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I enjoyed it and think it's a good film but could have been better, and speaking as someone who is a bit of a comic fan, probably should have been better. I wasn't particularly taken with a few directions they went with it. But it's still a good watch and a great many people won't have a clue what I didn't enjoy about it. And even saying that, as said, I still like it.


There are loads of films I think are amazing, but none are absolutely flawless, so when talking about them theres always a but. I absolutely adore Aliens but it's editted fairly poorly and suffers for it, with pacing going out of it and the film dragging along in spots (a flaw with all of Cameron's films, in truth). I love the Dark Knight but some of the plot is needlessly complex/daft and some of the shots in some scenes (notably the Tumbler/truck chase) have very confused cinematography. Heat is a movie that I love but also has some pacing issues and suffers from Michael Mann having a tin ear for sound mixing (like Cameron, all of his movies have this problem, worst of all Public Enemies which I don't think anyone on earth has managed to make sound 'right' thanks to the way it's been produced. Always sounds tinny).


No film is perfect. If I'm going to talk about a movie in depth I'm not going to ignore the fact I had some problems with it. Even if in the case of Iron Man 3 those few problems are more down to my knowledge of what inspired the film, though not entirely. I expect a number of viewers to dislike at least 1 element of the plot, for varying reasons, if not two, and it won't be because they're comic fans like myself.

Edited by Chindie
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Watched Animal Kingdom again tonight (picked up the Bluray on the cheap) and it really is one of my favourites from the last few years.


Great ensemble cast, beautifully nuanced performances, a storyline that gets progressively darker and more twisted as the movie goes on and one of the greatest 'Fu** yeah!' endings ever.



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The soundtrack is the worst thing about it.


Also, it looks daft. Why all the CGI? Why is it in 3D, for goodness sake?


The book is brilliant, the story is timeless, it even mentions music playing during certain scenes. You'd have to be a spectacular douchebag to try and put your own stamp on it.




Plenty of books just should not be touched. Gatsby is one of them. It can't be bettered. There is nothing to gain from making it a film, aside from a few producers making $$$.


Admittedly, I realise most people couldn't give a toss either way. Still, it's the internet, and if my rage doesn't count here then where does it?!

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Just saw a trailer for the Gatsby, and even though I haven't read the book my first impression was it looks like it will be needlessly overblown for the topic at hand, with soundtrack and glitz well over the top. The cast are strong enough to not need all that extra shit, and that extra shit rather puts me off the idea of seeing it tbh. 


Watched the new Gosling film - Place beyond the pines - ( i simply can never remember what its called, even whilst watching it, most unmemorable title ever ). It's fine. A sins of the fathers fable, but with a pointless subplot thrown in to mess up the flow, whilst it was going on I was so bored and thought about leaving the cinema, it literally added nothing of value to the film, Gosling fine, Cooper ok, not great, I'd heard some positive reviews of the performances, but maybe that was just reviewers going over the top as usual. In general a little disappointed. Not a bad film, but didn't particularly have me hooked really. 


However as much as I want to see Iron Man 3, I'm glad I saw it, as I got to the cinema realised it was a saturday and **** kids were there, and I hate cinemas with kinds, especially that 12-16 captain word removed age grouping. Fortunately hardly any bugger was in the film I was watching. 

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Watched Animal Kingdom again tonight (picked up the Bluray on the cheap) and it really is one of my favourites from the last few years.


Great ensemble cast, beautifully nuanced performances, a storyline that gets progressively darker and more twisted as the movie goes on and one of the greatest 'Fu** yeah!' endings ever.




Aye it's a cracking film. It's one I caught randomly in the cinema on a spare afternoon, had no idea at all what it was about though I did gather from the 18 certificate it was unlikely to be a wildlife documentary. It's claustrophobic, the underlying nastiness of the piece is subtle enough to keep you engaged without turning you inside out like say Snowtown.  

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The soundtrack is the worst thing about it.


Also, it looks daft. Why all the CGI? Why is it in 3D, for goodness sake?


The book is brilliant, the story is timeless, it even mentions music playing during certain scenes. You'd have to be a spectacular douchebag to try and put your own stamp on it.




Plenty of books just should not be touched. Gatsby is one of them. It can't be bettered. There is nothing to gain from making it a film, aside from a few producers making $$$.


Admittedly, I realise most people couldn't give a toss either way. Still, it's the internet, and if my rage doesn't count here then where does it?!


Sorry, but I've read quite a few of your posts during my time here and you don't half come across as pretentious.

If you don't want to see it then don't see it. Plenty of people don't read books for whatever reason. Maybe they prefer a more complete experience with a film, or they're more visual people than others. I read my fair share of books, and Gatsby is great, but until I've seen a film I tend not to try and judge it. I assume you haven't seen the film since it's not out yet, but then again you won't see it anyway. That's your call, but don't go spouting things like how it can't be bettered. So just because you think it can't be bettered it means that no-one should make a film of it? Psh.


I'm going to go see it because I think it looks like a great spectacle and it's got one of my favourite actors in it.

In other news, I saw Iron Man 3 tonight. It was good, though they took the story in a rather... interesting direction which I wasn't too sure about.

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Cosmopolis - Watchable, not epic or mindblowing but interesting. 7/10


That's My Boy - Adam Sandler. (ie if you like him you'll like it etc)  0/10 if you hate Sandler. 6.85/10 if you like him.


The Guilt Trip - Fairly formulaic but oddly relatable in parts! So, a good waste of an hour and a half. Nothing special though. 6.65/10


Silver Linings Playbook - 7.4/10


A Common Man - 5.8/10, great to see Colombo and an interesting remake on a very topical theme.

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I saw Place Beyond The Pines. I'm firmly on the side of those who have seen it that really enjoyed it. True, the pacing may be difficult for some to carry on enjoying the film after 'Act 1', but I didn't have a problem with it. I was looking forward to what was inevitably going to happen at the start of 'Act 3', and how the characters would interact. One of the best I've seen this year, certainly.

There was also a trailer for Mud. In it, a young boy is shown (very briefly) wearing a Fugazi shirt. OMMMMMMMG FUGAZI SHIRTS DONT EVEN EXIST, Ian gon' be mad. Unless that's the point ^__^ It might have been a This Is Not A Fugazi Shirt?

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I saw Place Beyond The Pines. I'm firmly on the side of those who have seen it that really enjoyed it. True, the pacing may be difficult for some to carry on enjoying the film after 'Act 1', but I didn't have a problem with it. I was looking forward to what was inevitably going to happen at the start of 'Act 3', and how the characters would interact. One of the best I've seen this year, certainly.

There was also a trailer for Mud. In it, a young boy is shown (very briefly) wearing a Fugazi shirt. OMMMMMMMG FUGAZI SHIRTS DONT EVEN EXIST, Ian gon' be mad. Unless that's the point ^__^ It might have been a This Is Not A Fugazi Shirt?


I want to see it just for the soundtrack, By the genius that is Mike Patton

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