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seeing as its become the 1st movie ever to do over $100m on its 2nd weekend and the quickest movie to do over $1bn i cant see super hero movies going anywhere soon

personally i dont mind, you look at the guff that normally comes out every summer (transformers is a prime example) at least marvel and nolan are raising the standards (at least until the god awful new spiderman comes out)

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What's the beef, guys? I mean, superhero movies? WHY?

Oh come on Mike... you're better than that surely?

Why any film? It's just a subgenre of action films. They're often quite fun escapism.

Oh, I know that. And I'm not "anti" them as such. But they rank very low on my scale of stuff to watch - basically, they're for a dull Sunday afternoon when there's nothing else on TV, rather than a night at the movies. I was slightly tempted to go after Chindie's rave review, but once the wife said she wouldn't consider it, I just thought... meh, OK.

The 'patronising' comment (about 12 year olds v. adults) was Donnie's not mine, although I know what he means.

Anyway, my equivalent is westerns, which take me back to my childhood, and that is no more 'sophisticated' than comic book films, so I have no room to be patronising. Just a generational thing, I suspect.

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I enjoyed Avengers. I mean yeah you could write the plot on the back of a postage stamp, but hey it is an action movie. At least, that is 'all' it was to me, and as such, if forced to put a score to it I would say 7.5/10 I guess. I'm another one who hasnt got any interest in superhero movies at all, so havent seen the individual Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, etc. movies. What I can say for sure is that I liked Avengers enough to want to go and watch those other movies.

How come Loki didnt do that turn-invisible-can't-touch-me thing when he was fighting Hulk? And why is Iron Man so unlikeable? Is Hulk indestructable? If those 'gods' like Loki and Thor come from some other part of the universe where 'gods' are normal, does Earth have it's own 'god'? If it doesnt why not? If Earth is so puny how did that cube-thing end up on Earth that those bad-types want to bad?

Just a few questions that sprang to mind when watching, and no one I knows can answer ^__^

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It's fair to say a few generations of people read comics as a child, and therefore associate superheroes with childhood. Only a minority continued to read them into adulthood. Nerds, if you will. it is more widespread now, and for many under 30 superhero comics/films can be adult.

And while I usually like films to have a point, there is a place for mindless escapism. My objections come when their ardent fans treat such movies with a strange, almost religious, reverance.

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How come Loki didnt do that turn-invisible-can't-touch-me thing when he was fighting Hulk? And why is Iron Man so unlikeable? Is Hulk indestructable? If those 'gods' like Loki and Thor come from some other part of the universe where 'gods' are normal, does Earth have it's own 'god'? If it doesnt why not? If Earth is so puny how did that cube-thing end up on Earth that those bad-types want to bad?

Just a few questions that sprang to mind when watching, and no one I knows can answer ^__^

Loki and Hulk - He doesn't turn invisible - he can throw a... shade?... of himself. It's effectively just a magic trick and only really works if he has chance to set it up, something he didn't have when the Hulk arrived.

Iron Man - Most audiences find him quite funny, in the comics and films his ego and personality rub up against other characters, he is after all arrogant and self obsessed (you might say with good reason, he's a billionaire playboy philanthropist after all...)

The Hulk - He is indestructible. He has a healing ability that is so powerful he basically is unkillable. He's only proven weak to exceptionally powerful 'sonic' attack, something that happens, briefly, in the set up Hulk film.

Gods - Yes the 'gods' Loki and Thor are effectively just aliens, from Asgard (though Loki is adopted and actually of another race), though both are particularly special - Thor is immensely, immensely strong and with Mjolnir, magic hammer, can control storms and their associated power. Loki is weaker but is supremely gifted in magic, making up for his physical weakness. As for a God of Earth for the MArvel universe, it's never really been dealt with to my knowledge but I believe the Marvel universe accepts that earth is what it is now largely, so you can assume their are Christians in the Marvel world, for example.

