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46 minutes ago, BOF said:

I've never seen that in any of its guises, and tbh I doubt I will.  War films bore the crap out of me.  It's not a genre I have any interest in whatsoever, and sitting through a notoriously, and unashamedly, inaccessible marathon of an effort is not my idea of how to spend a Friday evening.

Apocalypse Now isn't quite simply a war film ;)

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1 minute ago, Chindie said:

Apocalypse Now isn't quite simply a war film ;)

It won't work.  You won't get me to watch it :P  And @coda thanks but no thanks :)

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Who do I write to to get them to stop?

Dear Film people, you know who you are. Stop making films about comic book characters and start, y'know, thinking of an actual thing to make a film about, instead. Stop at once. It's gone too far, now.

Yours sincerely

Blandy (off the internet)


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29 minutes ago, blandy said:

Who do I write to to get them to stop?

Dear Film people, you know who you are. Stop making films about comic book characters and start, y'know, thinking of an actual thing to make a film about, instead. Stop at once. It's gone too far, now.

Yours sincerely

Blandy (off the internet)



There's a very good film out called Midnight Special. It's a sci fi. It's been well received by critics. Go see it.

It's maybe a bit too far away from 'an actual thing' to make a film about though, clearly.

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7 minutes ago, Chindie said:


There's a very good film out called Midnight Special. It's a sci fi. It's been well received by critics. Go see it.

It's maybe a bit too far away from 'an actual thing' to make a film about though, clearly.

I'm getting as bored of the 'oh no not another comic book film' cries as they are of seeing the films made.

It's kinda stupid when you actually think about it. Here we have this absolutely huge industry churning out hundreds of films every year, of every conceivable genre and yet people are moaning that one genre is too high profile.

Here's an idea, watch something else - trust me, as someone who watches 3 or 4 hundred films a year, there's **** loads.


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2 minutes ago, Designer1 said:

I'm getting as bored of the 'oh no not another comic book film' cries as they are of seeing the films made.

It's kinda stupid when you actually think about it. Here we have this absolutely huge industry churning out hundreds of films every year, of every conceivable genre and yet people are moaning that one genre is too high profile.

Here's an idea, watch something else - trust me, as someone who watches 3 or 4 hundred films a year, there's **** loads.



This year, there will be what, 7 comic book movies (if you call that purely on superhero stuff - as always, there's loads of stuff inspired by comics that aren't immediately obvious that they are) - Deadpool, BvS, Civil War, Xmen, Suicide Squad, Dr Strange, Ninja Turtles (and there's an argument to not counting that last one I guess). I'd wager that if you averaged out every movie released in the UK annually, to a figure per week, its in and around 7. The figures don't stack up. Even taking those 7 movies as the death of cinema incarnate, they are each very different. Deadpool is basically a satire of comics wrapped up in a comedy comic movie, Dr Strange has horror elements and weird mind bendy stuff, Suicide Squad is allegedly a comedy. Etc etc. 

I tend to ignore things I don't like, need or care for. That seems a pretty understandable approach. I don't watch soaps, I'm not calling for the TV industry to stop producing 3 hours a day of serialised family drama. I'm not whinging at the advertising industry for consistently advertising feminine hygiene products that make me cringe every time they appear on my TV. I don't like most rap and urban music genres. I'm not going out of my way to bemoan the latest release about guns bitches and bling.

Grow up. If you don't like it, ignore it and go support some other genres. Perhaps they'll be the next cinema trend then. Westerns didn't last forever.

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28 minutes ago, Chindie said:


There's a very good film out called Midnight Special. It's a sci fi. It's been well received by critics. Go see it.

It's maybe a bit too far away from 'an actual thing' to make a film about though, clearly.

It's not based on comic book people is it? If not, then commendable. I'll certainly look out for it. Thanks for the suggestion. I think Sci-Fi films can be about an actual thing. I guess the problem I have with the Superhero comic book films is that about 10 years ago or whenever it was, the Studios found that hey had a ready written source of ales that they could adapt relatively easily to film. That they made money as sort of summer blockbusters. So they majored on buying up rights to gazillions of comics and marvel etc. characters so they could make bloody comic book films (money) for the next 20 years.

But after a while, there's no risk to it, no novelty - it's like Police Academy 7 - it's become formulaic, where once it was something different from films about bad guys kidnapping aircraft carriers/fighter planes/airliners/the President etc.

So definitely I'll look for recommended good films with non- comic book characters. AS for comic films. No . Stop them. Stop them all.

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18 minutes ago, blandy said:

It's not based on comic book people is it? If not, then commendable. I'll certainly look out for it. Thanks for the suggestion. I think Sci-Fi films can be about an actual thing. I guess the problem I have with the Superhero comic book films is that about 10 years ago or whenever it was, the Studios found that hey had a ready written source of ales that they could adapt relatively easily to film. That they made money as sort of summer blockbusters. So they majored on buying up rights to gazillions of comics and marvel etc. characters so they could make bloody comic book films (money) for the next 20 years.

But after a while, there's no risk to it, no novelty - it's like Police Academy 7 - it's become formulaic, where once it was something different from films about bad guys kidnapping aircraft carriers/fighter planes/airliners/the President etc.

