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Finally saw Senna last night. Really great movie, notwithstanding some of the bias and slightly one-sided portrayals.

Went with two pals who are not really into F1 and they thoroughly enjoyed it too.

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Yes, i was wondering, wow I knew nothing of the rivalry of senna prost, that puts hamilton-alonso to shame, but I figure there must be another side to the story!

No, it was pretty much a French champion with a French president of the FIA and all the influence that that brings, being usurped by a clearly faster youngster and not taking it very well. The Senna movie did paint Prost in an unfavourable light, but that was the reality of it. The film did bring Prost back into favour towards the end though. After all, he was a pallbearer at the funeral and that wouldn't have happened had they not reconciled to some degree in the intervening years.

Things like swapping the pole position side after the pole position sitter is deemed to be Senna rather than Prost, is such a blatant example of corruption, it is just staggering that it was allowed to happen. But you saw just what Balestre was like in the film. His decision is always the right decision. It was great racing back then but it was horribly run. Go back earlier to Gilles Villeneuve's time and it was exactly the same.

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Are you suggesting that it's all OK now though BOF? ;)

I loved the bit where Braun was showing the replay of two cars by-passing the chicane without sanction when Senna had lost the title for the same thing.

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Are you suggesting that it's all OK now though BOF?

Pretty much yes. The thing today's F1 has to contend with is the internet and all the fanboi accusations of bias when, in reality, the FIA's decisions when seen objectively are explainable. There is a lot more consultancy and responsibility shared out nowadays. Balestre used to just take things upon himself to suit his agenda and bark the order. Let's also not confuse the FIA with Ecclestone. One is a governing body supposed to uphold the rules for the good of the sport whereas Ecclestone just owns the product of F1 and tries to make as much money as he can from it. Balestre was part of the former, which was way more damaging and worrying.

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I finally got around to watching Toy Story 3, having seen the first two at the cinema I was a little disappointed I didnt make it to see this one on the big screen. Some thoughts:

1] Pixar movies on Blu Ray look spectacular. If you ever want to impress somebody with a Blu Ray, show them a computer generated animation.

2] I agree with Mark Kermode. Toy Story is arguably the best trilogy in cinematic history. Other trilogies might have had better individual films, but they have all been let down by a below par episode (Return of the Jedi, The Godfather 3, The Temple of Doom) whereas all three Toy Story movies are **** genius.

I watched it myself a few nights back. Wasn't all that impressed, didn't quite have the gravitas of the first film or the comic genius of the second. I think I had built it up too much in my head. Still a decent film on it's own and a fitting end. I hope they don't make another.

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I've watched a boatload of amazing films recently. Memento, Old Boy, A Beautiful Life, Capote, The Prestige, Wall-E, to name but a few. All worth checking out. Especially the two Korean films if you've never forayed into Asian cinema, they're the best I've caught.

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I finally got around to watching Toy Story 3, having seen the first two at the cinema I was a little disappointed I didnt make it to see this one on the big screen. Some thoughts:

1] Pixar movies on Blu Ray look spectacular. If you ever want to impress somebody with a Blu Ray, show them a computer generated animation.

2] I agree with Mark Kermode. Toy Story is arguably the best trilogy in cinematic history. Other trilogies might have had better individual films, but they have all been let down by a below par episode (Return of the Jedi, The Godfather 3, The Temple of Doom) whereas all three Toy Story movies are **** genius.

I watched it myself a few nights back. Wasn't all that impressed, didn't quite have the gravitas of the first film or the comic genius of the second. I think I had built it up too much in my head. Still a decent film on it's own and a fitting end. I hope they don't make another.

Claiming that Toy Story is the greatest trilogy ever is the single most laughable thing I've ever heard. Kermode just after some attention.