The Tesseract - Isn't dealt with particularly in the films but it's to be assumed that Odin lost it somehow. The Red Skull, on finding the cube in Captain America, simply says it was the jewel of Odin's throne room. There's also more than one of them but the films universe doesn't touch that, perhaps smartly.

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What's the beef, guys? I mean, superhero movies? WHY?

Oh come on Mike... you're better than that surely?

Why any film? It's just a subgenre of action films. They're often quite fun escapism.

Oh, I know that. And I'm not "anti" them as such. But they rank very low on my scale of stuff to watch - basically, they're for a dull Sunday afternoon when there's nothing else on TV, rather than a night at the movies. I was slightly tempted to go after Chindie's rave review, but once the wife said she wouldn't consider it, I just thought... meh, OK.

The 'patronising' comment (about 12 year olds v. adults) was Donnie's not mine, although I know what he means.

Anyway, my equivalent is westerns, which take me back to my childhood, and that is no more 'sophisticated' than comic book films, so I have no room to be patronising. Just a generational thing, I suspect.

Sorry mike, did mean to point out it wasnt your comment, I just quoted your quote that had his erm...quote in it.

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How come Loki didnt do that turn-invisible-can't-touch-me thing when he was fighting Hulk?

Not sure he can turn invisible, just make a projection of himself. As you saaw when Thor jumped through him, it wasn't actually him anyway - the real him stabbed Coulson.

And why is Iron Man so unlikeable?

As he said earlier in the movie on the SHIELD report on him, he's considered volatile, self-obsessed and "doesn't play well with others".

If those 'gods' like Loki and Thor come from some other part of the universe where 'gods' are normal, does Earth have it's own 'god'? If it doesnt why not?

Not entirely sure what you mean, but Thor is considered a protector of Earth if that answers what you were asking. If you are wodering if Earth has a God like what some believe in now, then no. Because even in an unrealistic movie that would be too ridiculous.

If Earth is so puny how did that cube-thing end up on Earth that those bad-types want to bad?

I believe it was hidden there to stop the bad guys finding it but I'm not entirely sure.

As for Donnie's 5.5/10. Well, someone's got to be wrong haven't they. ;)

EDIT: Seems Chindie beat me to it!

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Thank you for the answers guys. I would be happy to reciprocate somehow with questions about er...the world and lore of the new Berserk anime movies, when they're out...? :D

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They might as well have copied the transformers film replaced it with men in capes and its exactly the same film!

People say its fun loads of action but the first hour and half there is barely any action. Totally boring, and as expected the dialogue is shocking.

Just giving my opinion its a terrible movie. Not even the genre as a whole cause Batman, Blade and Kick-ass were all executed excellently.

Just saying its a film a 12 year old will like but for a grown up to say it a 10 out of 10 or 'the greatest film they have ever seen' I find odd, but each to there own. Maybe people find it odd when I say one flew over the cuccoos nest is the greatest film ever made but thats just my opinion and im open to be ridiculed as its just the internet so doesnt really matter.

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They might as well have copied the transformers film replaced it with men in capes and its exactly the same film!

People say its fun loads of action but the first hour and half there is barely any action. Totally boring, and as expected the dialogue is shocking.

Just giving my opinion its a terrible movie. Not even the genre as a whole cause Batman, Blade and Kick-ass were all executed excellently.

Just saying its a film a 12 year old will like but for a grown up to say it a 10 out of 10 or 'the greatest film they have ever seen' I find odd, but each to there own. Maybe people find it odd when I say one flew over the cuccoos nest is the greatest film ever made but thats just my opinion and im open to be ridiculed as its just the internet so doesnt really matter.

Thats it though, id put One flew over AND the avengers somewhere near the top of my all time favourite films. I dont get the 'for 12 year olds' stance at all.

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People say its fun loads of action but the first hour and half there is barely any action. Totally boring, and as expected the dialogue is shocking.

I can only assume you missed the first hour and a half then.

And the dialogue was a pleasent surprise. I went in expecting it to be bad, it really wasn't.

