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Seeing "Killing Them Softly" later.

Really looking forward to it. I shall report back.

It was very good.

Although the girl I went with hated it. The plots a bit back and forth and I think she got bored with it.

Wasn't really what I was expecting. If you're expecting an all action gangster flick then you'll be disappointed.

Loved Gandalfini's part in it. Thought he was really excellent, even though it was a small role. Plus, I'm only up to season 2 of the Sopranos, and haven't seen him in much else, so the difference in how he looks now compared to then was striking for me. Much older looking, and much fatter. Fit the part well. He was the stand out for me

Pitt is cool as **** as usual, and the two robbers are pretty funny (don't know the actors' names). Quite a few laughs in it.

And I definitely wasn't expectign the parallel to the American Recession, but that was clever, even if it did shove it down your throat a bit.

Would recommend it, just don't go in expecting Goodfellas.

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Think that's bad? Try watching 'Enter the Void'.

That film was so offensively awful that I felt angry after it was finished. I don't think I've been angry after watching a film, but two and half hours of watching the following did it; voyeurisitic overhead shots looking down on a set completely drained of life, terrible actors struggling to convey any sense of emotion, a strange drug trip scene that pretty much looked like the equaliser graphics on windows media player, a plot i can't quite recall but it had something to do with the tibetan book of the dead, and a cgi-bellend thrusted towards you in a quite frankly laugh-out-loud pretentious final stretch.

Ugh. Awful film. Gaspar Noe needs slapped.

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Watched the Swedish 'Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' and didn't really enjoy it having read the book. Usually the case I guess. Weren't keen on how the Blomqvist character was portrayed.

Gonna brave, Ichi the Killer tomorrow.

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Watched the Swedish 'Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' and didn't really enjoy it having read the book. Usually the case I guess. Weren't keen on how the Blomqvist character was portrayed.

Gonna brave, Ichi the Killer tomorrow.

I watched the American remake of GWTDT last night, it was pretty good considering it came out so soon after the Swedish original.

Enjoyed both versions and wouldn't grumble at the castings for either film.

(btw, Ichi The Killer is a seriously f**ked up movie - enjoy!!!!)

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American version > Swedish Version of TGWTDT. Imo of course.

I think they got both the characters of Blomqvist and Salander bang on in the American version, where as they weren't quite right in the Swedish version, which is key to the film.

I thought the American one was much truer to the book.

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Saw Looper yesterday and really enjoyed it. I thought Joseph Gordan-Levitt played his role well and how they made him look so alike to Bruce Willis was a good touch. I agree with the person who said the little boy was a good actor too. 8,16...32.

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Ugh. Awful film. Gaspar Noe needs slapped.

His next film is allegedly going to be a 3D porno. Hooray! I didnt think Enter the Void was too bad, but yeah the acting was atrocious. I don't know whose dick Paz de le Huerta has been sucking, but she sure as shit doesnt get acting jobs based on her talent. Horrific actress.

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I think Enter the Void was based on Noe's use of DMT. Strange film which looks amazing at times. I don't think I've ever jumped out of my seat as much as that car crash scene.

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I, because it's pretty I think, decided to buy Prometheus on Blu-Ray and got the disc over the weekend, gave it rewatch last night.

It's still completely daft on a second view. Pretty but bloody hell the flaws...

Anyway, there are a number of alternate and deleted scenes on the disc, though they are seperate from the film (no extended cut here). Sadly, as I suspected might be the case, theres no saving this film. The extra scenes are, in the main, alternate takes, and you can really tell why they were excised. A few feel really, really amateurish - an alternate scene in the finale plays out almost exactly as the same scene does in the eventual release, but with a slightly shifted setting and with a polar flip of tone that, well... it plays out like a comedy, in truth, so bad is the dialogue and how the little moments play out in it. I almost, almost, have to believe it's a comedy outtake of the scene because I can't believe Ridley would for even a second considered wasting time filming that seriously, intending it to part of the final moments of the film. Much of the rest of the deleted scenes are simply scenes from the film where a few seconds here and there have been carved out, which leaves you feeling a strange sense of deja vu as you watch the cut material thinking 'Hang on... that's exactly as it was in the film...? Oh no wait, this 5 second bit here was chopped...and this line here too...'.

There is a single scene that goes some way to solving a problem I had with the film, the revelation Idris Elba has that feels so jarring in it's suddenness is eased a little by a chat he has with Vickers in the cut scenes, but still it doesn't really help with the feeling it's a revelation pulled from thin air.

Most of the cuts are taken from the third act (which is where the wheels really fall off the film) but little is added by them. Theres an extended final action scene that perhaps could have stayed in the film,watching it made me revisit the scene in the final cut as it made me notice that the it had clearly been carved up in editting for cinema release, but despite playing out as final action hurrah of the movie its completely unbelievable given scenes just moments earlier.

I think the film is still worth a watch if you've not seen it, but go in knowing you're about to watch a missed opportunity. Then turn your brain off and go 'Daww, it's so pretty!'. It really is a polished turd.

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go onto youtube and search ''honest trailer prometheus'' or something like that

pretty much sums up the film for me

ah ha, I didn;t realise you could do this

The "And starring" bit at the end cracked me up.

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