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Just watched Independence Resurgence today. Even though after every movie he makes, I pray that Roland Emmerich never ever is allowed to make another movie again. Currently in Japan, and wanted to try out their IMAX cinemas, and opted for this movie just for the special effects. I realise my mistake. Same characters from every crap movie he has made, a thin plot fed on corn and clichés, and a lot of drawn out scenes which should have ended up on the cutting room floor. When the end credits came up, I prayed again that Emmerich never makes another movie again, sighed, then punched myself in the face for being so stupid.

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I thought independence day resurgence was alright. Bit flimsy, but fun. 

I realise I'm in the minority here, which is odd because I'm not a big action flick fan at all. Usually if the majority think it's a bit naff I will absolutely hate it. 

Only I didn't hate it. I had an ok time with it. 6/10

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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Re watched "The Holy Mountain" (from 1973) a couple of days ago. A friend used to have it on a bootleg VHS back in the day.

Hadn't watched it for ages. Such a fantastically strange and surrealistic movie.

Strongly recommend it if you like movies that are a bit "out there", but be prepared. It does get a bit weird


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Hot Toys have possibly managed to spoil part of Suicide Squad at SDCC, so if you're looking forward to that you might want to avoid show floor coverage of the convention. Whether the spoiler is important or not I've no idea (I'd hazard a guess that it's a cool moment rather than anything incredibly important) but it seems to be one of those scenes that's better if you've no idea it's coming. Edit - apparently it might not be a spoiler and is just something Hot Toys knocked up... Might be the case but I'd not be surprised if it was ripped straight from the movie and someone's dropped a clanger.

Speaking of SDCC, it's always big for the comic movie scene with the big players almost certainly having reveals to make. Marvel will have a focus on Dr Strange, which isn't a shock, and hopefully provides a new trailer that should delve into exactly how whacky they're prepared take things... With Dr Strange I don't think it's possible to go to far out there, but translating that to the screen might be interesting, as well as adding in horror elements as they've said... Guardians 2 should have something there, if only a cast talk but hopefully some footage, same is true of Homecoming perhaps and I'd not be surprised for the Thor 3 cast to make an appearance of some kind. Given that started shooting a week ago I'd be surprised if we saw anything more than concept art and back stage video though. Beyond that it's probably too early, the next big casting announcement should be Captain Marvel but that film is 3 years away yet (please not Brie Larson - looks nothing like the character at all). On the TV side Luke Cage will get some coverage as that's out in September and maybe we might get some details on Iron Fist which has quietly been shooting for a while now. And nobody cares about Agents of Shield so meh.

Warner Brothers will probably hype Suicide Squad (maybe hint at a sequel, if they've not done that already? They seem quite confident in it), show some of the upcoming Wonder Woman movie nobody cares about and I'd wager is dreadful, elaborate a little on Justice League and probably give some real slim details of the Flash and Aquaman movies. Like suggesting they've managed to make Jason Momoa not look like he's holding his breath as Aquaman now. Maybe something on the Affleck Batman film? Rumour went around earlier this week that Affleck and Geoff Johns might have nicked the idea of an Arkham Asylum style 'Batman's locked in a place with all his enemies' plot.

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That Dark Knight analysis..

It's 20mins but it's more or less frame by frame of the chase picking out where Nolan made really amateurish mistakes. It's easy for your brain gloss over them but the moment you start to notice them the scene falls apart. Dent's position and the SWAT van into the river I always had problems with, but the rest is a mess as well.

The arguments been made that Nolan doesn't know how to shoot action and tris to hide that with editing, using that scene as the archetype, and i think it might be right. I'm watching Rises as we speak and the first Bane fight is curiously rubbish, again something I've felt since it's release. There's no weight to anything, made worse by really rubbish sound effects of the blows landing, and it's shot oddly, it feels anticlimactic when it should be the moment of the movie. Even the breaking of the Bat is shite. It's obviously a choreographed minor stunt with a stuntman on a wire, when it should be a furious brutal move, a powerful capable man being snapped by a monster in essence. It shouldn't be that hard to do.

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10 minutes ago, MellbergsBeard said:

Any decent horror film movie suggestions?

i put a list on here a few months ago. If I can dig it out i'll re-post it.

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10 hours ago, sne said:

New or old?

Don't mind to be honest, although I do tend to prefer older ones.

10 hours ago, Designer1 said:

i put a list on here a few months ago. If I can dig it out i'll re-post it.

Excellent thanks

9 hours ago, AVFCDAN said:

Start with Nosferatu and work your way up :D

Seen and enjoyed thanks :)

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For @MellbergsBeard Here:

The Devils Backbone
Funny Games
The Orphanage
The Mist
REC 1 and 2
The Devil Rides Out
The Haunting (1963)
Mum and Dad
The Witch
High Tension
Maniac (2012)
You're Next
Grave Encounters
The Abandoned
Eden Lake
30 Days of Night
The Changeling
Don't Look Now
Exorcist III
Wicker Man
The Children
Shallow Grave
Skeleton Key
The Last Exorcism
The Crazies
The Loved Ones
Lake Mungo
Julias Eyes
Frozen (no, not that one)
Mothers Day
Wake Wood
Kill List
Aston Villa Season Review 2015-2016
The Innocents
Shadow of the Vampire
Session 9
Peeping Tom
The Tunnel
Berberian Sound Studio  
American Mary
Night of the Demon
Near Dark
In Fear
The Borderlands
Would you rather
Willow Creek
The Sacrament
The Descent
Deborah Logan


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14 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

Yeah, but you're in Japan, so there's that. 

