge thriller has been about for donkeys and they usually make good throwaway films but generally


they have some sort of morality to them that almsot always sees the guy seeking vengeance realise that in doing so he became little better than what he fought. In Harry Brown he murders people left right and centre and walks off scot free, and the film at the end actually hints that he was doing was the right thing(!).


That was my take on it as well. It was an alright film I suppose, but really was just a very basic Death Wish update. Gran Torino did it much better I thought.

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Just watched shutter island, liked it alot skimmed over the book cos i saw it coming after the trailer annd a few chapters, one question though


In the book i thought he had regressed, in the film i thought he was doing it n purpose cos he didnt want that life, the live as a monster line threw me

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I've just watched a 1991 film called 'The Rapture'. Possibly one of the most bonkers films I've ever watched. At times it's actually vaguely disturbing in how nuts it is.

The plot revolves around a woman that is unhappy in her godless life as a swinger, and becomes a particularly mad brand of Born Again Christian. She eventually convinces one of her swinging partners to join her in this new life and we skip ahead 6 years to see them having a daughter and both being nutjob Bible bashers. Her husband gets murdered at work, she starts to have doubts in her faith but also decides that God is coming to bring about the Apocalypse and was giving her a sign, and because of that she decides to go and spend the end of her days in the desert to wait for God to collect them both. This leads to a 20min section of the film of them bumming about near a rock whilst the little girl (in an attempt to be more annoying than Newt in Aliens) basically demands her Mom kills her. Which she eventually does. She then can't kill herself because she won't get into heaven as a suicide. Her love for god is now gone, which is understandable after you just killed your daughter I suppose and ends up in prison.

It then turns out that she actually wasn't nuts and the Apocalypse is about to happen, and the film goes for it properly Biblicly literal style, or at least they would have if they'd have the budget, all they managed to get was a smoke machine a couple of horses a scythe and prison set that could fall apart. And at the end, she ascends in the Rapture, and actually then denounces any love for God entirely on the basis of him being a word removed and is stuck in Purgatory.

The last 10 mins comes completely out of nowhere and everything before that was generally mildly disturbing, caused at east in part by some of the acting, it's so bad that it's almost convincingly real and at times you half expect 'the Saved' characters to have a little psychotic twitch above the shit eating grins they get whilst talking about the end times.

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I don't think it's a good film by any means but I think it warrants a watch just because... well, it's **** weird.

Even knowing every detail of the plot I don't think does the sheer nuts nature of it justice. It's somehow made better by being a bit shit as well.

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Harry brown was pretty dire I thought :drowsy:

Looking forward to seeing four lions at the flicks and really hoping the new Freddie film will be watchable.

If you haven't ever seen it "A Life Less Ordinary" is pretty great.


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I watched The Damned United the other day. I didn't like it one bit. It pissed me off, the picture if painted of Clough was a horrible one and it was full of inaccuracies. No wonder Clough's family hated it.

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Just saw Gran Torino. Pretty good.

I enjoyed that too. A much, much better film than Harry Brown, although both of them are just retellings of the age old vigilante story. I liked the fact that Gran Torino at least had Clint Eastwood confronting his own prejudices.

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Could have sworn this had been mentioned earlier in this thread but couldn't find it so now I'm not so sure.


Michael Rapaport signs up for clinical trials and the pills he is testing give him super powers (or do they just send him mental?)

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You would have to be a pretty soulless git not to be moved by this movie in my opinion. Beautifully shot, very well acted. Very moving and yet very funny in parts. It won the Best Foreign Movie award at the 2009 Oscars, and you can see why.

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