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Bloody great news that Bishop will be in it. Has Cable been announced yet? I haven't seen him confirmed but surely he'll be in it at some point...

Off to see 'Iron Man 3' at the IMAX tomorrow night and I can't bloody wait. 'Star Trek' and 'Superman' are both booked for the IMAX too. Great time to be a comic/sci-if fan.

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Never seen Dick Tracy, but I know it's taking place in the, hm, 20's to 60's. Something like that? :) Thanks for the answer. Will probably buy it, just wanted to hear if someone had seen it. Decent set of actors too.

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Never seen Dick Tracy, but I know it's taking place in the, hm, 20's to 60's. Something like that? :) Thanks for the answer. Will probably buy it, just wanted to hear if someone had seen it. Decent set of actors too.


The whole of Dick Tracy is on Youtube, it's in Spanish so if you speak Spanish it's good but if you don't No tengo ningún elefante en mi copa de tristeza.




The other, older originals are up there too...in English.


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I went to see 'Iron Man 3' at the IMAX earlier. I hate it when they only show the 3D version on the IMAX screen as I'm not a fan of 3D. As expected, I really don't think the 3D added anything to the film. The screen on the other hand made it fantastic. I still think the IMAX screen is the best for viewing any film on as the picture is so big and the sound is great.


Anyway, I enjoyed the film overall. Marvel took a risk with this one as it took the comedy elements a bit too far at times. I think they just about nailed it though and the film as a whole seemed to go by fast, which is good considering it's just over two hours long. I personally think it was much better than the second Iron Man film and perhaps even slightly better than the first. It had more of an 'Avengers Assemble' feel to it and I would certainly say it's worth a watch. Good entertainment from start to finish, despite not being perfect. I'm even more excited now for this second phase of Avengers films.


By the way, I wouldn't bother staying for the post credits scene as it really isn't that great...

Edited by briggaman
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Just back from Iron Man

I take back my earlier post based around the trailer about they should have called it a day

as action movies go it was a good one , some great humour which had people laughing out loud , one great line in particular when Stark confronts a bad guy after a fight

Best one of the 3 ? Quite possibly certainly the funniest and RDJr does it well , Tony Stark doesn't come across as arrogant in this film as a result

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Directed by Park Chan Wook (Vengeance Trilogy), superbly odd movie about a woman with mental health issues (as the title suggests, she thinks she's a Cyborg). Some great performances, and a genuinely moving story interjected with some downright surreal and inventive sequences.

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Just waiting for Iron Man to start. I can throughly recommend going to a cinema for the first showing of the day - got the screen to myself. Only downside is looking like a crazy person waiting for the cinema to open.

As for the film, I've heard a lot about it having a divisive second half, so I'm cautiously optimistic, especially as the stuff regarding the suits left me a bit worried.

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Just back from seeing 'The Look of Love'. It's a decent period piece that has some good acting in it. The film overall just seemed a bit disjointed though, which was probably down to the approach. It's pretty much a biopic of Paul Raymond that delves into his dealings in the adult entertainment industry and relationship with his daughter. I particularly liked the take on the father-daughter relationship and thought the film was at its strongest when dealing with that aspect of things. The whole adult entertainment side of things was a little fragmented though and I think it took me away from the characters. There are plenty of boobs on display though, plus the absolutely stunning Imogen Poots and Tamsin Egerton make it a treat for the eyes...

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Oh come on Chindie man, I know your reviews are long (good thing), but it hasn't taken you 7 hours to write it surely? Some of us are waiting to see if you give it the ol' CSA (Chindie Seal of Approval) before spending our hard earned cash on going to see it :cheers:

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Bloody great news that Bishop will be in it. Has Cable been announced yet? I haven't seen him confirmed but surely he'll be in it at some point...

Off to see 'Iron Man 3' at the IMAX tomorrow night and I can't bloody wait. 'Star Trek' and 'Superman' are both booked for the IMAX too. Great time to be a comic/sci-if fan.

Cable is my all-time favourite fictional character so would love to see him on the big screen. But if they just throw him in for the sake of it I'll endup disappointed!


I went to see 'Iron Man 3' at the IMAX earlier. I hate it when they only show the 3D version on the IMAX screen as I'm not a fan of 3D. As expected, I really don't think the 3D added anything to the film. The screen on the other hand made it fantastic. I still think the IMAX screen is the best for viewing any film on as the picture is so big and the sound is great.


Anyway, I enjoyed the film overall. Marvel took a risk with this one as it took the comedy elements a bit too far at times. I think they just about nailed it though and the film as a whole seemed to go by fast, which is good considering it's just over two hours long. I personally think it was much better than the second Iron Man film and perhaps even slightly better than the first. It had more of an 'Avengers Assemble' feel to it and I would certainly say it's worth a watch. Good entertainment from start to finish, despite not being perfect. I'm even more excited now for this second phase of Avengers films.


By the way, I wouldn't bother staying for the post credits scene as it really isn't that great...

I pretty much agree with every bit of this. I feel this will split opinion overall, but I can see the critics being pretty favourable towards it. I actually didn't see a few things coming and enjoyed pretty much all of it. The end credits scene I also found disappointing.

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Oh come on Chindie man, I know your reviews are long (good thing), but it hasn't taken you 7 hours to write it surely? Some of us are waiting to see if you give it the ol' CSA (Chindie Seal of Approval) before spending our hard earned cash on going to see it :cheers:


Apologies, I popped out with this evening, works leaving do for someone I barely know but I was dragged along, hence my comments are slightly through a fudge of alcohol...


