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18 hours ago, Xela said:

I don't care for the work of Wes Anderson. 

Very hit and miss for me. 

Life Acquatic, great.
Fantastic Mr Fox, great.
Royal tenenbaums, great.

Rushmore, boring.
Grand Budapest Hotel, boring.


it's quite similar to my relationship with the Coens. When I like a Coen Brothers film I absolutely love it. NCFOM is one of my favourite films.
But some of their movies, even ones that most people seem to love, just completely miss the mark. Big Lebowski and Miller's Crossing being the two main culprits. Don't like them at all.

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I’m a big fan. I absolutely adore Life Aquatic it’s one of my favourite films and one I’ll never tire of watching. I loved Darjeeling Ltd almost as much as well. Moonrise Kingdom, Rushmore and Fantastic Mr Fox are all great too.

Weirdly, I didn’t like Royal Tenenbaums, I didn’t get the hype or understand why it’s held in such high regard. I’ll try it again another time.

Never watched Squid and the Whale and I’ve got GBH on bluray but not watched it yet. 

I love the sense of his films just having that slight uncomfortableness, it’s almost other worldly but real where something is off but you can’t quite explain what it is. Like an alternate universe.I always get an uneasy sense when watching them. 

Edited by Ingram85
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3 minutes ago, Ingram85 said:

I’m a big fan. I absolutely adore Life Aquatic it’s one of my favourite films and one I’ll never tire of watching. I loved Darjeeling Ltd almost as much as well. Moonrise Kingdom, Rushmore and Fantastic Mr Fox are all great too.

Weirdly, I didn’t like Royal Tenenbaums, I didn’t get the hype or understand why it’s held in such high regard. I’ll try it again another time.

Never watched Squid and the Whale and I’ve got GBH on blu day but not watched it yet. 

I love the sense of his films just having that slight uncomfortableness, it’s almost other worldly but real where something is off but you can’t quite explain what it is. Like an alternate universe.I always get an uneasy sense when watching them. 

Squid and the Whale is Noah Baumbach mate.

As for Grand Budapest, it's just wonderful. Visually astonishing and very, very funny (especially Fiennes).

Edited by Designer1
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I watched the Dark Tower last night.

I've never read the Dark Tower series, or much King really, but I've always liked the idea of the series and to be honest I needed something to watch.

I know it was slated and had a messy production, but I don't think it's a complete disaster of a film. It certainly has problems though.

It's biggest problem is it feels like you've stepped into the second half of the middle film of a trilogy. There's next to no set up for something that features multiple worlds and secrets within our own world and grand plans and what not. You just get thrown into it all and the movie doesn't even say 'go with it'. It just 'is'.

And then the film rattles through it without stopping for breath. There is no pacing in it. There is no time to let moments settle or develop. Our main characters start with literally ready to kill the other. With 1 line of dialogue and less than a minute passed, said character is on board with a mission that isn't really much defined... This happens again and again. There's no weight to anything. The movie rattles through at breakneck speed with everything chopped to the absolute minimum. The villain? He's bad. Our heroes? One is some gifted kid, the other implied to be a legend who has lost his spark. 

For an idea of what this is like to watch, here is the entire plot of the Hobbit in the style of the Dark Tower -

Hobbits are small people and one went on an adventure with dwarves and a magic man and on the adventure he meet trolls and elves and giant spiders and some tried to kill him and he found a ring that was magic and the dwarves wanted to go to a mountain but the mountain had a dragon in it and the dragon woke up and burnt a town and a man killed the dragon and then a battle happened and some characters died and the Hobbit went home.

Except that is possibly more descriptive than the Dark Tower.

The other issue is that the world this is built in doesn't translate to film very well. It's odd how ideas on a page sometimes work better than they do on screen. This has a weird mashup aesthetic of magic and high tech crossed with the Old West and post apocalyptic - this a movie where its central character is for all the world looking like a US Civil War rifleman crossed with a steam punk cowboy walking through a wood that has the rusted remains of a ruin of a theme park in it, and getting into gunfights with his pistols that are made from Excalibur where he can reload like he's in the Matrix and never missing. I can imagine that in my head and my inner 8 year old is going 'Cool!' but on screen is a bit... Weird. Most of all the strange rat-orc men. It doesn't work. It's not that it's done badly. It just seems crap.

The cast does it's best, with so little to work with its a miracle any come out with credit but Elba manages to not sound entirely bored and McConaughey chews some scenery, everyone else barely exists in the thing.

