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On Denzel again, I think it's the gravitas he brings. When he says something you listen to it. Seems to be able to steal the show in almost every film he's in. Like Book of Eli you're watching him. Unstoppable you're watching him. Crimson Tide you're watching him. Training Day you're watching him. What makes him a damn fine actor. I've noticed the same with Ryan Gosling. Very gravitating actor who makes sure you keep your eye on him. And you'll always come out of it thinking "Denzel's/Ryan's good isn't he?".


Anyway. That's my view anyway.

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And I can't stand it when actors like you lot were discussing CAN act but opt for brainless filler movies that just wodge out money. Choose better. FWIW I've not rated Nicolas Cage much either. The Rock, Face/Off and Kick Ass are 3 of the only films he's in that I've seen that I can even stand. And those (especially Kick Ass) were good in spite of him I felt. If he wasn't a Coppola....


Also saw Tropic Thunder mentioned a few pages back which is a film I like very much. Downey Jr. in particular is just brilliant, with his over-the-top dedication to acting.

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Con Air and Bad Lieutenant I have. Thought he was alright, just I always feel he's just a bit of a average-to-poor actor!

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Watched the 1080 version of the hobbit last night.

Really enjoyed it actually, thought the effects were superb and I like martin freemans comic relief over Elijah woods character. Thought the general cast were better than Lotr as well, some I the characters didn't really get any screen time but I still knew who everyone was.

8/10 for me

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Dredd 8/10 - Really surprised with this one. Thought Urban was superb and it was superb with the whole Die Hard locked-tower-block going on. Olivia Thirlby though..

Agreed. Very enjoyable movie, I liked it enough to get the blu ray when it came out. Something I could easily watch multiple times. I was disappointed by the ending, though.

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Agreed about dredd, the film is hardly a revelation but its so rare to get a main character who basically kicks ass and nothing else. No pointless romance, no watering down to a 12a rating, 3d was actually ok in the cinema.

Basically an enjoyable film, shame it won't be getting a follow up.

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Dave Bautista, who is better known as WWE's Batista, has signed on to play Drax the Destroyer in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.

Got no idea at all if he's a decent actor, being a former wrestler presumably not, but he does, non green skin aside, look a little like the character...

GotG remains probably the most interesting thing Marvel has done so far. It's odd that we're hearing so little about Thor and Cap 2, but Guardians news is a fairly constant steady trickle.

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I have no idea who Drax the Destroyer is, and don't particularly care.


But if he's a massive, muscular, terrifying looking character, then Batista is a decent fit. The guy is a monster.


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i met batista once at a signing in wolverhampton woolies (had time to kill during lectures, little brother is a massive fan) absolute prize prick, refused pictures, handshakes, didnt talk, only signed pictures the kids bought off them etc


saw welcome to the punch yesterday, its ok, mcavoy and strong are both good, starts a bit slow has a great hour and then goes a bit silly at the end, too many london city at night shits too, worth a watch


trance looks good too, mcavoy hadnt been in anything for ages then 2 decent looking films in a month

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Watched Skyfall earlier. I thought the first and last action scenes were excellent but it was pretty boring in the middle. Very dumb film really but would have been good in the cinema.




If you're trying to escape in the dark why put on a torch?? Seriously, what the hell. 

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Just remembered I watched Silver Linings Playbook and Django: Unchained last week as well. 


Django. Fantastic. 9/10. Pretty much what I was expecting but so, so much to enjoy. 


Silver Linings. 5/10. Was expecting to love this movie and it really was meh. 




The major problem I had with Silver Linings was who places huge bets with their best friends? No one does, it's so dumb. I understand that in America because of the gambling laws a lot of people will have personal 'bookies' (although these are typically guys in vegas, not just a local illegal bookie) but no-one is going to have a bookie who's their best friend, you just wouldn't stay friends for long. So dumb, ruined the movie for me. 

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Watched Julia's Eyes on Film Four over the weekend - another cracking Spanish chiller about a woman who investigates her sister's suicide believing someone else was involved, whilst her eyesight diminishes. (it's better than I've put it!!!!)


No doubt, it'll be repeated on Film Four so would recommend recording it!

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