Can you open with a bottom line? I guess the thing to say about Iron Man 3 is that it I don't think you can with a straight face say it's bad, but I think you could call it disappointing. Whether that is out and out disappointing, or disappointing in some small ways, or simply a thrill ride you enjoyed and disappointment never entered your head, is up to you. Your Mileage May Vary.


Anyway... The film opens with some scene setting flashback, including probably the best use of an unfortunately iconic song you'll ever hear. Tony talks about sowing his own demons and that underpins the film, gives it reason to exist. Alongside this, this is very much a post Avengers Tony Stark - he passed through that wormhole at the end of the Avengers a different man, suffering panic attacks and sleepless nights as he struggles to comprehend the world he opened his eyes to, that includes aliens and 'gods'. His sleepless nights have seem him take up a hobby - he's tried to improve his armour, and the film has a nice little set piece of him testing out the prototype Mk. 42, a 'prehensile' suit, modular that he is able to telepathically call to form around him piece by piece. The film plays this for plenty of laughs. Meanwhile theres a new threat on the block, the Mandarin... a cipher of various ethnic and cultural backgrounds behind inexplicable bombings and with a hard on taking down the President.


I don't think the plot should really be divulged further than that, the film has a few secrets and thankfully the marketing has been careful - the trailers gave away just enough, which is refreshing.


Downey Jr basically is Tony Stark these days, he's completely made that character his and with talk being that he's starting to consider how many more times he wants to be Iron Man I think Marvel must be sweating on possibly having to replace him - he's absolutely owned the character and I don't think the mantle can be passed, especially as Marvel has put a lot of effort into creating the illusion of a consistent universe with their movies (there are easy enough joins to see if you look with the internal universe doesn't quite fit together but nothing quite so major as a front line character being someone else). Tony in this film is more of a presence than previously - more of a genuine character than caricature he sometimes has been. It's helped by the panic attack/troubled subplot and also by the fact... well, Tony is out of the suit a lot more in this film, and he's not always the snarky figure he usually is.


We also have Gwyneth Paltrow again as Pepper and despite actually attempting to be a bit more than window dressing she's only occasionally elevated to plot related prop. Bit of a shame but not nearly as bad a deal as Rebecca Hall gets. the best I can say for her character is she looks a whole lot better in this than she did in the Prestige.


Other new comers are Guy Pearce and Ben Kingsley, as Aldrich Killian and the Mandarin respectively. Guy Pearce has a ball (and you can tell) as the slick and notably, in one early scene, quite sleazy high flying scientist, and Ben Kingsley is great fun as the Mandarin, an enigma with a sinister liking for the media, effectively channeling bin Laden via Gadaffi. Both characters are notable for comic fans and the film is very aware of that, and both are enjoyable presences. It's also allowed the franchise the first chance to have a genuine adversary on screen for Iron Man - Obidiah Stane was by necessity not revealed as a proper villain in the first film till the last 20 minutes, and Ivan Vanko suffered from a ropey script in the second that left him little time to really do anything toe to toe with our hero.


The film has some cracking set pieces and nice references to whats gone before, even entirely throwaway lines like Happy Hogan's chastising Tony for running off with his 'superfriends' are appreciated nods to the fact that this is a post Avengers world. We get some great action and as said earlier, the game hasn't been entirely given away, case in point the assault on Stark's home is a far longer and more elaborate sequence than the trailers may have made you suspect. It never quite, for me, musters anything that matches the Avengers for scale or awe but makes a decent crack at it in a big showdown at the end, as you'd expect.


It's also genuinely funny - Tony has a run in with a kid that nicely subverts the sickly 'child sidekick/buddy' archetype from the get go, with Tony coming out with a corking retort to the childs opening sobstory. And that extends to witty dialogue to even the most minor characters, some of the best lines come from the nameless henchmen that pop up in a few scenes.


And as a comic fan the film plays with your expectations. I went in to the film knowing that it was inspired by a particular storyline that is credited with kick starting Iron Man in the modern era. It's a storyline in that I like and dislike in equal measure, but knew what to expect all the same - the film plays with that, attempting to send my expectations down blind alleys, in some cases successfully. The same is true of other elements...


...that is one of the things that may lead to disappointment for some. I won't spoil anything, but it does at times feel like they could have done more with what they had... or sometimes less. I'm actually torn on how I feel about it and that inspired the 'hmm' I felt at the end. But I have to also add that, for a normal person, they won't give a damn. They'll enjoy the film what it is not being down on elements that have been played with from the established canon on paper. Although saying that I can see some fans of the films not liking one element of Tony's adversaries (something that derives from the inspirational comic storyline in fairness, but played larger here and not necessarily for the better) and also one plot point may turn some people away from the film and lead them to want to pick holes in what had passed before.


I cam away thinking the film is enjoyable. It's in no way bad - it's funny, it has some top performances, some really good action, looks brilliant, it's fun... but I walked away thinking it could have been more than it was. It's a good film, certainly better than 2 (though it could be argued 2 is a better straight 'Iron Man' story, just very poorly done), not the joy that 1 was but betters that film in some respects... For an Iron Man fan, who has loved Marvels universe so far, it's an easy 4/5. For a fan who knows a bit more about the inspiration... it's not quite there. But definitely go see it. Don't read anything about the plot, don't even read what has inspired it or anything about that. Just go see it and have a fun couple of hours.


The post credits sequence is a fun nod but don't feel obliged to sit through 10 minutes of credits if you've better things to do - it's not like the earlier films with their hints and winks to whats coming next, more of a straight forward gag, btw.

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