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Finally watched the Witch.

I don't like horror movies. Never have. I find them cheap. The only horror movie I really like is the Shining due to its incessantly creepy atmosphere and unsettling imagery and tone.

So the Witch then. It's a **** triumph.

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On 14/07/2016 at 05:43, Chindie said:

Just seen Ghostbusters.


The trailers were dreadful. The reaction has been dreadful. The movie? It's not very good.

It's badly edited, the CGI is... alright but hampered by horrible creature design, the story is paper thin and plot basically just a frame to hang 3 set pieces off. The characters aren't as endearing as they need to be, with McKinnon's character being a particularly dreadful presence in the entire thing. Melissa McCarthy plays herself, Kristen Wiig is lumbered with the straight man role but is the most likable of them all, and Jones just misses being an irritating caricature of a 'sassy African-American woman'. Hemsworth steals every scene playing against type as a moron. The cameos vary, but none elevate themselves beyond a smile.

But the biggest problem though?

It's not funny.

In fact it's bizarre how not funny it is. The movie plays as a full on comedy smashed into an action movie. It's going for laughs. It's throwing gags everywhere. And some of them aren't bad jokes or set ups. But for a variety of reasons they fall flat, be that poor (genuinely poor) performance, poor editing, or being far too on the nose. The movie seems to throw out a gag and almost wait for the laugh. It kills every bit of humour stone dead. There were only 2 or 3 actual laughs, for me, all of them from the more low key gags that slowly dissipate as the movie crawls to it's conclusion.

It isn't dreadful, it's probably better than it had any right to be, but it's not good. Nothing to do with it being a female cast, and nothing really to do with it being a reboot of a beloved 'franchise'. It just isn't very good.

That you can go watch the original afterwards only serves to reiterate that. The first movie is a stone cold classic, 30 years old but still hysterically funny, eminently quotable. This movie wants to slyly remind you of that film but only achieves reminding you how good that was and how bad this is.


I didn't mind it, but they've taken Wiig and McCarthy to try and leverage some of the Bridesmaids style chemistry for humour, and then made it a PG rating. There isn't a swear word in the entire thing. The humour in Bridesmaids hinged on the outrageously innappropriate stuff, and Wiig and McCarthy don't work as well without it.


I thought they handled the concept that it was a remake well, with cameos and sly nods that weren't too in your face. But yeah, the humour was majorly lacking. If they'd just said **** it and made it an MA15+ type film if could have been much, much funnier

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13 hours ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

Yep, big Paul Rudd fan. 

He's a very comfortable actor to watch. Like slipping on that old pair of slippers you adore. Whilst I don't find him overly challenging I know he's never going to let me down. That's a very valuable skill. 

As you say he has an eye for great screenplays as well, clearly. 

Agreed. He is very dry, and even though his acting is kind of pedestrian, he is a clever guy and a good writer. Role Models is **** hilarious.

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12 hours ago, theboyangel said:


Mississippi Grind - a 'quiet' gambling movie well acted by the 2 main leads.

I'll look for this, Mendelsohn is an incredible actor. If you haven't watched Bloodline on Netflix yet, do so, he steals the show.

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6 hours ago, Chindie said:

Finally watched the Witch.

I don't like horror movies. Never have. I find them cheap. The only horror movie I really like is the Shining due to its incessantly creepy atmosphere and unsettling imagery and tone.

So the Witch then. It's a **** triumph.

Hmm, you just described my opinion of the Horror genre, and the one movie I really like from it. I''l check out The Witch

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2 hours ago, maqroll said:

I'll look for this, Mendelsohn is an incredible actor. If you haven't watched Bloodline on Netflix yet, do so, he steals the show.

Especially in season 2, that's how good he is...

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6 hours ago, maqroll said:

I'll look for this, Mendelsohn is an incredible actor. If you haven't watched Bloodline on Netflix yet, do so, he steals the show.

I'm hoping he's got a decent role in rogue one and then he's in senior speilbergos next film so he should take off

brilliant in animal kingdom and starred up

talking of animal kingdom...does anyone watch the TV series?

Edited by villa4europe
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Following the Batman discussion the other day, I've rewatched the Dark Knight for the umpteenth time.