He's a clearing in the woods. Toy Story films are all the same and they lack in every department compared to SW, BTTF, Indiana, and even the Matrix (ad no. 3 was woeful)

3 average films does not > 2 greats and a dud

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I finally got around to watching Toy Story 3, having seen the first two at the cinema I was a little disappointed I didnt make it to see this one on the big screen. Some thoughts:

1] Pixar movies on Blu Ray look spectacular. If you ever want to impress somebody with a Blu Ray, show them a computer generated animation.

2] I agree with Mark Kermode. Toy Story is arguably the best trilogy in cinematic history. Other trilogies might have had better individual films, but they have all been let down by a below par episode (Return of the Jedi, The Godfather 3, The Temple of Doom) whereas all three Toy Story movies are **** genius.

I watched it myself a few nights back. Wasn't all that impressed, didn't quite have the gravitas of the first film or the comic genius of the second. I think I had built it up too much in my head. Still a decent film on it's own and a fitting end. I hope they don't make another.

Claiming that Toy Story is the greatest trilogy ever is the single most laughable thing I've ever heard. Kermode just after some attention.

He's a clearing in the woods. Toy Story films are all the same and they lack in every department compared to SW, BTTF, Indiana, and even the Matrix (ad no. 3 was woeful)

3 average films does not > 2 greats and a dud

The thing is it's not only Kermode that thinks it. It's actually most of the people that have seen all three films that think they possibly form the best trilogy of all time. All three films were of a high standard.

I think the trilogies you have linked it to just go to show that perhaps your decisions are "laughable". In my opinion each of the Toy Story films were brilliant and the main thing is that they encompass every age range. The humour in them is spot on and the art direction in them is just mouth-watering at times.

It's funny that in your list of best trilogies you probably don't name the strongest candidate of being a better trilogy than Toy Story. That would surely have to fall to LoTR. Whilst not everyones up of tea, the films were made very well and on such a grand scale.

Which Tory Story film did you think was a dud? Whilst I am a fan of the trilogies you mentioned and grew up watching them, they are certainly no better than Toy Story. Star Wars has a weak third entry, Back To The Future had a weak second and third entry, Indiana had a weak second and third entry and The Matrix had a weak second and third entry. I'm struggling to see how that makes them all better trilogies than Toy Story.

Oh well, each to their own. To call it "laughable" calling Toy Story 3 the best (or at least one of) trilogies of all time is just silly though in my eyes. The films are made so well and there isn't a decrease in quality as the trilogy advances. It's not only Kermode that has the view of them being the best trilogy of all time. It is quite a large portion of the viewing public. I think that you will find that quite a few of the others have fanboys or people who grew up with those films and take an idealistic look at them. Yes, there are other good trilogies. Most seem to have a weak link or two though and Toy Story doesn't seem to have that...

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Toy Story 3 were more consistent in their quality I think. Not a big star wars fan though, and Temple of Doom was **** shite.

Would allow BTTF to be considered better, as I bloody loved those films.

I don't think Toy Story is like the most amazingest thing ever or anything, but they are 3 very very good films nonetheless.

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1] Pixar movies on Blu Ray look spectacular. If you ever want to impress somebody with a Blu Ray, show them a computer generated animation.

Completely agree with this.

I have Wall-E and Up! on BluRay and they're incredible. Have also seen Monsters Inc on Blu Ray.

I don't know if it's just that the high definition is just more noticeable? But I completely agree that those computer animated films look absolutely brilliant.

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I'm interested in "the Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest" and the rest of the trilogy. The books are amazing so I'm told, so would like to know your opinion of the film (s) if you see it.

Of that list the only one I've seen is Black Swan, so that would be my recommendation.

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I'm interested in "the Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest" and the rest of the trilogy. The books are amazing so I'm told, so would like to know your opinion of the film (s) if you see it.

Of that list the only one I've seen is Black Swan, so that would be my recommendation.

Stevo - definately read the books... they are very good indeed.

As for the films - the first two are very decent and I do look forward to watching the final part over the weekend.

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