You are right, that is a very bright side. If watching a bad movie on my hols is the worst thing that happens, then I am doing quite well.


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3 hours ago, Designer1 said:

For @MellbergsBeard Here:

The Orphanage
REC 1 and 2
The Witch
Maniac (2012) (this was definitely called something else when I watch it - maybe mannequin?)
You're Next
Eden Lake
The Crazies
Frozen (no, not that one)
Kill List
Aston Villa Season Review 2015-2016
Berberian Sound Studio  
The Descent

Those are my +1 suggestions.

Would also add House of Wax and Dead Silence to the list.

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17 hours ago, sne said:

Re watched "The Holy Mountain" (from 1973) a couple of days ago. A friend used to have it on a bootleg VHS back in the day.

Hadn't watched it for ages. Such a fantastically strange and surrealistic movie.

Strongly recommend it if you like movies that are a bit "out there", but be prepared. It does get a bit weird


Yes, a classic. Some of the stories about the making of it are hilarious. The actors being given magic mushrooms for particular scenes, the toads in the circus being difficult to manage cos they don't like wearing clothes, not having the correct permits during filming so dressing up an actor as a policeman to stop traffic, Jodorowsky legit nearly getting his head chopped off, and my personal favourite - Jodorowsky not telling the actors what was going to happen while filming the final scene, so when the camera zooms back, they're firstly surprised, and then bitterly angry, so storm off.

Imagine if his Dune had been made. Or just part of it. I still haven't got round to watching the docu about it, which I really must.

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On ‎19‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 21:39, Chindie said:

Following the Batman discussion the other day, I've rewatched the Dark Knight for the umpteenth time.

I love the movie, but there have always been things that irritate me with it and some of them the more you watch the more they annoy.

The ballistics investigation is utter, utter nonsense. It's obscenely stupid. The more you think about it the stupider it gets.

The chase sequence has dreadful cinematography:rant: to that actually confuses the viewer, as it makes you have to consciously think about the locations of the Batmobile, the truck and the van, the directions they're going in and where Harvey is in the truck. The entire scene is a mess.

The Joker wanted to get caught! plot is hackneyed and stretches credibility.

And the finale... The sonar thing. It wouldn't work at all. But accepting it would for a moment, Fox's display doesn't 'work' and Batman's sonar vision achieves very little. And the whole thing peeters out.

It's still a great film but the moment you start to poke it it's on shaky ground. But it is great dispite all that.

presumably ( as you didn't mention them ) you have no issue with the fact he is a man that is pretty much invincible and can jump off buildings on the basis of a utility belt and some wings   :)


I'm of the opinion when you watch certain films that you switch off your brain and enjoy the film for what it is (  though I'm still fuming at how they fly a spaceship into the mother ship and upload a virus using a Mac Powerbook :rant:) ... but you can't really "explore " plot holes in a film when a  character dies , has been buried in the ground and yet you know there will be a sequel along anytime soon even if you didn't see the coffin move


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Yeah that was kind of my point earlier. If you're watching a super hero movie you kind of have to accept that there is going to be some pretty unbelievable stuff going on.

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I disagree when you have a film that uses a plot device that 'breaks the rules' of the world it establishes. The Dark Knight establishes a fairly grounded world, then does something completely stupid with it for next to no reason and your brain immediately goes 'hang on a minute...?'.

I dont care that Thor 'flies' by hurling a hammer hard and holding on, the physics 'work' if you accept the rules of the movie that he is strong enough to hurl a magic hammer that hard. I don't care that a man in an iron suit isn't a pile of fleshy jelly inside it at the end of the Avengers, because an exo suit isn't a huge leap of science (though nothing like Stark's) and the movie establishes what the suit can withstand. I don't care that Batman's grappling hook would never work, because the concept is fine - it fires into concrete and he's pulled up, that's not an impossible thing to do, just not in a small gun...

But I do care that Batman uses a technique of finding someone that doesn't work on any level. The finger print wouldn't have been there. Scanning similar shots achieves nothing. Developing a machine to scan bullet fragments wouldn't let you see and reconstruct a fingerprint (that wouldn't have been there). Etc etc. It's really stupid, even in a brain off situation. All the more stupid because the movie tries to be more grounded (though there are other examples of pushing impression that really hard) and you could easily come up with alternatives to achieve the same thing that aren't daft.

And that doesn't escape the other criticism, even if you disagree with the above, that some of the film making in the Dark Knight is shit.

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20 hours ago, MellbergsBeard said:

Any decent horror film movie suggestions?

Women in Black was decent.

Although i very rarely watch horror films so am no expert on the genre

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