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Heat is bollocks.

Michael Mann is over-rated beyond belief.

Really don't get the hype tbh.

Round of applause for that man :)

To whoever it was that asked why I watched it 3-4 times when I hated it, I'll clarify - I've attempted to watch it several times but only recently managed to make it to the end of the film without turning it off. Seeing the ending didn't change my opinion, it was dull as dishwater. The only reason I kept attempting to watch it was all the people telling me what a great film it was, I thought watching it to the end would enlighten me....it didn't.

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Just watch Heat for the first time in about 10 years, still love it.

That's the most over-rated film in movie history, I've watched it 3-4 times now and every time I've thought "what the **** is the fuss all about?"

Really boring from start to finish, and I might add that Michael Mann is a twot. Every film he's every been involved with has been **** crap.


Manhunter was **** great! Ali wasn't bad either, nor The Keep

Hmmmm I don't often disagree with you mate but I disagree on this one.

Considering the masterpiece of a book Mann had to work with, Manhunter was actually a complete abortion of a film. I can understand if you've never read the book you'd think the film was good....but if you have read the book it's impossible to like that film - the remake years later was far, far more true to the book but ruined by Hopkins hamming up the Lecter character too much. Still better than Manhunter though, by miles. Silence of the Lambs is still the best film version of a Thomas Harris book.

As for Ali, that's the main reason I can't stand the guy - he got given license to make a film about my all time favourite athlete and ballsed it up so badly that I actually fell asleep in the cinema while watching it. There's a few good scenes in it, but the movie as a whole was awful.

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Just watch Heat for the first time in about 10 years, still love it.

I've watched it 3-4 times now ...

Really boring from start to finish ...

why would you watch a film which you find "really boring from start to finish" 3 or 4 times? :? :lol:

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Just watch Heat for the first time in about 10 years, still love it.

I've watched it 3-4 times now ...

Really boring from start to finish ...

why would you watch a film which you find "really boring from start to finish" 3 or 4 times? :? :lol:

He's explained himself above.

I've done the same before. Watched a film, thought it was shit, been persuaded by a mate to give it another chance "maybe you weren't in the mood?", so watched it again. Seldom has my opinion changed mind you.

Worked with the Godfather though. Honestly thought that was shit when I first watched it. One of those really disappointing moments when you think "I thought this was like the best film ever".

Enjoyed it much more the second time round, excellent film.

Still think Part 2 is incredibly boring though. When it asked me to insert disc 2 I nearly slit my wrists.

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Still think Part 2 is incredibly boring though. When it asked me to insert disc 2 I nearly slit my wrists.

if it's not too late ..whatever you do don't watch part 3 :-)

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I've done the same before. Watched a film, thought it was shit,

i hated matrix II & III but III was on Tv the other week and i watched it again .. still thought it was shit but I guess as it had zero expectation this viewing it wasn't as bad as i recall it being first time around ... maybe one day I'll be tempted to give "No Country for Old Men" a second viewing to see if it's still as dire as i remember it being

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Just watch Heat for the first time in about 10 years, still love it.

I've watched it 3-4 times now ...

Really boring from start to finish ...

why would you watch a film which you find "really boring from start to finish" 3 or 4 times? :? :lol:

He's explained himself above.

I've done the same before. Watched a film, thought it was shit, been persuaded by a mate to give it another chance "maybe you weren't in the mood?", so watched it again. Seldom has my opinion changed mind you.

Worked with the Godfather though. Honestly thought that was shit when I first watched it. One of those really disappointing moments when you think "I thought this was like the best film ever".

Enjoyed it much more the second time round, excellent film.

Still think Part 2 is incredibly boring though. When it asked me to insert disc 2 I nearly slit my wrists.

Me too. Still haven't got through Apocalypse now. (please don't kill me) But I WILL give it a go and watch the whole movie one day or another.

And I felt the same way as you did about The Godfather the first time I saw it. The second time I understood what the fuss was all about. Great movie. Still haven't seen part 2. :oops:

Just seen The box with Cameron Diaz. Decent. Worth a look, IMO. But not as great with a that great a twist as it was said to be. But I enjoyed it.

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Finally saw the original Italian Job.

Have to say it was slightly disappointing. It has not aged well and is deceptively short. It's OK, it's watchable but in my 'list of films everyone must see' it gets a big 'Meh..'.

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I cant see what the fuss is with the Godfather films either. Sat through the first (after a few failed attempts) just to see what I was missing and was completely underwhelmed.

Saw Kick Ass at the weekend and really enjoyed it. Shows the power of expectation as much as anything!

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Just watch Heat for the first time in about 10 years, still love it.

I've watched it 3-4 times now ...

Really boring from start to finish ...

why would you watch a film which you find "really boring from start to finish" 3 or 4 times? :? :lol:

He's explained himself above.

I've done the same before. Watched a film, thought it was shit, been persuaded by a mate to give it another chance "maybe you weren't in the mood?", so watched it again. Seldom has my opinion changed mind you.

i find that odd, i have to say. Once i've seen a film and thought it was "really broing from start to finish" i wouldn't be going back there.

and if i did get somehow persuaded to watch it again by someone, and still thought the same, then why on earth would i still choose to watch it yet again?

A form of masochism perhaps?

each to their own i guess. I'll stick to watching decent films, that aren't boring. :mrgreen:

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Still think Part 2 is incredibly boring though. When it asked me to insert disc 2 I nearly slit my wrists.

if it's not too late ..whatever you do don't watch part 3 :-)

Oh it'll never be too late because I would put my house on me never watching that film.

As for No Country for Old Men, it's in my top 5 films ever. I love it. But I didn't feel that way until I saw it the second time, so it may be worth a second viewing. However I did enjoy it the first time, so whether you'll go from thinking it was dire to enjoying it is another question.

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I better give a recommendation. Films I have watched in the past couple of weeks

7 Pounds: Wank

I Love You, Man: HIlarious

There Will be Blood: Great but not as amazing as expected

He's just not that into you: Normal chick flick bollocks. Girls love it though seemingly.

Orphan: Surprisingly very good

Pan's Labyrinth: Incredible, despite it being about the 7th time I've seen it

Green Zone: Enjoyable but forgettable. The GF slept through the whole thing.

Slumdog: See TWBB.

An Education: Very good, the girl's (I forget her name) performance is excellent.

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Finally got around to watching this the other night...


Excellent stuff, a great performance by Jolie and even if you know what happened, it's still a pretty shocking story.

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