So definitely I'll look for recommended good films with non- comic book characters. AS for comic films. No . Stop them. Stop them all.

You don't like them, then. That's fine. So don't watch them, don't consume any element of them. They won't last forever.

Unfortunately studios have to make money. Without making money, you don't have a *insert worthy movie here*. Linklater doesn't get given 12 years to navel gaze making Boyhood if there wasn't the money being brought in elsewhere. So, superhero movies are a trend that makes money, some of them are rubbish, some are actually quite good, most are decent if that's your thing, but people generally want to see them. What's wrong with that? It's not preventing other things being made, it's driving money through the studio system. Take this year's darling, the Revenant. It was produced by Regency Pictures. Look at their filmography. There's certainly a few worthy gems in there, but they've also made some absolute tripe. But I bet the tripe made money. Ultimately giving you the Revenant, which had sloshed development hell for a decade.

As for risk, there absolutely is risk. Warner Bros committed at least £250m to producing Batman V Superman alone. The reality is higher. Add on further costs, particularly marketing, and that film is barely going to turn a profit on cinema release. The same studio a few years ago lost at least £50m on an adaptation of Jonah Hex.

As I said above, the argument is totally that you don't like them. In which case, ignore them. Otherwise I look forward to the diatribe against adaptations of novels in the future, which also happen to be a long running seam of ready made tales for lazy studios to mine. They've been doing it for years. 

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Anyway, watched this the other night and I thought it was excellent.

Bel Powley is very good indeed, as are the rest of the cast (Skarsgard showing a lot more range than usual).

There's a refreshing honesty to the whole thing which I thought was great. Certainly better than many of the indie-by-numbers coming of age dramas.

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1 hour ago, blandy said:

AS for comic films. No . Stop them. Stop them all.

You could always just treat comic book films the way I regard the Porsche Cayenne.  It's an utter abomination which in a perfect world should never exist.  After all, this is Porsche FFS !  But if the Cayenne means that Porsche can generate the money to continue building cars that they are renowned for, then I suppose I can tolerate its existence.

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2 hours ago, Designer1 said:

Anyway, watched this the other night and I thought it was excellent.

Bel Powley is very good indeed, as are the rest of the cast (Skarsgard showing a lot more range than usual).

There's a refreshing honesty to the whole thing which I thought was great. Certainly better than many of the indie-by-numbers coming of age dramas.

2nd that, watched it a month or so ago some very good performances in it.

Also saw me earl and the dying girl and thought that was above average as well but I do love that genre of film for some reason, always find them uplifting.

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Speaking as someone who's indifferent to comic book films (Nolan's trilogy is fine, the avengers is fun, silly entertainment), I think a lot of the dislike for them is that although they may only account for less than 1% of the films produced in a given year, they consume a far greater proportion of publicity. 

I've no real intention of watching "batman v superman" but from the sheer bombarding of publicity and discussion it's had, I almost feel like I've seen the film.

It's a business, I get it. But when you've got adverts with meerkats dressed at batman & superman it can be a bit like "ah, this again".

I hear the argument about westerns once saturating the market and it's absolutely a fair point. But as far as I'm aware there was only one "man with no name", while in my life time I'm up to my 5th batman, my 3rd superman and soon to be my 3rd spiderman. Not forgetting the two lots of the less than fantastic four. I think the constant "reboots" could be viewed as a bit cynical. 

But hey, people like them (well, they go and see them anyway), it's a business and if it allows other films to be financed, then I guess the ends justify the means. But I do get where Blandy is coming from.

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Finally got around to watching Batman v Superman today. Plot hole riddled, convoluted, poorly-scripted, overly-dramatic nonsense.

Choreography on the dream sequence was like watching a play and the character development was non-existent. Didn't mind Affleck at Bruce Wayne, even if he did have a Rocky-like montage in order to prepare for his fight. World's greatest detective he is not, however.

Ooooh it really angried the blood! So many bits to pick holes at...


the Kryptonite spear. Why not throw it like a....hmmm....a spear maybe? Why did Superman need to run with it, thus "killing" himself?

Speaking of which, why did Batman have to get Doomsday to follow him to the spear? Why not pick it up and take it to the fight?

Lex creating Doomsday whilst simultaneously learning of a thousand worlds in under an hour was just daft. 

Why did Lex's goons use custom bullets in Africa that could be traced back to Lex?

Wonder Woman came out of 'hiding' simply because Lex had an old photo of her?

Naturally when dying and you're worried about your mum, you'll call out her first name?? "Oh your mum's called Martha too? Wanna be mates?" **** off!

Why put a tracking device on the transporter truck if you're just going to follow it and ruin half a city in the process?


Bah! Rubbish.

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8 hours ago, blandy said:

Who do I write to to get them to stop?

Dear Film people, you know who you are. Stop making films about comic book characters and start, y'know, thinking of an actual thing to make a film about, instead. Stop at once. It's gone too far, now.

Yours sincerely

Blandy (off the internet)


the last time somebody wrote a similar letter it just encouraged Nicholas Cage to make more movies

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