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The Film Thread


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In France, you know what they call 'Hunger Games'?

'Battle Royale with cheese...'

Oh my. That's special. :clap:

Post of the year.

Is that Sarcasm? It's not that good!

Actually, I thought it was. Made me actually laugh out loud. It's gems like that which make VT worth visiting.

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I also recommend Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy it cured my insomnia

Agree, this was the most boring film I have seen in a long time


Would have walked out if I didn't think the person I was with was enjoying it.

Turns out they weren't and they were thinking exactly the same thing.

I hope you at least had a better idea what was going on than I did. I was lost after about 10 minutes.
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On the Hobbit/del Toro thing, I initially was quite for him taking the helm but since his leaving and seeing Jackson's work, I'm kinda glad del Toro didn't take the helm. Del Toro has a very distinct style with creatures and the like, and admitted (when the plan was to make 'The Hobbit' as one film and having a bridging film between that and LOTR), that he would make the first film with his style, and then blend it with Jackson's take in the second film to tie them together.

My worry would have been that del Toro's take would be one I didn't buy into. Jackson's interpretation of LOTR was very close to my own, and I suspect he'll do the same with the Hobbit. My biggest worries with the Hobbit films now are how stretched out it's going to all be over those 2 films, and secondly quite how the 3D/48fps thing is going to work out. They've already admitted that the decision to shoot in 3D at 48 has made things difficult for some of the departments making the film - for example wigs need to be real hair now, some fabrics mess about the 3D lenses so whole costumes have been binned, and the dulling of the image caused by 3D has meant they've had to really over-do the colours in many scenes (check out the producton diary they did where they focused on 3D filming, the set they where in, Mirkwood, has crazy intense reds and purples all over it, and the makeup on many characters has had to be done so they all look flushed as without it they look very pale and unlifelike).

But I'll be surprised if it's not an absolutely top drawer end to this year in film with the Hobbit part 1. I'm looking forward to it.

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Saw Battle Royale yesterday for the first time in preparation for seeing the Hunger Games this week.

Bloody great it was too.

Top film! Dont watch the second though, its a bit gash.

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Latest Avengers TV spot, 'Headcount'

Tony Stark actually makes a mistake here, he says that Thor is a 'demigod'. Nope, by all accounts he's a god (albeit a god interpreted as an alien species). But yes, more Hulk smashy smashy, good.


Oh, and these fellas.



I haven't got a **** clue what they are supposed to be. Whedon finally confirmed for sure they aren't Skrulls (and they sure as **** don't look like the corrugated chin bastards, sadly), and they've said a few times that they're tied to the other realms mentioned in Thor... which are

Asgard - Thors home, which those aren't looking likely to have come from

Vanaheim - Effectively Asgardians again, so no

Alfheim - Light Elves, those fellas don't look Elvish.

Nidavellir - Home to Dwarves, again no

Midgard - Earth.

Jotunheim - Seen in Thor, home to the Frost Giants and again, not looking like these fellas.

Svartalfheim - Home of the Dark Elves, who in the comics have not looked like these fellas but, maybe...

Hel - Land of the Dead, and including Nifleheim, land of the dishonoured dead. Dead Asgardians? Those guys look slightly reptilian...

Muspelheim - Land of the Fire Giants, effectively enormous demons... maybe? But it's a departure from the comic canon.

I guess the last 3 are your best bets if they really are going t be derived from the existing canon of the realms of Yggdrasil. But none of them fit particularly well.

Still, it's nice to not have a clue what these things are meant to be, because once you know characters, especially villains, in comic films, given how much they derive from the original books you can guess where it's going. With this, pfft, **** knows what the plot twists are gonna be.

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I was thinking they may have been minions of Fin Fang Foom (if that is indeed what the creatures is following Iron Man around the building).

They still could be I suppose. Perhaps they have decided to unite with him for some reason...

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I don't think it's Fin Fang Foom, it doesn't bear that much of a resemblance to the character in pretty much any interpretation. Plus, well... I can think of less crazy routes to go down with villains. Although IIRC they did set up Fin Fang Foom as being a member of some alien race at some point so, maybe... I'd say it's a long shot though.

Some people have, desperate not to let go of the Skrulls angle, said maybe they're the Chitauri, the Ultimate universe version of the Skrull. Which isn't a bad bet really since the Chitauri have never been shown in a 'true' form in the comics, therefore you can do what the **** you like design wise.

The utterly mental rumour that they're somehow conneted to Thanos and that he will have an appearance in some capicity is anothr guess too, but I reckon that's only slightly less likely than that thing being Fin Fang Foom.