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They might as well have copied the transformers film replaced it with men in capes and its exactly the same film!

you see for me the 2 are how to do similar things in completely different ways

transformers is an awful film that is poorly written, has terrible acting, a rubbish storyline and boring characters but hopes that if they blow a building up no one will notice

IMO the avengers is pretty much the opposite, i actually think the action scenes in new york at the end of the avengers are the weakest part of the film, but its superbly written both in terms of the narrative and the script, pretty much all of the cast especially ruffalo and hiddlestone are way above the standard of "summer blockbuster", its excellently shot and balanced, its everything that a summer blockbuster should be

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Aliens is the best movie in the franchise

I do not care if Alien was the superior "thriller" or "horror"

Aliens had Colonial Marines... Hicks Hudson Vasquez Gorman Apone Drake Frost

Dietrich Wiesbowski Ferro Spunkmeyer Bishop

Smartgun's Power Loaders Pulse Rifles Motion Trackers Dropships Flamethrowers even chicken shit outfits.....

I couldn't agree more, from when Ripley and Newt get locked in the med lab, to when they make it to the landing pad, Is the tensest, greatest 45-50 minutes of action thriller ever committed to film.

Also has my favourite put down in movie history.

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All this just shows that the word "best" is pretty pointless. Depends what criteria you are using. I like the first Alien best, because I prefer tension-based thrillers to all-action shoot-ups (even though I like them too at times). The franchise features different types of film.

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I actually the first 3 Alien films (well, the Assembly Cut of the third, anyway) for differing reasons and I jump about between the first and second as for which my favourite is.

Aliens is great but it's great flaws, for me, are Newt, who was a good idea on paper and then they got a child who couldn't act to play her (subsequently leading me every time I watch the film to hope against hope that this time the xenomorphs will get her, soon), and more problematically, James Cameron Longwindeditis. Hes a great director, few missteps but if you want sci-fi action he's your man, but he can't edit a film. Aliens is a film that feels far, far too long. It's only about 2 hrs 20 long but dear me it feels longer. It takes an absolute age to get going. And you kinda understand why but all the set up... you could do it in 20 minutes and be happy with it. He takes double that, perhaps more (it's been a while). And obviously he's got his preferred cut, the Special Edition cut, which is even longer!

Every film he's done suffers from it, some more noticably than others, Avatar is the worst offender as it's a long film anyway but then is so packed with so much po-faced rubbish that you can't forgive it the length, and then he manages to make it feel baggier and even longer somehow. And then he did an even longer cut of it too! But on rewatches Aliens actually annoys me a little at how baggy it is until it gets going.

Alien doesn't have that problem. Ridley Scott made a taut film, it flies along and it still feels fresh to this day. He so felt he had nailed it so much, that when asked to a directors cut, he actually ended up with a shorter film, feeling the pace was so bang on if he added a couple of bits he needed to take away elsewhere.

There is an argument some people make about how Cameron's film disappoints because he decides to reduce what was an enigmatic, mysterious and quite frightening creature from Alien, into a giant nasty bug monster for space marines to gib. A lot of the 'expanded fiction' of the Alien universe is derived from that and a lot of fans of the original film don't much care for it. I'm personally Ok with that aspect but I can see where people are coming from.

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All this just shows that the word "best" is pretty pointless. Depends what criteria you are using. I like the first Alien best, because I prefer tension-based thrillers to all-action shoot-ups (even though I like them too at times). The franchise features different types of film.


Loved Aliens, but its totally different from the first. And I much prefer the first.

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Oh, and to wade into the superhero film debate, yes they are largely crap, imo. Although to be fair my gripe is with comic book films more than superhero (although they go hand in hand)

That's not to say they CAN'T be good (The Dark Knight is one of my favourite films, for example). But on the whole, I can't see why people like them.

I am, however, still looking forward to seeing Avengers.

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I prefer Alien, because it is stonkingly beautiful. A masterclass in lighting. It's a cracking film too.

Aliens is great for entirely different reasons, but the not-so-subtle nuclear-family gibberish is a huge flaw.

Also, the T-1000 gets knocked out by a wee bump, what's up with that?

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