I love the movie, but there have always been things that irritate me with it and some of them the more you watch the more they annoy.

The ballistics investigation is utter, utter nonsense. It's obscenely stupid. The more you think about it the stupider it gets.

The chase sequence has dreadful cinematography to that actually confuses the viewer, as it makes you have to consciously think about the locations of the Batmobile, the truck and the van, the directions they're going in and where Harvey is in the truck. The entire scene is a mess.

The Joker wanted to get caught! plot is hackneyed and stretches credibility.

And the finale... The sonar thing. It wouldn't work at all. But accepting it would for a moment, Fox's display doesn't 'work' and Batman's sonar vision achieves very little. And the whole thing peeters out.

It's still a great film but the moment you start to poke it it's on shaky ground. But it is great dispite all that.

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Same issue that most of Nolan's films have, and coupled with his penchant for unbearable exposition heavy dialogue you end up with a pretty overrated film-maker. Still, he takes risks and knows how to make impressive cinematic experiences so his films are always worth seeing on the big screen. It's a real shame that very few of his films have any real depth, though..

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10 hours ago, Chindie said:

Following the Batman discussion the other day, I've rewatched the Dark Knight for the umpteenth time.

I love the movie, but there have always been things that irritate me with it and some of them the more you watch the more they annoy.

The ballistics investigation is utter, utter nonsense. It's obscenely stupid. The more you think about it the stupider it gets.

The chase sequence has dreadful cinematography to that actually confuses the viewer, as it makes you have to consciously think about the locations of the Batmobile, the truck and the van, the directions they're going in and where Harvey is in the truck. The entire scene is a mess.

The Joker wanted to get caught! plot is hackneyed and stretches credibility.

And the finale... The sonar thing. It wouldn't work at all. But accepting it would for a moment, Fox's display doesn't 'work' and Batman's sonar vision achieves very little. And the whole thing peeters out.

It's still a great film but the moment you start to poke it it's on shaky ground. But it is great dispite all that.

The sonar and the ballistics thing isn't really worth complaining about though. They're not plot holes, they're within the realms of disbelief. Saying it wouldn't work is the same as saying Batman wouldn't work, or Superman wouldn't fly etc.

Kind of agree with the rest of the post though, although I've never had any issues with the chase scene. I'll have to watch it again and see what you mean.

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6 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

The sonar and the ballistics thing isn't really worth complaining about though. They're not plot holes, they're within the realms of disbelief. Saying it wouldn't work is the same as saying Batman wouldn't work, or Superman wouldn't fly etc.

Kind of agree with the rest of the post though, although I've never had any issues with the chase scene. I'll have to watch it again and see what you mean.

They're not plot holes, but they sit really incongruously with the rest of the film. I actually think they break the suspension of disbelief, because your brain immediately is aware that something's not right with the concept, especially when set against the rest of the film being fairly grounded. I've felt like that since I first saw the film, and it's made worse because they didn't really need to take the film in that direction.

Regarding the chase, there's a video online which I'll dig out later on that explains it, but in short Nolan makes dozens of errors in his direction of the scene which mislead and confuse the viewer of where things are and the direction they are going, because he misuses the conventions of shot selection and placement. Once you notice it, it's hard to miss and it's surprisingly amateurish. Again I'd always had a subconscious issue with that scene but only when watching the video I'll link to did it click why I had problems with it.

Despite that, still one of my favourite films. You could easily have a better Batman film I think, as it shifts away from some staple elements of the character (the use of intelligence and ruthlessness to defeat his opponent, the detective side of things is heavily underplayed, the use of fear and stealth) but for that take on things, a real world grounded interpretation, it's great, but flawed.

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There is going to be a live action Pokemon movie, produced by Legendary Studios. It will be based on the recent Japan only 3DS game 'Detective Pikachu' (or to give it it's full title, 'Great Detective Pikachu: Birth of a New Duo'), in which said pokemon wears a deer stalker and, accompanied by a human assistant, utilises his great mind to solve various pokemon related mysteries. This is not the same pikachu from the anime - he isn't powerful, but is very smart, can talk proper like, and sounds like a middle aged Japanese man.


Honestly not a joke.

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