Effects are completely fine, it looks ok if bland, it's shot competently.

It really does feel like with more confidence, and about a third more run time, the thing would have been a decent enough movie. No Oscar winner, no franchise starter, but a decent watch. As is... It's a messy, not quite out and out bad, but nowhere near good. Thankfully it's also 90 minutes long.

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I am  astonished anyone could find The Grand Budapest Hotel boring, one of my very favourite films. :huh: Admittedly I didn't care so much for Rushmore, and I love all the others, but I could watch TGBH all day. 

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33 minutes ago, Rodders said:

I am  astonished anyone could find The Grand Budapest Hotel boring, one of my very favourite films. :huh: Admittedly I didn't care so much for Rushmore, and I love all the others, but I could watch TGBH all day. 

Agree , great film .

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Yes, it was a very memorable role for him, but the undoubted star is Dylan Baker as the pedo dad. The scene where he talks to his son about raping his mate at a sleep over, **** me :lol: "I'd jerkoff instead" :crylaugh:

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Seeing as we all joining in the catharsis of getting movie confessions off our chest:

The original Star Wars Trilogy has not aged well

I don't find The Shining scary (yet I had to pause Paranormal Activity mid-play as I was getting so terrified)

If I had to choose two of The Godfather, Schidlers List and Pitch Perfect I would take two copies of Pitch Perfect in case one broke

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6 hours ago, villa4europe said:


im the opposite, i think the theatrical release is near unwatchable because of the things that are missing

I thought Saruman’s speech added to the story, but the extra scenes with the army of the dead (especially when boarding the pirate ship) didn’t add anything at all. Also the witch king talking to Gandalf slowed the movie down and wasn’t needed. 

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id have to watch it again to see which bits i mean but im sure the theatrical release is rushed (until the 5 endings...)

not all of it but definitely witch king stuff, mouth of sauron, the gothmog stuff, the still pretty shit saruman stuff, gondor stuff, faramir is a better character etc

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'Controversial' movie opinions

Alien 3 is a decent movie, particularly the Assembly Cut

The Star Wars franchise isn't anything more than a generally decent sci fi romp, and only stands out for its design, which is usually fantastic across the series.

The Fountain is one of the most overlooked movies ever.

There's nothing wrong with comic book movies and they've generally been at least decent films. They're also quite diverse.

BvS isn't completely hopeless as a film. It's not good, but reaction has just been oneupmanship. Speaking of which...

Zach Snyder isn't an awful filmmaker. He has no imagination and a fascination with 'grim dark' stuff, but his films are more hit than miss. Mostly because he took good source material and copied it, but still. He also has a very distinct style which not many directors in his niche can claim. He'd be a really good cinematographer.

The Rock is one of the best action movies of the last 30 years.

Christopher Nolan is quite overrated. He's still a really good director, but his flaws are overlooked. Can't shoot action for toffee. Has a habit of adding in schmaltz whenever he tries to do emotion. Every film is incredibly cold.

Paul Greengrass singlehandedly sent action scenes back decades when his Bourne movies took off. Shakey cam sucks.

All YA dystopian life allegory movies are awful.

Arrival is a fantastic movie that kneecaps itself with a dreadful ending.


I can probably think of more.

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3 minutes ago, Chindie said:

'Controversial' movie opinions

Alien 3 is a decent movie, particularly the Assembly Cut

The Star Wars franchise isn't anything more than a generally decent sci fi romp, and only stands out for its design, which is usually fantastic across the series.

The Fountain is one of the most overlooked movies ever.

There's nothing wrong with comic book movies and they've generally been at least decent films. They're also quite diverse.

BvS isn't completely hopeless as a film. It's not good, but reaction has just been oneupmanship. Speaking of which...

Zach Snyder isn't an awful filmmaker. He has no imagination and a fascination with 'grim dark' stuff, but his films are more hit than miss. Mostly because he took good source material and copied it, but still. He also has a very distinct style which not many directors in his niche can claim. He'd be a really good cinematographer.

The Rock is one of the best action movies of the last 30 years.

Christopher Nolan is quite overrated. He's still a really good director, but his flaws are overlooked. Can't shoot action for toffee. Has a habit of adding in schmaltz whenever he tries to do emotion. Every film is incredibly cold.

Paul Greengrass singlehandedly sent action scenes back decades when his Bourne movies took off. Shakey cam sucks.

All YA dystopian life allegory movies are awful.

Arrival is a fantastic movie that kneecaps itself with a dreadful ending.


I can probably think of more.


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