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I know what you mean about Fin Fang Foom, yet this comparison was done back in February and I can see the similarities:


I never even considered Thanos playing a role in the film. Although that could tie in nicely with him coming to Earth to get the Cosmic Cube. Surely that would be a bit of a far reach though.

Perhaps he is working with Loki and will come to the forefront at the end of the film, in readiness for the next Iron Man film (or one of the others) or the next Avengers film.

I suppose the possibilities are endless, yet I'm looking forward to finding out...

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I know what you mean about Fin Fang Foom, yet this comparison was done back in February and I can see the similarities:


I never even considered Thanos playing a role in the film. Although that could tie in nicely with him coming to Earth to get the Cosmic Cube. Surely that would be a bit of a far reach though.

Perhaps he is working with Loki and will come to the forefront at the end of the film, in readiness for the next Iron Man film (or one of the others) or the next Avengers film.

I suppose the possibilities are endless, yet I'm looking forward to finding out...

Hmm, my issue with the Fin Fang Foom stuff is, well... partly he's one of the silliest Marvel villains, a hold over from donkeys years ago where they did monster comics. And he has always been portrayed as an anthropomorphic dragon. Even the picture you have here, which is taken from a comic tie-in for the first Iron Man film called Iron Man: Viva Las Vegas, and was written in part by Favreau, that films director, has the same basics - the human like body, arms and legs.


That doesn't fit in with this thing.

Fin Fang Foom is also a fairly big deal with Iron Man fans, so I don't think you could just relegate him to what I'd be willing to bet is nothing more than 'a big monster to get out of the way before we deal with the real baddies'. I reckon that thing is just going to be another one of the alien forces, probably just some kind of biomechanical ship, a living ship if you will. And maybe for a comic fan easter egg they'll have a throwaway line about it being 'like Fin Fang Foom!'... but I'd guess not on that.

As Thanos... It's been hinted at already. The Marvel Movie Universe has been very cheeky with nods to other things in the comic world. Iron Man using a Cap shield prototype to level out an experiment, ^ That interpretation of Fin Fang Foom appearing on a picture in the background in Iron Man... and also the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos' big weapon, appearing in Odin's treasure room.

But I don't think they'll actually do Thanos. People have been expecting him to cameo at the end, as someone in league with Loki... but nah, not for me. It'd be cool, sure. I just can't see it. Even with Whedon apparently saying they're going to hint at bigger things going on behind Loki's invasion as a nod for a sequel. If they did do that, hype through the roof.

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Chindie, is the story line from this film from a comic?

You seem to know an awful lot about it! - If it's not from a comic, do you already know what happens? haha...

To my knowledge, no... but I'm not a huge Avengers fan, so maybe. Theres been loads of invasion stories over the years, including a huge one featuring the Skrulls, in the comics. I think theres one that has a few similarities to this that involved the invasion of Earth by Musphelheim, including some similar looking shots and events, but I'm not sure they've lifted verbatim.

I don't know what happens, no. But I'm a bit of a comic geek (correction, I'm a bit of an everything geek :lol:), and because comic book films always borrow bits of storylines from the original material you can often take a guess at what is going to happen, thats why in the Dark Knight Rises thread I've not been too shy about to pegging out what I suspect that film is going to involve. I could probably do the same for this but it'd go a bit wonky because I don't know who the army in league with Loki is and thus can't tie into old storylines to hazard a guess what might happen.

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Saw Battle Royale yesterday for the first time in preparation for seeing the Hunger Games this week.

Bloody great it was too.

Top film! Dont watch the second though, its a bit gash.

Yeah I've heard that.

But I don't intend to. I only watched Battle Royale because I'm off to see Hunger Games on Wednesday and thought I'd watch the "original" (I'm aware it isn't a remake, but yo uget my point) first.

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I also recommend Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy it cured my insomnia

Agree, this was the most boring film I have seen in a long time


Would have walked out if I didn't think the person I was with was enjoying it.

Turns out they weren't and they were thinking exactly the same thing.

I hope you at least had a better idea what was going on than I did. I was lost after about 10 minutes.

I more or less followed it, but it was tough as I genuinely was nodding off in parts.

I was just surprised that the ending was so obvious

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i thought that take shelter would be a bigger film than it actually was, i can remember him on soccer am and a few other things talking it up and it getting some early award hype and then when it got released i didnt see it anywhere, iirc neither wolverhampton or brum cineworld had it on

any yanks on here seen that bully documentary? any good or getting overhyped due to the attention its getting? also saw a trailer for a documentary about the guy who is elmos puppeteer last night that looked interesting

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