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The plot hole which I found with Looper was....

Why did Rainman become a mafia boss in the first place? We are lead to believe that it's because as a child he watched his mother die (by Bruce Willis). But the only reason that Bruce Willis wanted to kill him is because he had already become a Mafia boss and started the close all the loops. The timeline always starts with the kid becoming Rainman before Bruce kills his mother, so when Joseph Gordon-Levitt kills himself, the child should then still become the Rainman? So all he actually does, is just kill himself. I got the impression that the writers were trying to make out that when JGL killed himself it somehow changed the kids future, when really, it changed nothing.

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I think that bit is where it "borrows" from 12 Monkeys. i.e going back in time to change the future, to find out it was you going back in time that changed the future in the first place, and therefore you can't stop it.

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Oh, mine too. And as I'd read the book first, I had no problem with it at all - but a lot of people who hadn't, seemed to find it unsatisfying - the ending in particular. .

I have never read the book and I think the movie is superb.

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world war z trailer has been released

it looks like it'll be good and im unashamed when i say i love brad pitt films but **** hell the cgi when the bodies start piling up looks awful

Years ago I never rated Pitt as an actor and believed he got by on his looks , but looking back he has been in some great films and gave some cracking performances.

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The plot hole which I found with Looper was....

Why did Rainman become a mafia boss in the first place? We are lead to believe that it's because as a child he watched his mother die (by Bruce Willis). But the only reason that Bruce Willis wanted to kill him is because he had already become a Mafia boss and started the close all the loops. The timeline always starts with the kid becoming Rainman before Bruce kills his mother, so when Joseph Gordon-Levitt kills himself, the child should then still become the Rainman? So all he actually does, is just kill himself. I got the impression that the writers were trying to make out that when JGL killed himself it somehow changed the kids future, when really, it changed nothing.

There is a ridiculous amount of these things in Looper and time travel films that create paradoxes, you either hate them so dont see them, or forgive them and enjoy the ride.

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Right, saw Skyfall last night.

Firstly, don't care what other people say, I thought it was **** excellent. Now, maybe that's that post film excitement you get and given a week to cool off I may not think it was as good, but at the moment I'm thinking it's right up there.

My only criticism was I didn't really think the storyline was very "Bond" like. Starts of with what you'd expect, but goes in a different direction. Not sure that's really what Bond is about, but it was still great.

Thought Bardem was great. Didn't expect his character to be as he is, but it worked well. Gave him a real psycho persona.

Some spoilery thoughts

Someone on here spoiled the M death twist. Not explicitly, but they said something like "Can't believe they kept the twist secret" so as soon as the storyline went down the M assassination route, i assumed she was going to die. This is what i meant by it's not very Bond. Didn't strike me as a typical Bond storyline. But I liked it, played on that mother/son relationship that they've built on with the Craig films.

Liked the Moneypenny addition, but I guessed that bit too, and must admit the "we haven't been formally introduced" bit was very forced.

Also loved the DB5 reveal, the whole cinema loved that bit :D

Also, for all the talk about excessive product placement, I didn't think it was bad at all. A lot of it was barely noticeable. it was obviously there, but it wasn't as bad as Casino Royale, for example.

So yeah, I feel like it's been given a hard time on here actually. As I mentioned yesterday, maybe I liked it so much because my expectations had been lowered, but I loved it.

Best Bond ever? It's hard to say at this stage until i can look back on it. But if it's not, it's only Casino Royale keeping it off the top spot.

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After all the terrible reviews I watched 'The Watch' last night

and loved it. It was just daft and silly and thats what I was in the mood for.You know what your getting with modern Ben Stiller films and its completely forgettable of course, its also no 'Tropic Thunder' but I really enjoyed it for some odd reason. I even liked Vince Vaughan in it and I **** hate him in pretty much everything else he has ever done. Plus Richard Ayoade is in it which instantly makes it watchable.

Worth a watch, just dont expect anything mindblowing.

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There is a ridiculous amount of these things in Looper and time travel films that create paradoxes, you either hate them so dont see them, or forgive them and enjoy the ride.

It always makes me laugh when people criticise a time-travel film, on the grounds that things don't happen like that when you're time-travelling.

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I wasn't a big fan of Skyfall. It's not a patch on Casino Royale.

Some thoughts but there are some serious spoilers in here so you have been warned.

No seriously, don't read if you haven't seen the film.

Skyfall was a strange one for me. Like others have said, it doesn't feel like a Bond film, and the bad guy didn't really strike me as that bad. I don't mean that he wasn't evil or psycho or whatever, but his motivations weren't particularly on a grand scale like other Bond villains. Yes, M is important, especially to Bond and the whole film was about his relationship to her. I get that it was a more personal vendetta than a traditonal "must stop bad person trying to take over the world", but he could have been so much more. I think Bardem is a terrific actor but he was wasted in this role. I also think Bardem's character's little 'nuances' didn't really add anything to the story other than some homo-erotic display put in there for shock-factor, which is weak writing. It was as if they thought, right, let's create a Bond villain unlike all other Bond villains. Ideas? He's gay? Okay, works for me, let's go overboard with that.

There were too many cheesy exchanges between Q and Bond. It's not that it was even too lighthearted like I've seen some people say. It was just cringing at some points. The initial meet with the old naval ship being retired metaphor was quite clever, but after that it was just a bit too silly. Casino Royale introduced a more serious Bond. I like that Bond. It's no surprise that I'm a huge fan of the Bourne films because that's how I saw Casino Royale, a less serious, less camp Bond. Skyfall seemed to go back to the old ways and attempted to shoehorn in nods to the past 50 years which I didn't appreciate. It sounds like I'm one of the only people who thought the DB5 reveal was pretty naff and disjointed from Craig's Bond. The DB5 was already in Casino Royale, albeit briefly and without gadgets. I don't like the gadgets, they add to the cheesiness. Oddly enough, Q even MENTIONED how they don't do gadgets anymore... so then they have the DB5, with outdated gadgets. Craig's Bond was rebooted in the 2000's, the gadgets on the DB5 are way too outdated. I know it's a nod to the films in the 60's but I just don't think it works. It's shite.

The finale was pretty crappy too. It was like Home Alone with guns, which normally I would think would be a good thing, but not in a Bond movie. And what is the point of Bond getting there in time to save M, only for her to die from a wound sustained earlier? Dramatic effect? It didn't work for me. If she's going to die, make it something dark or much more clever. Not blood-loss. And don't make it so that Bond has just gone through hell to go and save his mother-figure, and do it, only to realise it was a pointless exercise.

And if Bond is all about England (he says England as an answer in one of the word-association questions), why the **** was he from Skyfall... in Scotland? Is it a nod to Sean Connery? It's just silly.

I know I'm being harsh, but I really had high expectations for this film, especially since Quantum of Solace was a bit of a disappointment too.

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Just watched Drive. Remember it getting generally positive reviews on here, with a few bad ones thrown in. A couple of friends had recommended it quite highly.

I was worried after the first 15 minutes or so that Gosling's character was going to piss me off. However, in the end I really enjoyed it. Got reading about it, as I often do after watching a film, and came across a terrible review (in that the review itself is awful, rather than the writer's verdict on the film) on the Guardian website - here.

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